Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M. C., Norman, M. K. (2010). How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: San Francisco.
Juffs, A. & Rodríguez, G.A. (2014). Second Language Sentence Processing. Cognitive Science and Second Language Acqusition Series. Routledge/Taylor-Francis, Inc.
Juffs, A., Davis, B., McCormick, D., Mizera, G., O’Neill, C., Ranson, S., Slaathaug, M, & Smith, D. (2012). Vocabulary Building in English. University of Michigan Press. (2 volumes). ISBN 13: 9780472034215
Smith, D. & Brown, J. (2007). Active Listening, Second edition, Levels 1, 2 and 3. A listening comprehension textbook series with CD, for beginning to intermediate students of ESL. Cambridge University Press.
Edited Books, Edited Journals, Edited Conference Proceedings
Aleven, V., Beal, C.R. & Graesser, A. (Eds.). (in press). Editors of Special Issue of the Journal of Educational Psychology: Advanced Learning Technologies.
Aleven, V., Kay, J. & Mostow, J. (Eds.). (2010). Proceedings of the 10th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS), Pittsburgh, PA.
Azvedo, R. & Aleven, V. (Eds.). (2013). Metacognition and Learning Technologies: An Overview of Current Interdisciplinary Research. International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies. Springer International Handbooks of Education: Vol. 26, 1-16. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-5546-3.
Baker, R.S.J.d. & Winne, P.H. (Eds.). (in press). Guest editors of special issue of the Journal of Educational Data Mining (JEDM): Educational Data Mining on Motivation, Meta-Cognition, and Self-Regulated Learning
Baker, R.S.J.d., Barnes, T. & Beck, J. (Eds.). (2008). Educational Data Mining 2008: 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Proceedings. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. June 2008.
Carver, S.M. & Shrager, J. (Eds.). (2012). Journey from Child to Scientist: Integrating Cognitive Development and the Education Sciences. American Psychological Association (APA); 1st edition (March 15, 2012).
Gordon, G., Dunson, D. & Dudik, M. (Eds.).(2011). JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings Volume 15: AISTATS 2011. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, April 11-13, 2011, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Kim, J. & Kumar, R. (Eds.).(in press). IJAIED Special issue on Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups (ISLG), Associate Editors.
Klatzky, R., MacWhinney, B. & Behrmann (Eds.). (2008). Embodiment, ego-space, and action. R. Klatzky, B. MacWhinney, & M. Behrmann, (Eds). Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition. Psychology Press: Taylor & Francis Group.
Lane, H.C., Yacef, K., Mostow, J. & Pavlik, P. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
McLaren, B. & Sosnovsky, S. (Eds.).(in press). IJAIED Special Issue on Landmark Learning Systmes and New Ideas and Developments in Mathematics and Science Learning. Special issue associate editors.
N. De Jong, K. Juffermans, M. Keijzer, & L. Rasier (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the Anéla Applied Linguistics Conference, May 2012, Lunteren. Proceedings Editors.
Pechenizkiy, M., Calders, T., Conati, C., Ventura, S. Romero, C., & Stamper, J. (Eds.).(2011). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, EDM 2011.
Pinkwart, N. & McLaren, B. (Eds.). (2012). Educational Technologies for Teaching Argumentation Skills, Bentham Science.
Resnick, L.B., Asterhan, C.A. & Clarke, S.N. (Eds.). (in press). Socializing Intelligence through Academic Talk and Dialogue. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association.
Ryan, R.S.J.d., Merceron, A., & Pavlik, P. (Eds.). (2010). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2010).
Schmalhofer, F. & Perfetti, C. (Eds.). (2007). Higher level language processes in the brain: Inference and comprehension processes. Routledge: Psychology Press.
Schunn, C.D., Ashley, K.D. & Goldin, I.M. (Eds.). (2012). Redesigning educational peer review interactions using computer tools. Special issue of the Journal of Writing Research (JoWR), special issue guest editors.
Stamper, J, Gordon, G., et al (Eds.).(2010). 16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2010): KDD Cup 2010 Workshop Proceedings.
Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rosé, C. P., Teplovs, C., Law, N. & Dyke, G. (Eds.). (2013). Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions. Edited volume, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series, Springer.
Yacef, K., Baker, R.S.J.D. & Beck, J.E. (Eds.). (2010). JEDM - Journal of Educational Data Mining (ISSN 2157-2100), Volume 2 (1), December 2010.
Yacef, K., Baker, R.S.J.D., Barnes, T. & Beck, J.E. (Eds.). (2009). JEDM - Journal of Educational Data Mining (ISSN 2157-2100), Volume 1 (1), October 2009.
Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M. & Stamper, J. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012), Proceedings Editors.
Book Chapters
Aleven, V. (2010). Rule-based Cognitive Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In R. Nkambo, J. Bourdeau, & R. Mizoguchi (Eds.). Volume 308 of Studies in Computational Intelligence: Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 33-62. Springer.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Towards computer-based tutoring of help-seeking skills. In S. Karabenick and R. Newman, (Eds.). Help seeking in academic settings: Goals, groups and contexts. Mahwah NJ: Erlbaum, 259-296.
Aleven, V., Roll, I., & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Progress in assessment and tutoring of lifelong learning skills: An intelligent tutor agent that helps students become better help seekers. In P. J. Durlach, & A. M. Lesgold (Eds.). Adaptive technologies for training and education, 69-95. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Asterhan, C.S.C. (2013). Competitive and collaborative regulation of peer argumentation: Conceptualization and quantitative assessment. In M. Baker, J. Andriessen & S. Jarvela (Eds), Affective learning together.
Azvedo, R. & Aleven, V. (2013). Metacognition and Learning Technologies: An Overview of Current Interdisciplinary Research. International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies. Springer International Handbooks of Education: Vol. 26. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-5546-3. Page 1-16.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Data Mining for Education. In B. McGaw, P. Peterson, & E. Baker (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd edition), Vol. 7, 112-118. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Discovery with Models. In C Romero, S. Ventura, M. Viola, R. Pechnizkiy, & R. Baker, (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Virginia Beach, VA; Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Mining Data for Student Models. In R. Nkambo, J. Bourdeau, & R. Mizoguchi (Eds.) Volume 308 of Studies in Computational Intelligence: Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 323-338. Springer.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Guessing and Learning. In N.M. Seel (Ed.). Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, 1397-1398. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_23
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Guessing Models. In N.M. Seel (Ed.). Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, 1398-1399. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_23
Baker, R.S.J.d. & Rossi, L.M. (2013). Assessing the Disengaged Behavior of Learners. In Sottilare, R., Graesser, A., Hu, X., & Holden, H. (Eds.). Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Volume 1 -- Learner Modeling. U.S. Army Research Lab, Orlando, FL, 155-166.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A.T., Roll, I., Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V., Cocea, M., Hershkovitz, A., de Carvalho, A.M.J.A., Mitrovic, A. & Mathews, M. (2013). Modeling and Studying Gaming the System with Educational Data Mining. In Azevedo, R., & Aleven, V. (Eds.). International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies. New York, NY: Springer, 97-116.
Bernacki, M. L., Nokes-Malach, T. J., & Aleven, V. (in press). Fine-grained assessment of motivation over long periods of learning with an intelligent tutoring system: Methodology, advantages, and preliminary results. In R. Azevedo and V. Aleven (Eds.), International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies. Berlin: Springer.
Chen, Z. & Klahr, D. (2008). Remote Transfer of Scientific Reasoning and Problem-Solving Strategies in Children. In R. V. Kail (Ed.) Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Vol. 36. (pp. 419 – 470) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Chenoweth, N.A., Jones, C. & Tucker, G.R. (2006). Language online: Principles of design and methods of assessment. In R. P. Donaldson & M. A. Haggstrom (Eds.), Changing Language Education through CALL. New York, NY: Routledge, 147—167.
Chi M.T.H. (2008). Three types of conceptual change: Belief revision, mental model transformation, and categorical shift. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), Handbook of research on conceptual change. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 61-82.
Chi, M.T.H. (2006). Laboratory Methods for Assessing Experts’ and Novices’ Knowledge. (2006). In N. Charness, P. Feltovich, & R. Hoffman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. Cambridge University Press. p 167-184.
Chi, M.T.H. (2006). Two approaches to the study of experts’ characteristics. (2006). In N. Charness, P. Feltovich, & R. Hoffman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. Cambridge University Press. p 21-30.
Chi, M.T.H. & Ohlsson, S. (2005). Complex declarative learning. In:Holyoak, K.J. & Morrison, R.G. (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, 371-399. Cambridge University Press.
Diziol, D. & Rummel, N. (2010). How to design support for collaborative e-learning. A framework of relevant dimensions. In B. Ertl (Ed.), E-collaborative knowledge construction: Learning from computer-supported and virtual environments, (pp. 162-179). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Dunbar, K. & Klahr, D. (2012). Scientific thinking and reasoning. In K. Holyoak & R.G. Morrison, (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, 701-718. Oxford University Press.
Easterday, M.W. (2012). Policy world: A cognitive game for teaching deliberation. In N. Pinkwart & B. McLaren (Eds.), Educational technologies for teaching argumentation skills. Oak Park, IL: Bentham Science Publishers.
Eskenazi, M. & Brown, J. (2006). Teaching the creation of software that uses speech recognition. In P. Hubbard and M. Levy, (Eds.), Teacher Education in CALL. John Benjamins Publishing, 135-151.
Eskenazi, M. & Juffs, A. (2013). Information Retrieval for Reading Tutors. In C. Chapelle, (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. New York: Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0536
Forbes-Riley, K. & Litman, D.J. (2008). Analyzing Dependencies Between Student Certainness States and Tutor Responses in a Spoken Dialogue Corpus. In L. Dybkjaer and W. Minker (Eds.), Text, Speech and Language Technology: Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue, Vol. 39, 275-304. Springer Netherlands.
Frishkoff, G., White, G. & Perfetti, C. (2009). "In vivo" testing of learning and instructional principles: The design and implementation of school-based experimentation. In L. Dinella (Ed.), Conducting Science-Based Psychology Research in Schools. Washington, D.C.: APA Books, 153-173.
Glennan, T.K. Jr. & Resnick, L. B. (2004). School Districts as Learning Organizations: A Strategy for Scaling Education Reform. In T.K. Glennan, Jr., S.J. Bodilly, J. Galegher, and K. Kerr, (Eds.). Expanding the Reach of Education Reforms: Collected Essays by Leaders in the Scale-up of Educational Interventions. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, MG-177-FF.
Howley, I. Mayfield, E. & Rosé, C. (2012). Linguistic Analysis Methods for Studying Small Groups. Invited in C. Hmelo-Silver, A. O.Donnell, C. Chan, & C. Chin (Eds.). International Handbook of Collaborative Learning. Taylor and Francis, Inc.
Juffs, A. (2009). The Second language acquisition of the lexicon. In W. Ritchie and T. Bhatia, (Eds.), The New handbook of second language acquisition, 2nd edition, 181-209. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Juffs, A. (2010). Formal linguistic perspectives on second language acquisition. In R. Kaplan (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics, 143-162. (Second, revised ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Junker, B. (2010). The role of psychometric methods in EDM. In C Romero, S. Ventura, M. Viola, R. Pechnizkiy, & R. Baker, (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Virginia Beach, VA; Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Klahr, D. (2007). Evolution of Scientific Thinking: Comments on Geary’s “Educating the Evolved Mind” In Carlson, J. & Levin, J. (Eds.) Psychological Perspectives on Contemporary Educational Issues. Greenwich, CT. Information Age Publishing.
Klahr, D. (2012). Patterns, Rules, & Discoveries in Life and in Science. In Carver, S., & Shrager, J..(Eds.) The Journey From Child to Scientist: Integrating Cognitive Development and the Education Sciences. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Klahr, D. (2012). Beyond Piaget: a Perspective from Studies of Children’s Problem Solving Abilities. In A. Slater & P. Quinn (Eds.) Refreshing Developmental Psychology: Beyond the Classic Studies. London: Sage Publications.
Klahr, D. (2012). Beyond Piaget: a Perspective from Studies of Children’s Problem Solving Abilities. In A. Slater & P. Quinn (Eds.) Refreshing Developmental Psychology: Beyond the Classic Studies. London: Sage Publications.
Klahr, D., Matlen, B., & Jirout, J. (2012). Children as Scientific Thinkers. In Feist. G. J. & Gorman, M. E. (Eds.) Handbook of the Psychology of Science. Springer.
Koedinger, K.R. & Corbett, A. (2006). Cognitive Tutors: Technology bringing learning science to the classroom. In K. Sawyer (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences, (pp. 61-78). Cambridge University Press.
Koedinger, K.R. & Roll, I. (2012). Learning to think: Cognitive mechanisms of knowledge transfer. In K. J. Holyoak, & R. G. Morrison (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V., Roll, I. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). In vivo experiments on whether supporting metacognition in intelligent tutoring systems yields robust learning. In D.J. Hacker, J. Dunlosky, & A. C. Graesser (Eds.), Handbook of Metacognition in Education. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 383-412.
