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LearnLab Summer School Application

2025 Applications are open!

Fields marked with an * are required

I have experience in the following (check all that apply): *
My English proficiency is: *
I am interested in focusing my project on particular course content. *
Mark what you'd prefer your primary emphasis to be for the summer school. *
Mark what you'd prefer your secondary emphasis to be for the summer school. *

Full time graduate students only

Full time graduate students who would like to apply for a scholarship: State how you anticipate using what you learn at the summer school to further your education and the science of learning. (Review of your scholarship application will take into consideration the quality of your answers below.)

For each area of primary or secondary interest, fill out the appropriate section(s) below. (Section A, Section B AND/OR Section C).

Section A: Fill out this section if you are interested in:

  • Computational Data Modeling
  • Computer Science Education Research
  • Educational Data Mining, Statistics, and Machine Learning

as a primary or secondary interest.

To find out more about LearnLab and data mining see the LearnSphere and the DataShop websitesFor more on CER, see Dr. Amy Ko's CER FAQ.

I am interested in analyzing data or data mining from data sets of student interactions in computer tutors or online courses.
I have experience with machine learning techniques.
I have experience with applied statistics/data analysis.
What type(s) of data are you interested in analyzing? Check all that apply.

SECTION B: Fill out this section if you are interested in:

  • Building online courses with OLI and/or
  • Intelligent Tutors

(fill out this section only if this is your primary or secondary interest)

Programming experience is not necessary for these tracks. We use the information to help pair technical and non-technical individuals in teams.

To learn more about intelligent tutors, see Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT) and tutorial dialogue system and authoring tools. To find out more about online course development see the Open Learning Initiative(OLI).

I am interested in the following (check all that apply):
I have general programming experience.
I have Artificial Intelligence programming experience.
I have experience in rule-based programming (e.g., CLIPS, Jess, etc.).
I have experience in using or programming Natural Language Technologies.
I have experience analyzing Natural Language dialogues.

SECTION C: Fill out this section if you are interested in:

  • Chemistry Education Research

(fill out this section only if this is your primary or secondary interest)

Programming experience is not necessary for these tracks. We use the information to help pair technical and non-technical individuals in teams.

Research experience is not necessary for this track. We use the information to help pair individuals in teams.

To find out more about LearnLab and data mining see the LearnSphere and the DataShop websites. To find out more about online course development see the Open Learning Initiative(OLI).

I am interested in the following (check all that apply): Copy
I have general experience in chemistry education.
I have experience with OLI General Chemistry and/or REAL CHEM courseware.
I have experience with applied statistics/data analysis.
I have experience in designing and implementing research studies.
I am interested in analyzing datasets of student interactions in online chemistry courses. Copy Copy