Koedinger, K.R., Baker, R.S.J.d., Cunningham, K., Skogsholm, A., Leber, B. & Stamper, J. (2010). A Data Repository for the EDM community: The PSLC DataShop. In C. Romero, S. Ventura, M. Pechenizkiy, R.S.J.d. Baker (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 43-56.
Lynch, C., Ashley, K.D., Pinkwart, N. & Aleven, V. (2012). Ill-defined domains and adaptive tutoring technologies. In P. Durlach & A.M. Lesgold (Eds.). Adaptive Technologies for Training and Education. Cambridge University Press.
MacWhinney, B. (2005). Emergent Fossilization. Studies of Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition. Z. Han and T. Odlin (Eds.). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. 2005. p 134-156.
MacWhinney, B. (2005). A Unified Model of Language Acquisition. In J.F. Kroll & Groot (Eds.). Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches. 2004. p 49-67. New York: Oxford University Press.
MacWhinney, B. (2008). How Mental Models Encode Embodied Linguistic Perspectives. In Klatzky, R., MacWhinney, B., and Behrmann, M. (Eds.). Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action, 365-405. Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition. Psychology Press: Taylor & Francis Group.
MacWhinney, B. (2011). Item-based patterns in early syntactic development. In T. Herbst (Ed.). Valency relations. Berlin, Springer.
MacWhinney, B. (2011). The expanding horizons of corpus linguistics. In J. Newman, H. Baayen & S. Rice (Eds.). Corpus-based studies in language use, language learning, and language documentation. Amsterdam, Rodopi: 177-212.
MacWhinney, B. (2012). The logic of the Unified Model. The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. S. Gass and A. Mackey. New York, Routledge: 211-227.
Masnick, A., Klahr, D. & Morris, B.J. (2007). Separating signal from noise: Children's understanding of error and variability in experimental outcomes. In M. Lovett & P. Shaw, P. (Eds) Thinking With Data. Mawah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Mayfield, E. & Rosé, C. P. (2013). LightSIDE: Open Source Machine Learning for Text Accessible to Non-Experts. Invited chapter in M.D. Shermis & J. Burstein (Eds.). Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation: Current Applications and New Directions, Routledge, 124-135.
Mitsugi, S. & MacWhinney, B. (2010). Second language processing in Japanese scrambled sentences. In B. VanPatten & J. Jegerski (Eds.). Research in Second Language Processing and Parsing. New York, John Benjamins: 159-176.
Mostow, J., Beck, J., Cuneo, A., Gouvea, E., Heiner, C. & Juarez, O. (2010). Project LISTEN's session browser. In C Romero, S. Ventura, R. Pechnizkiy, & R. Baker, (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Murray, C. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Effects of dissuading unnecessary help requests while providing proactive help. In G. McCalla, C. K. Looi, B. Bredeweg & J. Breuker (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 887-889). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Nokes, T. J., & Belenky, D. M. (2011). Incorporating motivation into a theoretical framework for knowledge transfer. In J. P. Mestre and B. H. Ross (Eds.), Cognition and Education: The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory. Volume 55 (pp. 109-135). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-387691-1.00004-1
Nokes, T.J., Schunn, C. & Chi, M.T.H. (2010). Problem solving and human expertise. In P. Peterson, E. Baker & B. McGaw (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition, Vol. 5, 265-272Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Pavlik (2013). Spacing Effects. Encyclopedia of the Mind. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Pavlik, P. (2007). Timing is in order: Modeling order effects in the learning of information. In F. E. Ritter, S., J. Nerb, E. Lehtinen & T. O'Shea (Eds.), In order to learn: How order effects in machine learning illuminate human learning. New York: Oxford University Press.
Perfetti, C. & Dunlap, S. (2008). Learning to read: General principles and writing system variations. In K. Koda & A. Zehler (Eds.). Learning to read across languages (13-38). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Perfetti, C. & Frishkoff, G. (2008). Neural bases of text and discourse processing. In B. Stemmer and H.A. Whitaker (Eds.), Handbook of neuroscience of language (pp. 165-174). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.
Perfetti, C. & Liu, Y. (2006). Reading Chinese characters: Orthography, phonology, meaning, and the Lexical Constituency Model. In P. Li, L. H. Tan, E. Bates, & O. J. L. Tzeng (Eds.), Handbook of East Asian psycholinguistics (pp. 225-236). New York: Cambridge University Press. 225-236.
Perfetti, C., Landi, N. & Oakhill, J. (2005). The acquisition of reading comprehension skill. In M. J. Snowling & C. Hulme (Eds.), The science of reading: A handbook (pp. 227-247). Oxford: Blackwell.
Perfetti, C., Liu, Y., Fiez, J.A. & Tan, L. (2010). The neural bases of reading: Universals and Writing System Variations. In P. Cornelissen, M. Kringelbach, & P. Hansen (Eds.), The neural basis of reading, 147-172. Oxford University Press.
Presson, E., Davy, C. & MacWhinney, B. (2013). Experimentalized CALL for adult second language learners. In J. Schwieter (Ed.), Innovative research and practices in second language acquisition and bilingualism (pp. 139-164): John Benjamins.
Presson, N. & MacWhinney, B. (2011). The Competition Model and language disorders. In J. Guendozi, F. Loncke & M. Williams (Eds.). Handbook of psycholinguistic and cognitive processes. New York, Psychology Press: 31-48.
Presson, N., Davy, C. et al. (2012). Experimentalized CALL for adult second language learners. In J. Schwelter (Ed.). Handbook of Second Language Instruction. New York, Wiley.
Razzaq, L., Feng, M., Heffernan, N., Koedinger, K.R., Junker, B., Nuzzo-Jones, G., Macasek, M.A., Rasmussen, K.P., Turner, T.E. & Walonoski, J.A. (2007). A Web-based authoring tool for intelligent tutors: Assessment and instructional assistance. In N. Nedjah, et al. (Eds.). Intelligent Educational Machines. Intelligent Systems Engineering Book Series. Springer, 23-49.
Reed, S. (2008). Manipulating multimedia materials. In Robert Zheng (Ed), Cognitive Effects of Multimedia Learning (51-66). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Inc.
Renkl, A. & Atkinson, R.K. (2007). Cognitive skill acquisition: Ordering instructional events in example-based learning. In F. E. Ritter, J. Nerb, E. Lehtinen, and T. O’Shea (Eds.), In order to learn: How ordering effect in machine learning illuminate human learning and vice versa. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Renkl, A., Hilbert, T., Schworm, S. & Reiss, K. (2007). Cognitive skill acquisition from complex examples: A Taxonomy of examples and tentative instructional guidelines. In M. Prenzel (Ed.), Studies on the educational quality of schools, 239-249. Münster, Germany: Waxmann
Resnick, L. (2007). Giving Psychology Away: From Individual Learning to Learning Organizations. In Jing, Q. (Ed.), Progress in Psychological Science around the World, Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Vol. 2, Social and Applied Issues. ISBN: 1841699624.
Resnick, L. & Spillane, J. P. (2006). From individual learning to organizational designs for learning. In L. Verschaffel, F. Dochy, M. Boekaerts, & S. Vosniadou, (Eds). Instructional psychology: Past, present and future trends. Sixteen essays in honor of Erik De Corte (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series). Oxford: Pergamon
Resnick, L. & Rosé, C. P. (in press). Classroom Language. Invited chapter in the Handbook of Educational Psychology on Classroom Teaching.
Resnick, L., Lesgold, A. & Hall, M.W. (2005). Technology and the new culture of learning: Tools for education professionals. In P. Gardenfors & P. Johansson (Eds.), Cognition, education, and communication technology (pp. 77-107). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Resnick, Michaels, O'Connor (2010). How (well structured) talk builds the mind. In D. Preiss & R. Sternberg (Eds.), Innovations in Educational Psychology: Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Human Development. New York: Springer, 163-194.
Ritter, S., Haverty, L., Koedinger, K.R., Hadley, W. & Corbett, A. (2008). Integrating intelligent software tutors with the mathematics classroom. In G. Blume and K. Heid (Eds.), Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Vol. 2 Cases and Perspectives. Charlotte, NC: IAP.
Rodrigo, M.M.T. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Comparing the Incidence and Persistence of Learners' Affect During Interactions with Different Educational Software Packages. Calvo, R.A., & D'Mello, S. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies, pp. 183-202. New York, NY: Springer.
Rodrigo, M.M.T. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Comparing the Incidence and Persistence of Learners' Affect During Interactions with Different Educational Software Packages. In R.A. Calvo & S. D'Mello (Eds.). New Perspectives on Affect and Learning Technologies. New York, NY: Springer.
Romero, C., Ventura, M., Viola, R., Pechenizkiy, R. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Conclusions and future trends. In C Romero, S. Ventura, M. Viola, R. Pechnizkiy, & R. Baker, (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Virginia Beach, VA; Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Romero, C., Ventura, M., Viola, R., Pechenizkiy, R. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Introduction to EDM. In C Romero, S. Ventura, M. Viola, R. Pechnizkiy, & R. Baker, (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Virginia Beach, VA; Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Rosé, C. P. (2012). Assessing Socio-Emotional Learning Around Technology. In R. Luckin, J. Underwood, N. Winters, P. Goodyear, B. Grabowski & S. Puntambekar, S. (Eds.).Handbook of Educational Technology, Taylor & Francis.
Rosé, C. P. & Tovares, A. (in press). What Sociolinguistics and Machine Learning Have to Say to One Another about Interaction Analysis. In L. Resnick, C. Asterhan & S. Clarke (Eds.). Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue, Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Roy, M. & Chi, M.T.H. (2005). The self-explanation principle in multi-media learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Pp. 271-286). Cambridge Press. 271-286.
Shih, B. (2010). A Response time model for bottom-out hints as worked examples. In C Romero, S. Ventura, M. Viola, R. Pechnizkiy, & R. Baker, (Eds.). Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Virginia Beach, VA; Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Siler, S. A., & Klahr, D. (2012). Detecting, Classifying and Remediating Children’s Explicit and Implicit Misconceptions about Experimental Design. In Proctor, R. W., & Capaldi, E. J. (Eds.), Psychology of Science: Implicit and Explicit Reasoning. New York: Oxford University Press.
Siler, S. A., Klahr, D. & Matlen, B. (2013). Conceptual Change When Learning Experimental Design. In S. Vosniadau (Ed). Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change, 2nd Edition. Routledge, 138-158.
Singh, A.P. & Gordon, G. (2008). A unified view of matrix factorization models. In R. Goebel, J. Siekmann, and W. Wahlster (Eds). Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Proc. ECML PKDD), volume 5212/2008 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 358-373. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008.
Sionti, M., Ai, H., Rosé, C.P. & Resnick, L. (2012). A Framework for Analyzing Development of Argumentation through Classroom Discussions. In N. Pinkwart & B. McLaren (Eds.). Educational Technologies for Teaching Argumentation Skills. Bentham Science.
Sohmer, R., Michaels, S., O'Connor C. & Resnick, L. (2009). Guided construction of knowledge in the classroom: Teacher talk, task, and tools. In B. Schwarz, T. Dreyfus & R. Hershkowitz, (Eds.), Transformation of Knowledge Through Classroom Instruction, 105-129. London: Elsevier.
Stahl, G. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Group Cognition in Online Teams. In E. Salas, S. Fiore & M. Letsky (Eds.). Theories of Team Cognition: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, Section V: Social Psychology and Communication Perspectives, American Psychological Society.
Tchounikine, P., Rummel, N., & McLaren, B. (2010). Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In R. Nkambo, J. Bourdeau, & R. Mizoguchi (Eds.) Volume 308 of Studies in Computational Intelligence: Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 447-484. Springer.
Tokowicz, N. & Perfetti, C. (2005). Introduction to section II: Comprehension. In J. F. Kroll & A. M. B. de Groot (Eds.), Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches (pp. 173-177). New York: Oxford University Press. p 173-178.
VanLehn, K. (2007). Getting out of order: Avoiding lesson effects through instruction. In F. E. Ritter, J. Nerb, T. O'Shea, & E. Lehtinen (Eds.), In order to learn: How the sequences of topics affect learning. Oxford University Press, 169-180.
VanLehn, K. (2008). Intelligent tutoring systems for continuous, embedded assessment. In C. A. Dwyer (Ed.), The future of assessment: Shaping teaching and learning. Mahwah, NJ: Erbaum.
VanLehn, K. & Chi M. (2012). Adaptive expertise as acceleration of future learning: A case study. In P. J. Durlach & A. M. Lesgold (Eds.) Adaptive Technologies for Training and Education, 28-45. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
VanLehn, K. & van de Sande, B. (2009). Acquiring Conceptual Expertise from Modeling: The Case of Elementary Physics. In K. A. Ericsson (Ed.) The Development of Professional Performance: Approaches to Objective Measurement and Design of Optimal Learning Environments.
VanLehn, K., van de Sande, B., Shelby, R. & Gershman, S. (2010). The Andes Physics Tutoring System: An Experiment in Freedom. In R. Nkambo, J. Bourdeau, & R. Mizoguchi (Eds.) Volume 308 of Studies in Computational Intelligence: Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 421-446. Springer.
Wang, Z. (in press). On-line time pressure manipulations: L2 speaking performance under five types of planning and repetition conditions. In P. Skehan (Ed.). Investigating a processing perspective on task performance. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Wang, Z., & Skehan, P. (in press). Structure, Lexis, and time perspective: Influences on task performance. In P. Skehan (Ed.). Investigating a processing perspective on task performance. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
White, G., Frishkoff, G., & Bullock, M. (2008). Bridging the gap between psychological science and educational policy and practice. In K. T. C. Fiorello. (Ed.), Cognitive development in K-3 classroom learning: Research applications (227-263). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Journal Articles
Adams, D., McLaren, B.M., Durkin, K., Mayer, R.E., Rittle-Johnson, B., Isotani, S. & van Velsen, M. (2014). Using erroneous examples to improve mathematics learning with a web-based tutoring system. Computers in Human Behavior, 36: 401-411.
Adamson, D., Dyke, G., Jang, H. J., Rosé, C. P. (in press). Towards Adapting Dynamic Collaborative Support to Student Ability Level. International Journal of AI in Education, special issue on Intelligent Support for Group Learning.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Roll, I. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Toward meta-cognitive tutoring: A Model of help seeking with a Cognitive Tutor. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 16, 101-128.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Sewall, J. (2009). Scaling up programming by demonstration for intelligent tutoring systems development: An open-access web site for middle school mathematics learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Special Issue on Real-World Applications of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2(2), 64-78.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Sewall, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). A New Paradigm for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Example-Tracing Tutors. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED). Special Issue on "Authoring Systems for Intelligent Tutoring Systems." 19(2), 105-154.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B.M., Sewall, J., & Koedinger, K.R., K. (2009). Example-Tracing Tutors: A New Paradigm for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), Special Issue on "Authoring Systems for Intelligent Tutoring Systems”, 105-154.
Aleven, V., Roll, I., McLaren, B., Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Automated, Unobtrusive, Action-by-Action Assessment of Self-Regulation During Learning with an intelligent tutoring system. Educational Psychologist, 45(4), 224-233. Alfieri, L., Nokes-Malach, T. J., & Schunn, C. D. (in press). Learning through case comparisons: A meta-analytic review. Educational Psychologist.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). A paradigm for handwriting-based intelligent tutors, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, November 2012, 866-887.
Asterhan C.S.C. & Schwarz, B.B (2009). The role of argumentation and explanation in conceptual change: Indications from protocol analyses of peer-to-peer dialogue. Cognitive Science, 33, 373-399.
Baker, R.S.J.d. & Winne, P. (2013). The Potentials of Educational Data Mining for Researching Metacognition, Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Educational Data Mining Special Issue on Motivation, Meta-cognition, and Self-regulated Learning, JEDM, 5(1).
Baker, R.S.J.d. & Yacef, K. (2009). The State of Educational Data Mining in 2009: A Review and Future Visions, Journal of Educational Data Mining, 1(1), 3-17.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A., Roll, I. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Developing a Generalizable Detector of When Students Game the System. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI), 18(3), 287-314.
Baker, R.S.J.d., D'Mello, Rodrigo, M.T. & Graesser, A. (2010). Better to Be Frustrated than Bored: The Incidence, Persistence, and Impact of Learners’ Affect during Interactions with Three Different Computer-Based Learning Environments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(4), 223-241.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Goldstein, A.B. & Heffernan, N.T. (2011). Detecting Learning Moment-by-Moment. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Special issue on Best of ITS 2010, 21 (1-2), 5-25.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Goldstein, A.B. & Heffernan, N.T. (2011). Detecting Learning Moment-by-Moment. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 21 (1-2), 5-25.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Walonoski, J.A., Heffernan, N., Roll, I., Corbett, A. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Why Students Engage in "Gaming the System" Behavior in Interactive Learning Environments. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 19(2), 185-224.
Balass, M., Nelson, J. R., & Perfetti, C. A. (2010). Word learning: An ERP investigation of word experience effects on recognition and word processing. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 35(2), 126-140.
Belenky, D. M., & Nokes-Malach, T. J. (2012). Motivation and transfer: The role of mastery-approach goals in preparation for future learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21(3), 399-432. doi: 10.1080/10508406.2011.651232
Belenky, D.M. & Nokes, T.J. (2009). Examining the role of manipulatives and metacognition on engagement, learning, and transfer. Journal of Problem Solving, 2 (2), 102-129.
Ben-Yehudah, G., Guediche, S. &. Fiez, J.A. (2007). Cerebellar contributions to verbal working memory: Beyond cognitive theory. The Cerebellum, 63:193-201.
Blessing, S. B., Gilbert, S.G., Oureda, S. & Ritter, S. (2009). Authoring model-tracing cognitive tutors. International Journal of AI in Education, 19(2), 189-210.
Bolger, D.J., Balass, M., Landen, E. & Perfetti, C. (2008). Contextual variation and definitions in learning the meaning of words. Discourse Processes, 45(2), 122-159.
Bolger, D.J., Perfetti, C. & Schneider, W. (2005). A cross-cultural effect on the brain revisited: Universal structures plus writing system variation. Human Brain Mapping, Vol 25(1), 92-104.
Booth, J. & Siegler, R. (2008). Numerical magnitude representations influence arithmetic learning. Child Development, 79, 1016-1031.
Booth, J.L., & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Are diagrams always helpful tools? Developmental and individual differences in the effect of presentation format on student problem solving. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 492–511.
Butcher, K. (2006). Learning From Text With Diagrams: Promoting Mental Model Development and Inference Generation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(1), 182-197.
Butcher, K. (in press). Using student interactions to foster rule-diagram mapping during problem solving in an intelligent tutoring system. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Chang, K.M., Nelson, J., Pant, U. & Mostow, J. (2013). Toward Exploiting EEG Input in a Reading Tutor. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 22 (1, Special "Best of AIED2011" Issue), 29-41.
Chen, B., Zhou, H.X., Dunlap, S. & Perfetti, C. (2007). Age of acquisition effects in reading Chinese: Evidence in favour of the arbitrary mapping hypothesis. British Journal of Psychololgy, Vol 98(3): 499-516.
Cheng, C., Wang, M., & Perfetti, C. A. (2011). Acquisition of compound words in Chinese-English bilingual children. Applied Psycholinguistics [Special issue], Vol. 32:3, 583-600.
Chi M.T.H. (2004). Can Tutors Monitor Students’ Understanding Accurately?. Cognition and Instruction. Vol 22, No 3.. Pages 363-387.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K. (2009). Meta-cognitive strategy instruction in intelligent tutoring systems: How, when, and why. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 13(1), 25-39.
Chi, M. T. H. & VanLehn, K. (2012). Seeing deep structure from the interactions of surface features. Educational Psychologist, 47(3), 177-188.
Chi, M., VanLehn, K., Litman, D. & Jordan, P. (2011). Empirically evaluating the application of reinforcement learning to the induction of effective and adaptive pedagogical strategies. Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 21: 137-180. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 2011.
Chi, M., VanLehn, K., Litman, D. & Jordan, P. (2011). An Evaluation of Pedagogical Tutorial Tactics for a Natural Language Tutoring System: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education, 21, 1-2, pp. 83-113.
Chi, M.T.H., Roy, M. & Hausmann, R.G.M. (2008). Observing tutorial dialogues collaboratively: Insights about human tutoring effectiveness from vicarious learning. Cognitive Science, 32(2), 301-341.
Clarke, S., Chen, G. and Resnick, L. B. (in press) (in press). Classroom Discourse: The Social Turn. [Special Issue] International Journal of Educational Research.
Collins-Thompson, K. & Callan, J. (2005). Predicting reading difficulty with statistical reading models. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(13) (pp. 1448-1462).
Connelly, J. & Katz, S. (2006). Intelligent dialogue support for physics problem solving: Some preliminary mixed results. Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning, 4, 1-29.
Craig, S., Chi, MTH & VanLehn, K. (2009). Improving classroom learning by collaboratively observing human tutoring videos while problem solving. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(4), 779-789.
De Jong, N. (2012). Oefenen met vloeiend spreken: Wat, hoe en waarom? In B. Bossers (Ed.), Vakwerk 8 (pp. 25-35). Amsterdam: BV NT2. [This is an edited volume for teachers of Dutch as a second language and other professionals in the field. The English translation of the title is “Practicing fluent speaking: What, how, and why?”]
de Jong, N. & Perfetti, C. A. (2011). Fluency training in the ESL classroom: An experimental study of fluency development and proceduralization. Language Learning, 61(2), 533-568.
Diziol, D., Walker, E., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Using intelligent tutor technology to implement adaptive support for student collaboration. Educational Psychology Review, 22(1), 89-102. DOI 10.1007/s10648-009-9116-9
Dyke, G., Adamson, A., Howley, I., & Rosé, C. P. (in press). Enhancing Scientific Reasoning and Discussion with Conversational Agents. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, special issue on Science Teaching.
Eskenazi, M. (2009). An overview of spoken language technology for education. Speech Communication, 51(10), 832-844. Evans, K.L., Karabinos, M., Leinhardt, G. & Yaron, D. (2006). Chemistry in the field and chemistry in the classroom: A cognitive disconnect? Journal of Chemical Education 83 (4), 655-661.
Forbes-Riley, K., Rotaru, M. & Litman, D.J. (2008). The Relative Impact of Student Affect on Performance Models in a Spoken Dialogue Tutoring System. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. Special issue on Affective Modeling and Adaptation. 18(1-2), 11-42.
Forsyth, C., Graesser, A., Pavlik, P., Cai, Z., Butler, H., Halpern, D. & Millis, K. (2013). Operation ARIES!: Methods, Mystery, and Mixed Models: Discourse Features Predict Affect in a Serious Game. Special Issue on Motivation, Meta-cognition, and Self-regulated Learning, Volume 5, Issue 1.
Frishkoff, G. A., Perfetti, C. A., & Collins-Thompson, K. (2011). Predicting robust vocabulary growth from measures of incremental learning. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15(1), 71-91.
Frishkoff, G., Collins-Thompson, K., Perfetti, C. & Callan, J. (2008). Measuring incremental changes in word knowledge: Experimental validation and implications for learning and assessment. Behavioral Research Methods, 40(4), 907-925.
Frishkoff, G., Perfetti, C. & Collins-Thompson, K. (2010). Lexical quality in the brain: ERP evidence for robust word learning from context. Developmental Neuropsychology Special Issue on Learning to Read: Early Latency Language ERP's, 1532-6942, Vol 35(4), pages 376-403.
Frishkoff, G., Perfetti, C. & Westbury, C. (2009). ERP Measures of Partial Semantic Knowledge: Left temporal indices of skill differences and lexical quality. Biological Psychology, 80(1), 130-147.
Gadgil, S. & Nokes, T. J. (2012). Overcoming collaborative inhibition through error-correction: A classroom experiment. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(3), 410-420.
Gadgil, S., & Nokes-Malach, T. J. (2012). Collaborative facilitation through error-detection: A classroom experiment. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(3), 410-420. doi: 10.1002/acp.18431
Gadgil, S., Nokes, T. J., & Chi, M. T. H. (2012). Effectiveness of holistic mental model confrontation in driving conceptual change. Learning and Instruction, 22(1), 47-61.
Gholson, B. & Craig, S. (2006). Promoting constructive activities that support vicarious learning during computer-based instruction. Educational Psychology Review, 18, 119-139.
Goldberg, R.F., Perfetti, C. & Schneider, W. (2006). Distinct and common cortical activations for multimodal semantic categories. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. Volume 6, Number 3, September 2006, pp. 214-222(9).
Goldberg, R.F., Perfetti, C. & Schneider, W. (2006). Perceptual knowledge retrieval activates sensory brain regions. Journal of Neuroscience. 26:4917 – 4921
Goldberg, R.F., Perfetti, C., Fiez, J.A. & Schneider, W. (2007). Selective retrieval of abstract semantic knowledge in left prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 27:3790-8.
Goldin, I.M. & Ashley, K.D. (2012). Eliciting formative assessment in peer review, special issue of Journal of Writing Research 4(2), 203-237.
Graesser, A., McNamara, D. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Scaffolding deep comprehension strategies through Point&Query, AutoTutor, and iSTART. Educational Psychologist, 40(4), 225-234.
Guan, C. Q., Liu, Y., Chan, D. H. L., & Perfetti, C. A. (2011). Writing strengthens orthography and alphabetic-coding strengthens phonology in learning to read Chinese. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Gupta, N. K. & Rosé, C. P. (2010). Understanding Instructional Support Needs of Emerging Internet Users for Web-based Information Seeking, JEDM - Journal of Educational Data Mining, Vol 2(1), 38-82.
Gweon, G., Jain, M., Mc Donough, J., Raj, B. & Rosé, C. P. (in press). Measuring Prevalence of Other-Oriented Transactive Contributions Using an Automated Measure of Speech Style Accommodation. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Habte, B., Finger, S., Rosé, C. P. (2013). E-Learning in Engineering through Videoconferencing: The case of Addis Ababa Institute of Technology. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 3(2).
Harrer, A., McLaren, B., Walker, E., Bollen L. & Sewall, J. (2006). Creating cognitive tutors for collaborative learning: steps toward realization. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI), 16: 175-209.
Harrer, A., Pinkwart, N., McLaren, B. & Scheuer, O. (2008). The Scalable Adapter Design Pattern: Enabling Interoperability Between Educational Software Tools. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(2), 131-143. Hausmann, R.G.M. & VanLehn, K. (2010). The effect of self-explanation on robust learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 20(4).
Heilman, M., Collins-Thompson, K., Eskenazi, M., Juffs, A. & Wilson, L. (2010). Personalization of Reading Passages Improves Vocabulary Acquisition. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Educaiton, Vol, 20(1), 73-98. Hernandez, A., Li, P. & MacWhinney, B. (2005). The emergence of competing modules in bilingualism. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 9(5),220-225.
Isotani, S., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R., Weiqin Chen, Wasson, B. & Jovanovic, J. (2011). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Intelligent and Innovative Support Systems for CSCL. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, January-March 2011, Vol 4(1), 1-4.
Jang, J., Schunn, C. D., & Nokes, T. J. (2011). Spatially distributed instructions reduce load to improve learning outcomes and efficiency. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(1), 60-72
Jirout, J. & Klahr, D. (2012). Children’s scientific curiosity: In search of an operational definition of an elusive concept. Developmental Review, 32, #2, 125 – 160.
Juffs, A. (2007). Second language acquisition of relative clauses in the languages of East Asia. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29, 361-365.
Juffs, A., & Friedline, B. F. (2014). Sociocultural influences on the use of a web-based tool for learning English vocabulary. System, 42, 48-59.
Juffs, A. & Shirai, Y (in press). Convergence and Divergence in Functional and Formal Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Second Language Research, 2015. Special edited edition.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. W. (2011). Aspects of working memory in L2 learning. Language Teaching: Reviews and Studies, 42.2, 137-166.
Kallai, A. Y., Schunn, C. D., & Fiez, J. A. (2012). Mental arithmetic activates analogic representations of internally generated sums. Neuropsychologia. 50, 2397-2407. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.06.009
Klahr, D. (2010). Coming Up for Air: But is it Oxygen or Phlogiston? A Response to Taber’s Review of Constructivist Instruction: Success or Failure? Education Review, Vol. 13 (13).
Klahr, D. (2012). Inquiry Science Rocks: Or Does It? Back Page, APS News. December 2012 (Volume 21, Number 11)
Klahr, D. & Chen, Z. (2011). Finding one’s place in transfer space. Child Development Perspectives, 5(3), 196-204.
Klahr, D., Triona, L.M. & Williams, C. (2007). Hands On What? The Relative Effectiveness of Physical vs. Virtual Materials in an Engineering Design Project by Middle School Children. Journal of Research in Science Teaching , 44, 183-203.
Klahr, D., Zimmerman, C. & Jirout, J. (2011). Educational interventions to enhance, enrich, and encourage children’s scientific thinking. Science, 333, 971-975.
Koedinger, K.R. & Aleven, V. (2007). Exploring the assistance dilemma in experiments with Cognitive Tutors. Educational Psychology Review, 19: 239-264.
Koedinger, K.R. & Alibali, N. (2008). Trade-offs between grounded and abstract representations: Evidence from algebra problem solving. Cognitive Science 32(2), 366-397.
Koedinger, K.R., Corbett, A.T. & Perfetti, C. (2012). The Knowledge-Learning-Instruction Framework: Bridging the Science-Practice Chasm to Enhance Robust Student Learning. Cognitive Science 36(5): 757-798 (2012).
Kowalski, J. & Gordon, G. (2012). Refining an assessment for improving dictation skills of Chinese syllables. Journal of Educational Data Mining.
Kumar, R. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Architecture for building Conversational Agents that support Collaborative Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Special Issue on Intelligent and Innovative Support Systems for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Vol. 4:1; 21-34. IEEE Computer Society Press Los Alamitos, CA.
Kumar, R. & Rosé, C. P. (in press). Triggering Effective Social Support for Online Groups. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.
Landi, N., Perfetti, C., Bolger, D.J., Dunlap, S. & Foorman, B.R. (2006). The role of discourse context in developing word form representations: A paradoxical relationship between reading and learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 94(2), 114-133.
Lane, H.C. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Teaching program planning skills to novices with natural language tutoring. Computer Science Education, 15(3), 183-201.
Li, P., Zhao, X. & MacWhinney, B. (2007). Dynamic self-organization and early lexical development in children. Cognitive Science, 31:4, 581-612.
Litman, D.J. & Forbes-Riley, K. (2006). Correlations between Dialogue Acts and Learning in Spoken Tutoring Dialogues. Natural Language Engineering, Vol 12(2), pp. 161-176, June 2006.
Litman, D.J. & Forbes-Riley, K. (2006). Recognizing Student Emotions and Attitudes on the Basis of Utterances in Spoken Tutoring Dialogues with both Human and Computer Tutors. Speech Communication, Vol 48(5), pp. 559-590, May 2006.
Liu, Y., Dunlap, S., Fiez, J.A. & Perfetti, C. (2007). Evidence for neural accommodation to a writing system following learning. Human Brain Mapping, 28: 1223-1234.
Liu, Y., Perfetti, C. & Wang, M. (2006). Visual analysis and lexical access of Chinese charactgers by Chinese as second language readers. Language and Linguistics, 7(3), 637-657. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica in Taiwai. ISSN 1606-822X.
Liu, Y., Wang, M. & Perfetti, C. (2007). Threshold-style processing of Chinese characters for adult second language learners. Memory and Cognition, 35(3), 471-480.
MacWhinney, B. (2005). The emergence of linguistic form in time. Connection Science. 17 (Number 3-4/September-December 2005), 191-211.
Magner, U., Schwonke, R., Aleven, V., Popescu, O., & Renkl, A. (2012). Triggering situational interest by decorative illustrations both fosters and hinders learning in computer-based learning environments. Learning & Instruction, available online 30 July, 2012.
Makatchev, M., Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2004). Abductive Theorem Proving for Analyzing Student Explanations and Guiding Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Journal of Automated Reasoning. Special issue on Automated Reasoning and Theorem Proving in Education, 32(3), 187-226.
Martin, B., Mitrovic, A., Koedinger, K.R. & Mathan, S. (2011). Evaluating and improving adaptive educational systems with learning curves. UMUAI 21:3, 249–28.
Matlen, B. & Klahr, D. (2012). Sequential Effects of High and Low Instructional Guidance on Children's Acquisition and Transfer of Experimentation Skills. Instructional Science, June 2012.
Matsuda, N. & VanLehn, K. (2004). GRAMY: A geometry theorem prover capable of construction. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 32(1), 3-33.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Cohen, W. W., Stylianides, G. & Koedinger, K.R. (in press). Cognitive anatomy of tutor learning: Lessons learned with SimStudent. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G. J., & Koedinger, K. R. (2013). Studying the Effect of a Competitive Game Show in a Learning by Teaching Environment. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 23, 1-21. DOI 10.1007/s40593-013-0009-1
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Cohen, W. W., Stylianides, G. J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Cognitive anatomy of tutor learning: Lessons learned with SimStudent. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4), 1152-1163. doi: 10.1037/a0031955
McCormick, D. E., & Vercellotti, M. L. (2013). Examining the impact of self-correction notes on grammatical accuracy in speaking. TESOL Quarterly, 47 (2), 410-420.
McLaren, B.M., DeLeeuw, K.E. & Mayer, R.E. (2011). A politeness effect in learning with web-based intelligent tutors. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 69(1-2), 70-79. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2010.09.001.
McLaren, B.M., DeLeeuw, K.E. & Mayer, R.E. (2011). Polite web-based intelligent tutors: Can they improve learning in classrooms? Computers & Education, 56(3), 574-584. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2010.09.019.
Meier, A., Spada, H. & Rummel, N. (2007). A rating scheme for assessing the quality of computer-supported collaboration processes. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
Michaels, S., O'Connor, C. & Resnick, L. (2007). Deliberative discourse idealized and realized: Accountable talk in the classroom and in civic life. Studies in Philosophy and Education. DOI 10.1007/S11217-007-9071-1.
Morett, L. & MacWhinney B. (2013). Syntactic transfer in English-speaking Spanish learners. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 16(1), 132-151.
Moss, J., Schunn, C. D., Schneider, W., McNamara, D. S. & VanLehn, K. (2011). The neural correlates of strategic reading comprehension: Cognitive control and discourse comprehension. NeuroImage, 58(2), 675-686.
Mostow, J. & Beck, J. (2006). Some useful tactics to modify, map and mine data from intelligent tutors. Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press, 12(2), 195-208.
Mu, J., Stegmann, K., Mayfield, E., Rosé, C. P. & Fischer, F. (2012). The ACODEA Framework: Developing Segmentation and Classification Schemes for Fully Automatic Analysis of Online Discussions. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(2), 285-305. DOI 10.1007/s11412-012-9147-y
Muldner, K., Burleson, W., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2010). An Analysis of Students’ Gaming Behaviors in an Intelligent Tutoring System: Predictors and Impacts. Journal of User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, Special Issue on Educational Data Mining. DOI: 10.1007/s11257-010-9086-0. Winner of 2011 James Chen Annual Award for Best UMUAI Paper.
Murray, R.C., VanLehn, K. & Mostow, J. (2004). Looking ahead to select tutorial actions: A decision-theoretic approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education, 14, 235-278.
Nelson, J., Liu, Y., Fiez, J. & Perfetti, C. (2009). Assimilation and accommodation patterns in ventral occipitotemporal cortex in learning a second writing system. Human Brain Mapping, 30(3), 810-820.
Nelson, J.R., Balass, M. & Perfetti, C. (2005). Differences between written and spoken input in learning new words. Written Language & Literacy, 8(2), 25-44.
Nokes, T.J. (2009). Mechanisms of knowledge transfer. Thinking & Reasoning, 15, 1-36.
Nokes, T.J., Hausmann, R.G.M., VanLehn, K. & Gershman, S. (2011). Testing the instructional fit hypothesis: The case of self-explanation prompts. Instructional Science, 39(5), 645-666. DOI 10.1007/s11251-010-9151-4. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 2010.
Nokes-Malach, T. J., VanLehn, K., Belenky, D. M., Lichtenstein, M. & Cox, G. (2012). Coordinating principles and examples through analogy and self-explanation. European Journal of Psychology of Education. DOI 10.1007/s10212-012-0164-z
Nokes-Malach, T.J. & Mestre J. (2013). Toward a Model of Transfer as Sense-Making. Educational Psychologist, 48:3, 184-207.
Pardos, Z.A., Baker, R.S.J.d., Gowda, S.M. & Heffernan, N.T. (2011). The Sum is Greater than the Parts: Ensembling Models of Student Knowledge in Educational Software. SIGKDD Explorations, 13 (2), 37-44.
Pavlik, P. (2006). Understanding and applying the dynamics of test practice and study practice. Instructional Science.
Pavlik, P. (2013). Mining the Dynamics of Student Utility and Strategy Use during Vocabulary Learning. Journal of Educational Data Mining. Special Issue on Motivation, Meta-cognition, and Self-regulated Learning, Volume 5, Issue 1.
Pavlik, P. & Anderson, J.R. (2008). Using a model to compute the optimal schedule of practice. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 14(2), 101-117.
Perfetti, C. (2007). Reading ability: Lexical quality to comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11(4), 357-383.
Perfetti, C. & Liu, Y. (2005). Orthography to phonology and meaning: Comparisons across and within writing systems. Reading and Writing, 18(3), 193-210.
Perfetti, C. & Bolger, D.J. (2004). The brain might read that way. Scientific Studies of Reading, 8(3), 293-304.
Perfetti, C., Liu, Y., Fiez, J.A., Nelson, J., Bolger, D.J. & Tan, L. (2007). Reading in two writing systems: Accommodation and assimilation in the brain’s reading network. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 10(2). 131-146. Special issue on “Neurocognitive approaches to bilingualism: Asian languages”, P. Li (Ed.).
Perfetti, C., Liu, Y., Tan, L.H. (2005). The Lexical Constituency Model: some implications of research on Chinese for general theories of reading. Psychological Review, 112(1), 43-59.
Perfetti, C., Tan, L.H. & Siok, W.T. (2006). Brain-behavior relations in reading and dyslexia: Implications of Chinese results. Brain and Language.
Perfetti, C., Wlotko, E.W. & Hart, L.A. (2005). Word learning and individual differences in word learning reflected in Event-Related Potentials. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 31(6), 1281-1292.
Perfetti, C., Yang, C. & Schmalhofer, F. (2008). Comprehension skill and word-to-text integration processes. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22 (3), 303-318.
Popescu, O., Aleven, V. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Logic-Based Natural Language Understanding for Cognitive Tutors. Natural Language Engineering. Pages 1-15.
Porayska-Pomsta, K., Mavrikis, M., D'Mello, S., Conati, C., Baker, R.S.J.d. (in press). Knowledge Elicitation Methods for Affect Modeling in Education. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Presson, E., Sagarra, N., MacWhinney, B. & Kowalski, J. (2013). Compositional production in Spanish second language conjugation. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
Presson, N. & MacWhinney, B. (in press). Learning grammatical gender: The use of rules by novice learners. Applied Psycholinguistics.
Prior, A. & MacWhinney, B. (2012). Beyond inhibition: A bilingual advantage in task switching. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 13: 253-262.
Prior, A., Kroll, J. & MacWhinney, B. (2012). Translation ambiguity but not word class predicts translation performance. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 16 (special issue 2), 458-474.
Prior, A., MacWhinney, B. & Kroll, J.F. (2007). Translation norms for English and Spanish: The role of lexical variables, word class, and L2 proficiency in negotiating translation ambiguity. Behavior Research Methods, 37, 134-140.
Prior, A., Wintner, S., MacWhinney, B. & Lavie, A. (2011). Translation ambiguity in and out of context. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32, 93-111.
Rau, M. A., Aleven, V., & Rummel, N. (2013). Interleaved practice in multi-dimensional learning tasks: which dimension should we interleave? Learning and Instruction, 23, 98-114.
Reed, S. K., Corbett, A., Hoffman, B., Wagner, A. & MacClaren, B. (2013). Effect of worked examples and Cognitive Tutor training on constructing equations. Instructional Science, 41, 1-24.
Reed, S. K., Stebick, S., Comey, B., & Carroll, D. (2012). Finding similarities and differences in the solutions of word problems. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 636-646.
Resnick, L. (2006). Making accountability really count. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 25(1), 33-37.
Resnick, L. & Zurawsky, C. (2005). Getting Back on Course: Fixing Standards-Based Reform and Accountability. American Educator, 29(1), 8-46.
Ritter, S. (2005). Authoring model-tracing tutors. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 2(3), 231-247.
Ritter, S., Anderson, J.R., Koedinger, K.R. & Corbett, A. (2007). The Cognitive Tutor: Applied research in mathematics education. Psychonomics Bulletin & Review, 14(2), pp. 249-255.
Rodrigo, M.M.T. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Comparing Learners' Affect While Using an Intelligent Tutoring System and a Simulation ProblemSolving Game. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 6(1), 43-66.
Rodrigo, M.M.T., Baker, R.S.J.d. (in press). Student Off-Task Behavior in Computer-Based Learning in the Philippines: Comparison to Prior Research in the USA. Teachers College Record.
Rodrigo, M.M.T., Baker, R.S.J.d., Agapito, J., Nabos, J., Repalam, M.C., Reyes, S.S. & San Pedro, M.C.Z. (2012). The Effects of an Interactive Software Agent on Student Affective Dynamics while Using an Intelligent Tutoring System. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 3(2), 224-236.
Rodrigo, M.M.T., Baker, R.S.J.d., Agapito, J., Nabos, J., Repalam, M.C., Reyes, S.S. & San Pedro, M.O.C.Z. (2011). The Effects of an Embodied Conversational Agent on Student Affective Dynamics while Using an Intelligent Tutoring System. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computin, 2(4), 18-37.
Roll, Aleven, McLaren, Koedinger (2011). Improving students' help-seeking skills using meta-cognitive feedback in an intelligent tutoring system. Learning and Instruction, 21(2), 267-280.
Roll, I., Aleven, V., McLaren, B. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Designing for Metacognition - Applying Cognitive Tutor Principles to Metacognitive Tutoring. Metacognition and Learning, 2(2), 125-140.
Roll, I., Holmes, N. G., Day, J., & Bonn, D. (2012). Evaluating metacognitive scaffolding in guided invention activities. Instructional Science, 40, 691-710. doi:10.1007/s11251-012-9208-7
Roscoe, R.D. & Chi M.T.H. (2007). Understanding tutor learning: Knowledge-building and knowledge-telling in peer tutors' explanations and questions. Review of Educational Research, 77(4), 534-574.
Roscoe, R.D. & Chi M.T.H. (2008). Tutor learning: The role of explaining and responding to questions. Instructional Science, 36(4), 321-350.
Rosé, C.P. & VanLehn, K. (2005). An Evaluation of a Hybrid Language Understanding Approach for Robust Selection of Tutoring Goals. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15(4), 325-355.
Rosé, C.P., Kumar, R., Aleven, V., Robinson, A. & Wu, C. (2006). CycleTalk: Data Driven Design of Support for Simulation Based Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 16, 195-223.
Rosé, C.P., Wang, Y.C., Cui, Y., Arguello, J., Stegmann, K. Weinberger, A. & Fischer, F. (2008). Analyzing Collaborative Learning Processes Automatically: Exploiting the Advances of Computational Linguistics in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(3), 237-271.
Salden, R., Aleven, V., Renkl, A. & Schwonke, R. (2009). Worked examples and tutored problem solving: redundant or synergistic forms of support? Topics in Cognitive Science, 1, 203-213.
Salden, R., Aleven, V., Schwonke, R. & Renkl, A. (2009). The Expertise Reversal Effect and Worked Examples in Tutored Problem Solving. Instructional Science, 38, 289-307. DOI 10.1007/s11251-009-9107-8.
Salden, R., Koedinger, K.R., Renkl, A., Aleven, V., McLaren, B. (2010). Accounting for Beneficial Effects of Worked Examples in Tutored Problem Solving. Educ Psychol Review, 22, 379-392. DOI 10.1007/s10648-010-9143-6
Schwonke, R., Ertelt, A., Otieno, C., Aleven, V., Salden, R., & Renkl, A. (2013). Metacognitive support promotes an effective use of instructional resources in intelligent tutoring. Learning and Instruction, 23, 136-150.
Schwonke, R., Renkl, A., Krieg, C., Wittwer, J., Aleven, V. & Salden, R. (2009). The Worked-example Effect: Not an Artifact of Lousy Control Conditions. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 258-266.
Schwonke, R., Renkl, A., Salden, R., & Aleven, V. (2011). Effects of different ratios of worked solution steps and problem solving opportunities on cognitive load and learning outcomes. Computers in Human Bahavior, 27(1), 58-62.
Siler, S.A., Klahr, D., & Price, N (2012). Investigating the mechanisms of learning from a constrained preparation for future learning activity. Instructional Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-012-9224-7.
Siler, S.A. & VanLehn, K. (2009). Learning, interactional and motivational outcomes in one-to-one synchronous computer-mediated versus face-to-face tutoring. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 19(1),73-102.
Siler, S. A. & VanLehn, K. (2014). Investigating microadaption in one-to-one tutoring. Journal of Experimental Education: Learning Instruction and Cognition, 00(0), 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/00220973.2014.907224
Siok, W.T., Niu, Z., Jin, Z. & Perfetti, C. Tan (2008). A structural-functional basis for dyslexia in the cortex of Chinese readers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 5561-5566.
Strand-Cary, Klahr, D. (2008). Developing elementary science skills: Instructional effectiveness and path independence. Cognitive Development, 23(4), 488-511.
Tan, L.H., Spinks, J.A., Eden, G.F., Perfetti, C. & Siok, W.T. (2005). Reading depends on writing, in Chinese. PNAS, 102, 8781-8785.
Tokowicz, N. & MacWhinney, B. (2005). Implicit and explicit measures of sensitivity to violations in second language grammar: An event-related potential investigation. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 27: 173-204.
Tricomi, E. & Fiez, J.A. (2008). Feedback signals in the caudate reflect goal achievement on a declarative memory task. NeuroImage, 41(3), 1154-1167.
Triona, L.M. & Klahr, D. (2007). Hands-on science: Does it matter what the student's hands are on in 'hands-on’ science? The Science Education Review, 6, 121-125.
Tsovaltzi, D., Rummel, N., McLaren, B., Pinkwart, N., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A. & Braun, I. (2010). Extending a Virtual Chemistry Laboratory with a Collaboration Script to Promote Conceptual Learning. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), 2(1-2), 91-110.
VanLehn, K. (2006). The Behavior of Tutoring Systems, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 16(3), 227-265.
VanLehn, K. (2011). The relative effectiveness of human tutoring, intelligent tutoring systems and other tutoring systems. Educational Psychologist, 46, 4, 197-221.
VanLehn, K., Graesser, A., Jackson, Jordan, P., Olney, A. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). When are tutorial dialogues more effective than reading? Cognitive Science 31(1), 3-62.
VanLehn, K., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shapiro, J., Shelby, R., Taylor, L., Treacy, D., Weinstein, A. & Wintersgill, M. (2005). The Andes Physics Tutoring System: Lessons Learned. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15 (3). Pages 147-204.
Vercellotti, M.L. & De Jong, N. (in press). Use and Accuracy of Verb Complements in English L2 Speech. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Vercellotti, M.L., Juffs, A. (in press). The development of lexical variety and the use of trigrams in spoken ESL. Special issue of Second Language Research, 2015.
Waalkens, M., Aleven, V., & Taatgen, N. (2013). Does supporting multiple student strategies lead to greater learning and motivation? Investigating a source of complexity in the architecture of intelligent tutoring systems. Computers & Education, 60(1), 159–171.
Walker, E., Rummel, N., Koedinger, K.R. (2009). CTRL: A Research Framework for Providing Adaptive Collaborative Learning Support. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI), 19(5), 387-431.
Walker, E., Rummel, N., Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Integrating collaboration and cognitive tutoring data in evaluation of a reciprocal peer tutoring environment. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(3), 221-251.
Walkington, C. (in press). Using learning technologies to personalize instruction to student interests: The impact of relevant contexts on performance and learning outcomes. Article invited to special issue of Journal of Educational Psychology.
Walkington, C., Petrosino, A., & Sherman, M. (2013). Supporting algebraic reasoning through personalized story scenarios: How situational understanding mediates performance and strategies. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 15(2), 89-120. DOI: 10.1080/10986065.2013.770717
Walkington, C., Sherman, M. & Petrosino, A. (2012). "Playing the game" of story problems: Coordinating situation-based reasoning with algebraic representation. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 31, 174-195. Wang, H. C., Rosé, C. P. & Chang, C. Y. (2011). Agent-based Dynamic Support for Learning from Collaborative Brainstorming in Scientific Inquiry, International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 6(3), pp 371-396.
Wang, M., Liu, Y. & Perfetti, C. (2004). The implicit and explicit learning of Chinese orthographic structure and function by alphabetic readers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 8(4), 357-379.
Wang, M., Perfetti, C. & Liu, Y. (2005). Chinese-English biliteracy acquisition: Cross-language and writing system transfer. Cognition, 97, 67-88.
Winne, P.H. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). The Potentials of Educational Data Mining for Researching Metacognition, Motivation, and Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 5 (1), 1-8.
Yang, C.L. & Perfetti, C. (2006). Contextual Constraints on the Comprehension of Relative Clause Sentences in Chinese: ERPs Evidence. Language and Linguistics, 7(3): 697-730.
Yang, C.L., Perfetti, C. & Schmalhofer, F. (2007). ERP indicators of text integration across sentence boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. Vol 33(1) 55-89.
Yang, C.L., Perfetti, C. & Schmalhofer, F. (2005). Less skilled comprehenders’ ERPs show sluggish word-to-text integration processes. Written Language & Literacy, 8(2), 233-257.
Yang, Perfetti, C., Liu, Y. (2010). Sentence integration processes: An ERP study of Chinese sentence comprehension with relative clauses. Brain & Language, 112, 85-100.
Yoshimura, Y. & MacWhinney, B. (2010). Honorifics: A socio-cultural verb agreement cue in Japanese sentence processing. Applied Psycholinguistics 31: 551-569.
Yoshimura, Y. & MacWhinney, B. (2010). The use of pronominal case in English sentence interpretation. Applied Psycholinguistics 31: 619-633.
Conference Papers
Adamson, D. & Rosé, C. (2012). Coordinating Multi-dimensional Support in CollaborativeConversational Agents (2012). In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 346-351.
Adamson, D., Bhartiya, D., Gurjal, B., Kedia, R., Singh, A. & Rosé, C.P. (2013). Automatically Generating Discussion Questions. Proceedings of AI in Education (AIED).
Adamson, D., Jang, H., Ashe, C., Yaron, D.& Rosé, C. P. (2013). Intensification of Group Knowledge Exchange with Academically Productive Talk Agents. Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Agarwal, N., Reddy, R. S., GVR, K., Rosé, C. P. (2011). A Multi-document Summarization System for Scientific Articles, in Companion Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (demo). Ai, H. & Litman, D.J. (2007). Knowledge Consistent User Simulations for Dialog Systems. Proceedings of Interspeech, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
Aleahmad, T., Koedinger, K., & Zimmerman, J. (2012). Computer Support for Studying at the Right Times. Paper presented at AERA 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Aleven, V. & Ashley, K. (2005). Toward supporting hypothesis formation and testing in an interpretive domain Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 732-734.
Aleven, A., Roll, I., McLaren, B. & Koedinger, K. (2012). Assessing Self-Regulated Learning: A (Meta)Cognitive Modeling Approach. Presentation in "Integrating Different Approaches to Investigating Self-Regulated Learning" Symposium, AERA 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Aleven, V. & Roll, I. (2009). Analyzing patterns of help-seeking behavior using cognitive modeling and tree diagrams. Presentation in symposium, "Understanding the Complex Nature of Self-Regulatory Processes During Learning with Computer-based Learning Environments". AERA, 2009.
Aleven, V. & Rosé, C.P. (2005). Authoring plug-in tutor agents by demonstration: Rapid, rapid tutor development Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 735-737.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Roll, I. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Exploring meta-cognitive tutoring by the Help Tutor: An Interactive Event. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Roll, I., & Koedinger, K.R. (2004). Toward Tutoring Help Seeking: Applying Cognitive Modeling to Meta-Cognitive Skills; In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2004), Maceio, Brazil, August 2004. pp 227-239.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Ryu, E., Baker, R.S.J.d. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). The Help Tutor: Does Metacognitive Feedback Improve Students' Help-Seeking Actions, Skills and Learning? 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jhongli, Taiwan, 360-369.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Sewall, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). The Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT): Preliminary evaluation of efficiency gains. In M. Ikeda, K.D. Ashley, & T-W. Chan (Eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4053 (pp. 61-70). Berlin: Springer.
Aleven, V., Myers, E., Easterday, Ogan, A. (2010). Toward a framework for the analysis and design of educational games. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning.
Aleven, V., Pinkwart, N., Ashley, K. & Lynch, C. (2006). Supporting Self-explanation of Argument Transcripts: Specific v. Generic Prompts . Workshop Proceedings on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2006.
Aleven, V., Roll, I., McLaren, B., Ryu, E.J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). An architecture to combine meta-cognitive and cognitive tutoring: Pilot testing the Help Tutor. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2005. 17-24.
Aleven, V., Sewall, J., McLaren, B. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Rapid Authoring of Intelligent Tutors for Real-World and Experimental Use. In Kinshuk, R. Koper, P. Kommers, P. Kirschner, D. G. Sampson, & W. Didderen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006) (pp. 847-851). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Evaluation of Multimodal Input for Entering Mathematical Equations on the Computer, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’2005), Portland, OR, 6 April 2005, p.1184-1187.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Interspersing annotated worked examples in algebra problem solving. Presented as part of "In Vivo Experimentation on Worked Examples Across Domains" Symposium at EARLI 2009
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Towards the Application of a Handwriting Interface for Mathematics Learning, with IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Exp(ICME’2006), Toronto, Canada, July 2006.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Benefits of handwritten input for students learning algebra equation solving. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED, 2007).
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Adapting Handwriting Recognition for Applications in Algebra Learning. Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Educational Multimedia and Multimedia Education (EMME’2007), Augsburg, Germany, Sep 2007, pp. 47-56.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Steps toward enhancing robust learning through worked examples and handwriting-based input. Short paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Toward Next-Generation, Intelligent Tutors: Adding Natural Handwriting Input. IEEE Multimedia 15(3), pp. 64-68.
Arguelle, J. & Rosé, C.P. (2006). InfoMagnets: Making Sense of Corpus Data. Companion Proceedings for the N. American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Arguelle, J. & Rosé, C.P. (2006). Museli: A Multi-source Evidence Integration Approach to Topic Segmentation of Spontaneous Dialogue, North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (short paper).
Arguelle, J. & Rosé, C.P. (2006). Topic Segmentation of Dialogue. Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Analyzing Conversations in Text and Speech.
Asterhan, C.S.C., Butera, F., Nokes, T., Darnon, C., Schwarz, B. B., Butler, R., Levin, J., Belenky, D., & Gadgil, S. (2010). Motivation and affect in peer argumentation and socio-cognitive conflict. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2010.
Asterhan, C.S.C., Butler, R., & Schwarz, B. B. (2010). On Competitive and Co-constructive dialectical Argumentation. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Vol 2, 213-215.
Asterhan, C.S.C. & Resnick, L. (2010). Structured dialogue and its effect on learning and development: A meta-review of the evidence. Paper presented at the 3rd annual inter-Science of Learning Centers (iSLC) conference. Boston University, Boston, MA.
Asterhan, C.S.C., Schwarz, B.B., Butera, F. Darnon, C., Nokes, T.J., Levine, J.M., Belenky, D.M., Gadgil, S. Resnick, L.B., & Sinatra, G. (2010). Motivation and affect in peer argumentation and socio-cognitive conflict. In S. Goldman and J. Pellegrino (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences ICLS - 2010, Volume 2, 211-218. ISLS, USA.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Education Technology, Teacher Knowledge, and Classroom Impact: Frameworks and Approaches to Research. Symposium Discussant at AERA 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2007). Modeling and understanding students’ off-task behavior in intelligent tutoring systems. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM Publishers.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2007). Is Gaming the System State-or Trait? On-Line Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Mining for User Modeling at the 11th International Conference on User Modeling 2007, 76-80.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). Differences Between Intelligent Tutor Lessons, and the Choice to Go Off-Task. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2009), 11-20.
Baker, R.S.J.d., de Carvalho, A.M.J.A., Raspat, J., Aleven, V., Corbett, A., Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Using Taxonomies and Educational Data Mining to Understand How Educational Software Design Impacts Gaming the System. "Factors That Impact Student Engagement and Learning Behaviors in ILEs" symposium presentation at American Educational Research Association.
Baker, R.S.J.D, Gowda, S., Corbett, A. & Ocumpaugh, J. (2012). Towards Automatically Detecting Whether Student Learning is Shallow. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 444-453.
Baker, R.S.J.d. & Gowda, S.M. (2010). An Analysis of the Differences in the Frequency of Students' Disengagement in Urban, Rural, and Suburban High Schools. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 11-20.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Aleven, V. (2008). Help abuse and proper use: How helpful is on-demand help when it is used properly? Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Baker, R.S.J.d., Aleven, V., Koedinger, K.R., Rodrigo, M.T., Heffernan, N., Corbett, A., Roll, I. (2008). Gaming the System: Evidence from Data Mining and Human Observation on Affect, Attitudes, and Learning. Presentation at Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning Symposium. (invited presentation)
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A. & Wagner, A. (2006). Human Classification of Low-Fidelity Replays of Student Actions. Proceedings of the Workshop on Educational Data Mining at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2006). Jhongli, Taiwan. Pages 29-36.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A. & Aleven, V. (2009). Determining when an error is actually a slip. Presentation in "Educational Data Mining: Seeing How Students Really Err" Symposium at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A., Aleven, V. (2008). More accurate student modeling through contextual estimation of slip and guess probabilities in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008), 406-415.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A., Aleven, V. (2008). Improving Contextual Models of Guessing and Slipping with a Truncated Training Set. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008, 67-76.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A., Koedinger, K.R. & Roll, I. (2005). Detecting When Students Game The System, Across Tutor Subjects and Classroom Cohorts 10th International Conference on User Modeling.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A., Koedinger, K.R., & Roll, I. (2006). Generalizing Detection of Gaming the System Across a Tutoring Curriculum ; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006. p 402.-411.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A., Koedinger, K.R., Evenson, S., Roll, I., Wagner, A., Naim, M., Raspat, J., Baker, D.J. & Beck, J. (2006). Adapting to When Students Game an Intelligent Tutoring System. In M. Ikeda, K. Ashley, & T-W. Chan (Eds.). ITS 2006, LNCS 4053, pp 392-401. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A.T., Gowda, S.M. (in press). Affective states, and disengaged behaviors within an ITS. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education, 31-40.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Corbett, A.T., Gowda, S.M., Wagner, A.Z., MacLaren, B.M., Kauffman, L.R., Mitchell, A.P. & Giguere, S. (2010). Contextual Slip and Prediction of Student Performance After Use of an Intelligent Tutor. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, 52-63.
Baker, R.S.J.d., de Carvalho, A.M.J.A. (2008). Labeling Student Behavior Faster and More Precisely with Text Replays. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008, 38-47.
Baker, R.S.J.d., de Carvalho, A.M.J.A., Raspat, J., Aleven, V., Corbett, A. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Educational Software Features that Encourage and Discourage "Gaming the System". Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial intelligence in Education (AIED), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 200. IOS Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 475-482.
Baker, R.S.J.d., de Carvalho, A.M.J.A., Raspat, J., Aleven, V., Corbett, A., Koedinger, K.R., Cocea, M. & Hershkovitz, A. (2010). Educational Data Mining Methods For Studying Student Behaviors Minute by Minute Across an Entire School Year. Symposium presentation at International Conference of the Learning Sciences.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Goldstein, A. B. & Heffernan, N.T. (2010). Detecting the Moment of Learning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6094, 2010, 25-34. (People's Choice Award for Best Oral Presentation; Finalist for Best Paper Award).
Baker, R.S.J.d., Gowda, S. & Corbett, A. (2011). Automatically detecting a student's preparation for future learning: help use is key. In M. Pechenizkiy, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero, and J. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
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Baker, R.S.J.d., Moore, G., Wagner, A., Kalka, J., Karabinos, M., Ashe, C. & Yaron, D. (2011). The Dynamics Between Student Affect and Behavior Occuring Outside of Educational Software. Proceedings of the 4th bi-annual International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction.
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Baker, R.S.J.d., Roll, I., Corbett, A. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Do Performance Goals Lead Students to Game the System? Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2005. 57-64.
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Bauer, A. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Developing a Note Taking Tool from the Ground Up. Ed-Media 2005. AACE Press, 4181-4186.
Bauer, A. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Pasting and Encoding: Note-taking in Online Courses. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2006, pps 789-793.
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Beck, J. (2007). Does learner control affect learning? Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2007).
Beck, J. (2007). Difficulties in inferring student knowledge from observations (and why you should care). Proceedings of Workshop on Educational Data Mining (AIED 2007). 21-30.
Beck, J., Chang, J., Mostow, J. & Corbett, A. (2008). Does help help? A comparison of three evaluation frameworks. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Beck, J. & Mostow, J. (2008). How who should practice: Using learning decomposition to evaluate the efficacy of different types of practice for different types of students. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Belenky, D.M. & Nokes, T.J. (2010). Optimizing learning environments: An individual differences approach to learning and transfer. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 459-464. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Belenky, D.M. & Nokes, T.J. (2009). Motivation and Transfer: The role of achievement goals in preparation for future learning. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2009, 1163-1168.
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Bernacki, M.L., Nokes-Malach, T.J. & Aleven, V. (2012). Investigating Stability and Change in Unit-Level Achievement Goals and Their Effects on Math Learning With Intelligent Tutors. Presentation in "SIG Motivation in Education" Roundtable Session. AERA 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
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Booth, J. (2013). Worked Examples: Who Do They Work For? Proceedings of AERA 2013
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Booth, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Facilitating the Diagrammatic Advantage for Algebraic Word Problems. Paper presented at AERA, 2009.
Booth, J., Koedinger, K.R. & McLaughlin, E. (2012). Improving Math Learning with Worked Examples. Presented at ‘Cognition in the Classroom: Bringing Research-Based Principles to Middle School Math’ Invited Symposium. SREE 2012.
Booth, J.L. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Worked Examples and Self-Explanation. Paper presented at "Bridging Research and Practice: From Cognitive Principles to Design Principles of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment" Symposium at AERA 2012.
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Booth, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Key misconceptions in algebraic problem solving. In B.C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 571-576). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Booth, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Facilitating Low-Achieving Students’ Diagram Use in Algebraic Story Problems. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1649-1654. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Booth, J., Koedinger, K.R. & Siegler, R. (2007). The effect of prior conceptual knowledge on procedural performance and learning in algebra. In D.S. McNamara & J.G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 137-142). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. [Abstract]
Booth, J.L., Paré-Blagoev, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Transforming equation-solving assignments to improve algebra learning: A collaboration with the SERP-MSAN Partnership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
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Brown, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2006). Using Simulated Students for the Assessment of Authentic Document Retrieval; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan. P 685-688.
Brown, J., Frishkoff, G. & Eskenazi, M. (2005). Automatic question generation for vocabulary assessment. Proceedings of Human Language Technology, HLT/EMNLP 2005. Vancouver, B.C
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Brunskill, E. (2012). Student Variability and Automated Instructional Policies. Paper presented at Microsoft Research at University of Washington (MSR/UW) Summer Institute on Crowdsourcing Personalized Online Education, July 2012
Brunskill, E. & Russell, S. (2011). Partially observable sequential decision making for problem selection in an intelligent tutoring system. In M. Pechenizkiy, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero, and J. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
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Butcher, K. & Aleven, V. (2007). Integrating visual and verbal knowledge during classroom learning with computer tutors. In D.S. McNamara & J.G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, (pp. 137-142).
Butcher, K. & Aleven, V. (2009). Visual self-explanation during intelligent tutoring: More than attentional focus? Presented as part of "In Vivo Experimentation on Self-Explanation Across Domains" Symposium at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, (EARLI 2009). Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Butcher, K. & Chi, M.T.H. (2006). How can diagrams scaffold text comprehension. EARLI SIG2 Meeting, University of Nottingham.
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Butcher, K. & Aleven, V. (2008). Learning from visual-verbal sources in intelligent tutoring. Paper presented at the Inter-Science of Learning Center (iSLC) Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Butcher, K. & Aleven, V. (2010). Learning during intelligent tutoring: When do integrated visual-verbal representations improve student outcomes? In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2888-2893. Austin, TX: Cogn
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Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R. & Junker, B. (2005). Automating Cognitive Model Improvement by A*Search and Logistic Regression. Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Educational Data Mining. 2005.
Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R. & Junker, B. (2006). Learning Factors Analysis – A General Method for Cognitive Model Evaluation and Improvement. In Ikeda et al (Eds.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), p 164-175. Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg.
Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R. & Junker, B. (2007). Is over practice necessary? – Improving learning efficiency with the Cognitive Tutor through educational data mining. In R. Luckin et al (Eds.). Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2007), pp. 511-518. IOS Press.
Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R. & Junker, B. (2008). Comparing two IRT models for cognitive model evaluation. Short paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Chan, H. L., Guan, Q., Liu, Y., Perfetti, C. & Wu, S. M. (2010). Pinyin plus writing: An integrated approach to learning Chinese characters. Paper session presented at Research in Reading Chinese and Related Asian Languages (RRC), Toronto, Canada.
Chang, K., Beck, J., Mostow, J. & Corbett, A. (2006). A Bayes Net Toolkit for Student Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006. p 104-113
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Chen G., Michaels, S. & O’Connor, C. (2011). Coding and analysis of classroom dialogue. Paper presented at the Social and Communicative Factors Thrust Workshop, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Chen, G. & Resnick, L. B. (2011). How accountable talk works in the classroom: Analyzing young children’s learning of science. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011). Hong Kong: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Domain-specific and domain-independent interactive behaviors in Andes. In R. Luckin & K. Koedinger, K.R. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Porting an intelligent tutoring system across domains. In R. Luckin & K. Koedinger, K.R. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). The impact of explicit strategy instruction on problem-solving behaviors across intelligent tutoring systems. In D. McNamara & G. Trafton (Eds.) Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Accelerated future learning via explicit instruction of a problem solving strategy. In R. Luckin, K. R. Koedinger, K.R. & J. Greer (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education. pp. 409-416. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K. (2008). Eliminating the gap between the high and low students through meta-cognitive strategy instruction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol 5091. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2008. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin, 603-614.
Chi, M. & VanLehn, K., Litman, D.J. (2010). Do Micro-Level Tutorial Decisions Matter: Applying Reinforcement Learning To Induce Pedagogical Tutorial Tactics. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010, Volume 6094/2010, 224-234.
Chi, M., Jordan, P., VanLehn, K. & Litman, D.J. (2009). To Elicit Or To Tell: Does It Matter? Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2009), 197-204.
Chi, M., Koedinger, K., Gordon, G., Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2011). Instructional factors analysis: A Cognitive model for multiple instructional interventions. In M. Pechenizkiy, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero, and J. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Chi, M., VanLehn & Litman, D.J. (2010). The More the Merrier? Examining Three Interaction Hypotheses. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2870-2876. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Chi, M., VanLehn, K., Litman, D.J., & Jordan, P. (2010). Inducing Effective Pedagogical Strategies Using Learning Context Features. User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010, Vol 6075/2010, 147-158. Springer.
Chi, M.T.H. (2007). Teaching a stand-alone module: Emergence for understanding science concepts. Paper in Symposium: Complex Systems and the Cognitive Sciences: Potential for Pervasive Theoretical and Research Implications? (CogSci 2007).
Clarke, S. (2012). The Right to Speak. In L.B. Resnick, C.A. Asterhan & S.N. Clarke (Eds.) Socializing Intelligence through Academic Talk and Dialogue. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association.
Clarke, S.N. & Chen, G. (2012). The Structure of Productive Classroom Discussion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Research Association, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Clarke, S., Chen, G., Stainton, K., Katz, S., Greeno, J., Resnick, L., Howley, H., Adamson, D. & Rosé, C. P. (2013). The Impact of CSCL Beyond the Online Environment. Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Clarke, S.N., Resnick, L.B., Rosé, C.P., Chen, G., Stainton, C., Katz, S., Dyke, G., Adamson, D., Howley, I., Greeno, J., Spiegel, S., & Granger, R. (2012) (2012). Towards Discursive Instruction: From I-R-E to Accountable Talk. Paper presented at the LearnLab’s Annual Learning Science Workshop on Use of Technology Toward Enhancing Achievement and Equity in the 21st Century, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cocea, M., Hershkovitz, A. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). The Impact of Off-Task and Gaming Behaviors on Learning: Immediate or Aggregate? Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), 507-514.
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Connelly, J. & Katz, S. (2009). Toward more robust learning of physics via reflective dialogue extensions. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2009.
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Corbett, A., Wagner, A., Lesgold, A., Ulrich, H. & Stevens, S. (2006). Analyzing Algebra Example Solutions. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2006). Bloomington, IN, USA. p. 99
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Craig, S., VanLehn, K., Gadgil, S. & Chi, M. (2007). Learning from collaboratively observing videos during problem solving with Andes. In R. Luckin, K. R. Koedinger, K.R. & J. Greer (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education. pp. 554-556. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Cui, Y., Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Story generation to accelerate math problem authoring for practice and assessment. Short paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Cui, Y. & Rosé, C.P. (2008). An Authoring tool that facilitates the rapid development of dialogue agents for intelligent tutoring. Short paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Davenport, J., Karabinos, M. & Yaron, D. (2005). Exploring the ways in which coordinating different representations of chemical processes influences conceptual learning in introductory chemistry. Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Chemical Education in West Lafayette, Indiana. July 31, 2006. P 104.
Davenport, J., Klahr, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). The influence of diagrams on chemistry learning. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), August 2007
Davenport, J. L., Leinhardt, G., Greeno, J., Koedinger, K., Klahr, D., Karabinos, M., & Yaron, D. J. (2014). Evidence-Based Approaches to Improving Chemical Equilibrium Instruction. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(10), 1517-1525.
Davenport, J., McEldoon, K. & Klahr, D. (2007). Depicting invisible processes: The influence of molecular-level diagrams in Chemistry instruction. Proceedings of the 29th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, p. 1737, August 2007
Davenport, J., Rafferty, A., Timms, M., Yaron, D. & Karabinos, M. (2012). ChemVLab+: Evaluating a Virtual Lab Tutor for High School Chemistry (short paper), ICLS2012, Volume 2, 381-385.
Davenport, J., Yaron, D., Karabinos, M. & Greeno, J. (2008). Conceptual development in chemical equilibrium. Paper presented in Research in Chemical Education Symposium at the 20th Biannual Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, IN (July 2008).
Davenport, J., Yaron, D., Karabinos, M., Klahr, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Chemical equilibrium: an evaluation of a new type of instruction. Gordon, G. Conference for Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2007.
Davenport, J., Yaron, D., Klahr, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). When do diagrams enhance learning? A framework for designing relevant representations. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 2008.
Davenport, J., Yaron, D., Klahr, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). When do diagrams enhance science learning? Presented at the First Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, February 2008.
De Jong, N. (2012). Does time pressure help or hinder oral fluency? In N. de Jong, K. Juffermans, M. Keijzer, & L. Rasier (Eds.), Papers of the Anéla 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference (pp. 43-52). Delft: Eburon.
De Jong, N. (2012). Technieken voor het oefenen van vloeiend spreken. Workshop given at the LES Conference, November 10, 2012, Amsterdam. [English translation of the title: Techniques for practicing fluent speaking; this is a conference for teachers of Dutch as a second language and other professionals in the field.]
De Jong, N. & Halderman, L. (2009). The role of vocabulary and grammar knowledge in second-language oral fluency: A correlational study. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, East Lansing, MI, October 2009.
De Jong, N. & Halderman, L. (2009). Training formulaic sequences has mixed short-term effects on L2 oral fluency. Presentation at PSLC/ELI Symposium on Research in an Intensive English Program, University of Pittsburgh, June 2009.
De Jong, N. & Poelmans, P. (2011). Accuracy and complexity in second language speech: Do specific measures make the difference? Presentation at the EuroSLA conference, Stockholm, September 2011.
De Jong, N. & Vercellotti, M. L. (2011). Norming picture story prompts for second language production research: Fluency, linguistic items, and speakers’ perception. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics conference 2011, Chicago, IL, March 2011.
De Jong, N., Halderman, L. & Ross, M. (2009). The effect of formulaic sequences training on fluency development in an ESL classroom. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Denver, CO, March 2009.
De Jong, N., McCormick, D., O'Neill, C. & Bradin Siskin, C. (2007). Self-correction and fluency in ESL speaking development. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)Conference, April 2007 in Costa Mesa, CA.
Dela Rosa, K. & Eskenazi, M. (2011). Impact of Word Sense Disambiguation on Ordering Dictionary Definitions in Vocabulary Learning Tutors, FLAIRS 2011.
Dela Rosa, K. & Eskenazi, M. (2011). Self-Assessment of Motivation: Explicit and Implicit Indicators in L2 Vocabulary Learning. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 296-303. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Dela Rosa, K. & Eskenazi, M. (2011). Effect of Word Complexity on L2 Vocabulary Learning. Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies' 6th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (ACL-HLT: BEA 2011).
Dela Rosa, K., Parent, G. & Eskenazi, M. (2010). Multimodal learning of words: A study on the use of speech synthesis to reinforce written text in L2 language learning
Dela Rosa, K., Parent, G. & Eskenazi, M. (2010). M.Multimodal learning of words: A study on the use of speech synthesis to reinforce written text in L2 language learning. Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education. (SLaTE 2010).
Dickison, D., Ritter, S., Nixon, T., Harris, T. K., Towle, B., Murray, R. C. & Hausmann, R.G.M. (2010). Predicting the Effects of Skill Model Changes on Student Progress. Intelligent Tutoring Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6095/2010, 300-302, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13437-1_51
Diziol, D., Rummel, N. & Spada, H. (2007). Unterstützung von computervermitteltem kooperativem Lernen in Mathematik durch Strukturierung des Problemlöseprozesses und adaptive Hilfestellung [Supporting computer-mediated collaborative learning in mathematics by structuring the problem-solving process and offering adaptive support]. Paper presented at the 11th Conference of the "Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie" [German Psychological Association]. Berlin, Germany.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N. & Spada, H. (2009). Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition in Mathematics: Where is Collaboration Helpful? In C. O’Malley, D. Suthers, P. Reimann, & A. Dimitracopoulou (Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices - CSCL2009 Conference Proceedings. International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., Volume 1, 178-187.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N. & Spada, H. (2009). Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition in Algebra – When Does Collaboration Make a Difference? 13th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2009. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N., Kahrimanis, Guevara, Holz, Spada, H., Fiotakis (2008). Using contrasting cases to better understand the relationship between students’ interactions and their learning outcome. In G. Kanselaar, V. Jonker, P.A. Kirschner, & F. Prins, (Eds.), International perspectives of the learning sciences: Cre8ing a learning world. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2008), Vol 3 (pp. 348-349). International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. ISSN 1573-4552.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N., Spada, H. (2008). Erwerb von prozeduralem und konzeptuellem Wissen in Mathematik – Wo ist kooperatives Lernen hilfreich? [Acquisition of procedural and conceptual knowledge in mathematics – When is cooperative learning beneficial?] Paper presented at the 71st conference of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF)" [Consortium for empirical educational research]. Kiel.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N., Spada, H. & McLaren, B. (2007). Promoting learning in mathematics: script support for collaborative problem solving with the Cognitive Tutor Algebra. In C.A. Chinn, G. Erkins & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Mice minds and society: Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL-07), 8(1), 39-41.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N., Spada, H., & Haug, S. (2010). Learning in mathematics: Effects of procedural and conceptual instruction on the quality of student interaction. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010), Vol 2 (pp. 370-371). International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago IL.
Doddannara, L.S., Gowda, S.M., Baker, R.S.J.d., Gowda, S.M. & de Carvalho, A.M.J.A. (2013). Exploring the relationships between design, students’ affective states, and disengaged behaviors within an ITS. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 31-40. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Donmez, P., Rosé, C.P., Stegmann, K., Weingberger, A. & Fischer, F. (2005). Supporting CSCL with Automatic Corpus Analysis Technology, Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005, 1-10. (nominated for best paper award)
Duffy, B., Carney, J., & Stamper, J. (2013). A Case Study on the Gamification of Traditional Courseware, presented as part of the Industry and Innovation Track at AIED 2013. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Dyke, G., Goggins, G., Mayfield, E. & Rosé, C. P. (2013). Comparison of Network Heuristics for Understanding Small Groups in Synchronous Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of Learning Analytics and Knowledge.
Dyke, G., Howley, I., Adamson, D. & Rosé, C. (2012). Towards Academically ProductiveTalk Supported by Conversational Agents (2012). In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 531-540.
Dyke, G., Kumar, R., Ai, H. & Rosé, C. (2012). Challenging Assumptions: using sliding window visualizations to reveal time‐based irregularities in CSCL processes. ICLS2012, Vol 1, 363-370. Best Paper Nominee.
Dyke, G., Mayfield, E., Howley, I., Adamson, D. & Rosé, C. P. (2013). Analysis of Discourse and the Importance of Time. 1st International Workshop on Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics (invited paper).
Easterday, M.W. (2010). An intelligent debater for teaching argumentation. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010, Volume 6095/2010, 218-220.
Easterday, M.W., Aleven, V., Scheines, R., & Carver, S. M. (2011). Using tutors to improve educational games. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 63-71. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Easterday, M.W., Kanarek, J. & Harrell, M. (2011). Design requirements of argument mapping software for teaching deliberation. Conference on Online Deliberation.
Eskenazi, M, Lin, Y. & Saz, O. (2013). Tools for non-native readers: the case for translation and simplification. Proceedings of Natural Language Processing for Improving Textual Accessibility (NLP4ITA) Workshop conducted at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2013.
Evans, K.L., Karabinos, M., Leinhardt, G. & Yaron, D. (2005). Chemistry in the field and chemistry in the classroom: A disconnect? First-Year Undergraduate Chemistry Education International Conference, Urbana-Champagne, IL, May 2005.
Evans, K.L., Yaron, D. & Leinhardt, G. (2008). Learning stoichiometry: A comparison of text and multimedia formats. Paper presented at the 20th Biannual Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, IN (July 2008).
"Falakmasir, M., Ashley, K. & Schunn, C. (2013). Using Argument Diagramming to Improve Peer Grading of Writing Assignments. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Massive Open Online Courses at the 16th Annual Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education (2013). Memphis, TN."
Falakmasir, M.H., Pardos, Z.A., Gordon, G.J. & Brusilovsky, P. (2013). A Spectral Learning Approach to Knowledge Tracing. In D’Mello, S. K., Calvo, R. A., and Olney, A. (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. EDM 2013, 28-34.
Fancsali, S., Nixon, T., Vuong, A. & Ritter, S. (2013). Simulated Students, Mastery Learning, and Improved Learning Curves for Real-World Cognitive Tutors. Paper presented at AIED Workshop on Simulated Learners in conjunction with AIED 2013, July 9, 2013, Memphis, Tennessee.
Fancsali, S.E., Nixon, T. & Ritter, S. (2013). Optimal and Worst-Case Performance of Mastery Learning Assessment with Bayesian Knowledge Tracing. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 35-42.
Feeney, C.M. & Heilman, M. (2008). Automatically Generating and Validating Reading-Check Questions. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Volume 5091/2008, 659-661.
Feenstra, L., Aleven, V., Rummel, N. & Taatgen, N. (2010). Multiple interactive representations for fractions learning. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring systems (ITS), 221-3.
Feenstra, L., Aleven, V., Rummel, N., Rau, M. & Taatgen, N. (2011). Thinking with your Hands: Interactive Graphical Representations in a Tutor for Fractions Learning. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 453-455. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Feng, M. & Heffernan, N. (2005). Informing Teachers Live about Student Learning: Reporting in Assistment System. 12th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Workshop on Usage Analysis in Learning Systems. 2005. Amsterdam. P25-32.
Feng, M., Beck, J., Heffernan, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Can an Intelligent Tutoring System Predict Math Proficiency as Well as a Standardized Test? 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [full paper].
Feng, M., Heffernan, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Looking for Sources of Error in Predicting Student’s Knowledge. Proceedings of AAAI 2005 workshop on Educational Data Mining. 2005.
Feng, M., Heffernan, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Predicting State Test Scores Better with Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Developing Metrics to Measure Assistance Required; In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006. p 31-40.
Fiez, J.A. (2007). Educational neuroscience: Time for a bridge? In J Geake & U Goswami (Organizers) Challenges and Opportunities for Educational Neuroscience. Workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Finkelstein, S., Yarzebinski, E., Vaughn, C., Ogan, A. & Cassell, J. (2013). The effects of culturally congruent educational technologies on student achievement. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 493-502. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Forbes-Riley, K. & Litman, D.J. (2009). Adapting to Student Uncertainty Improves Tutoring Dialogues. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Artificial intelligence in Education: Building Learning Systems that Care: From Knowledge Representation To Affective Modelling. V. Dimitrova, R. Mizoguchi, B. du Boulay, and A. Graesser, Eds. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 200. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 33-40.
Forbes-Riley, K., Litman, D.J. & Rotaru. M. (2008). Responding to student uncertainty during computer tutoring: An Experimental evaluation. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Forbes-Riley, K., Litman, D.J., Purandare, A., Rotaru, M. & Tetreault, J. (2007). Comparing Linguistic Features for Modeling Learning in Computer Dialogue Tutoring. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Los Angeles, CA, July, 2007.
Forbes-Riley, K., Litman, D.J., Silliman, S. & Purandare, A. (2008). Uncertainty Corpus: Resource to Study User Affect in Complex Spoken Dialogue Systems. Proceedings of the 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2008), Marrakech, Morocco, (May-June 2008).
Forbes-Riley, K., Rotaru, M., Litman, D.J. & Tetreault, J. (2007). Exploring affect-context dependencies for adaptive system development. In Proceedings of Human Language technologies: The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT), 41-44, Rochester, NY. (April, 2007)
Friedline, B. & Juffs, A. (2010). L1 influences on the development of L2 morphosyntactic features. Pennsylvania Association of Applied Linguistics Consortium (PAALC) Graduate Research Symposium. State College: Pennsylvania State University. January 2010.
Frishkoff, G. (2007). ERP measures of word learning: Separation of N3, MFN, and N4 semantic components, Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Savannah, Georgia, October 19, 2007.
Frishkoff, G. (2007). Neural correlates of vocabulary acquisition: Evidence from dense-array EEG. Presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Frishkoff, G. & Perfetti, C. (2007). Partial word knowledge and measures of Incremental word learning: Brain and behavioral experiments with adults and children (Ages 9 - 11). Presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Frishkoff, G., Levin, L., Pavlik, P., Idemaru, K. & De Jong, N. (2008). A model-based approach to second-language learning of grammatical constructions. In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1665-1670). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Frishkoff, G., Pavlik, P., Levin, de Jong (2008). Providing optimal support for robust learning of syntactic constructions in ESL. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2008.
Frishkoff, G., Perfetti, C. (2008). ERP Evidence for stages of meaning acquisition in the development of the print lexicon. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Asheville, NC (July 2008).
Frishkoff, G., Perfetti, C., Collins-Thompson, K. & Callan, J. (2006). Effects of Misleading Contexts on Word Learning: How Malapropisms May Affect the Development of Stable and Robust Word Representations. American Educational Research Association (2006).
Gadgil, S. & Nokes, T.J. (2009). Analogical scaffolding in collaborative learning. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2009, 3115-3120.
Gadgil, S., Nokes, T. J., Pathcan, M., Belenky, D. & Jang, J. (2010). Collaborative facilitation through error-detection: A classroom experiment. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2583-2588. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Gholson, B., Graesser, A. & Craig, S. (2007). The Transfer of Deep-Level Reasoning Questions and Their Effects on Science Learning. IES AERA Symposium: What Conditions Support Transfer of Knowledge? New Research in Mathematics and Science Education.
Gianfortoni, P., Adamson, D. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Modeling Stylistic Variation in Social Media with Stretchy Patters, in Proceedings of First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modeling of Dialects and Language Varieties
Gobert, J.D., Baker, R.S.J.d., Azevedo, R., Roll, I. & van Joolingen W. (2010). Symposium on qualitative, quantitative, and data mining methods for analyzing log data to characterize students' learning strategies and behaviors. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2010.
Gobert, J.D. & Koedinger, K. (2012). Using Model-tracing to Conduct Performance Assessment of Students’ Science Inquiry Skill at Conducting Experiments Within a Microworld. Presentation in Symposium "The Future of Assessment: Measuring Science Reasoning and Inquiry Skills Using Simulations and Immersive Environments" conducted at ICLS 2012.
Gobert, J., Raziuddin, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Auto-scoring discovery and confirmation bias in interpreting data during science inquiry in a microworld. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 770-773.
Goguadze, G., Sosnovsky, S., Isotani, S. & McLaren, B.M. (2011). Evaluating a Bayesian student model of decimal misconceptions. In M. Pechenizky, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero & J.C. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Goldin, I., Koedinger, K.R. & Aleven, V. (2012). Learner Differences in Hint Processing. In Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M., and Stamper, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012).
Goldin, I.M. & Carlson, R. (2013). Learner Differences and Hint Content. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 522-531. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Goldin, I.M., Koedinger, K.R., & Aleven, V. (2013). Hints: You can't have just one. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 232-235.
Gonzalez Sanchez, J., Chavez Echeagaray, M. E., VanLehn, K. & Burleson, W. (2011). From behavioral descriptions to a pattern-based model for intelligent tutoring systems. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP). ACM Press.
González-Brenes, J. P. & Mostow, J. (2012). Dynamic Cognitive Tracing: Towards Unified Discovery of Student and Cognitive Models. The 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012). Chania, Greece
González-Brenes, J. P. & Mostow, J. (2012). Topical Hidden Markov Models for Skill Discovery in Tutorial Data. In NIPS 2012 Workshop on Personalizing Education With Machine Learning, Lake Tahoe, California.
González-Brenes, J. P. & Mostow, J. (2013). What and When do Students Learn? Fully Data-Driven Joint Estimation of Cognitive and Student Models. The 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2013). Memphis, TN.
Gowda, S., Pardos, Z. & Baker, R.S.J.D. (2012). Content learning analysis using the moment-by-moment learning detector (2012). In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 434-443.
Gowda, S.M., Rowe, J.P., Baker, R.S.J.d., Chi, M. & Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Improving models of slipping, guessing, and momement-by-moment learning with estimates of skill difficulty. In M. Pechenizky, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero & J.C. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Gowda, S.M., Rowe, J.P., Baker, R.S.J.d., Chi, M., Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Improving Models of Slipping, Guessing, and Moment-by-Moment Learning with Estimates of Skill Difficulty. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 199-208.
Guo, Heffernan, N., Beck, J. (2008). Trying to reduce bottom-out hinting: Will telling students how many hits they have left help? Short paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Gweon, G., Agarwal, P., Udani, M., Raj, B. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). The Automatic Assessment of Knowledge Integration Processes in Project Teams. Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCL 2011. [Best Student Paper Award].
Gweon, G., Arguello, J., Pai, C., Carey, R., Zaiss, Z. & Rosé, C.P. (2005). Towards a Prototyping Tool for Behavior Oriented Authoring of Conversational Agents for Educational A. Proceedings of the Second Workshop for Building Educational Applications using NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics 2005.
Gweon, G., Jain, M., McDonough, J., Ray, B. & Rosé, C. (2012). Predicting Idea Co‐Construction in Speech Data using Insights from Sociolinguistics. Proceedings of ICLS2012, Vol 1, 435-442.
Gweon, G., Kane, A., Rosé, C. P. (2011). Facilitating knowledge transfer between groups through idea co-construction processes. In Proceedings of INGroup ‘11
Gweon, G., Rosé, C.P., Albright, E. & Cu, Y. (2007). Evaluating the Effect of Feedback from a CSCL Problem Solving Environment on Learning, Interaction, and Perceived Interdependence. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL-07). Rutgers University.
Gweon, G., Rosé, C.P., Wittwer, J. & Nueckles, M. (2005). Supporting Efficient and Reliable Content Analysis Using Automatic Text Processing Technology, Proceedings of Interact ’05 (short paper) Pp 1112
Gweon, G., Rosé, C.P., Zaiss, Z. & Carey. R. (2006). Providing Support for Adaptive Scripting in an On-Line Collaborative Learning Environment, Proceedings of CHI 06: ACM conference on human factors in computer systems. New York: ACM Press. (nominated for a best paper award)
Harpstead, E., MacLellan, C.J., Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V., Dow, S.P. & Myers, B.A. (2013). Investigating the Solution Space of an Open-Ended Educational Game Using Conceptual Feature Extraction. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 51-58.
Harrer, A., McLaren, B., Walker, E., Bollen, L. & Sewall, J. (2005). Collaboration and Cognitive Tutoring: Integration, Empirical Results, and Future Directions. 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education; Amsterdam, the Netherlands. July 2005.
Harrer, A., Pinkwart, N., McLaren, B. & Scheuer, O. (2008). How Do We Get the Pieces to Work Together? A New Software Architecture to Support Interoperability between Educational Software Tools. In B. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou, S. Lajoie (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-08), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5091 (pp. 715-718). Berlin: Springer.
Hatfield, D. & Juffs, A. (2013). Refugee Policy and Language Learning in Pittsburgh, PA. Low Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition (LESLLA) Symposium, 2013. San Francisco.
Hausmann, R.G.M. (2006). Why do elaborative dialogs lead to effective problem solving and deep learning? In R. Sun & N. Miyake (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp.1465-1469). Alpha, NJ: Sheridan Printing.
Hausmann, R.G.M. (2007). An analysis of generative dialogue patterns across interactive learning environments: Explanation, elaboration, and co-construction. Paper presented at the Intelligent Tutoring in Serious Games Workshop, hosted by the Institute for Creative Technologies at USC, Marina del Rey, CA.
Hausmann, R.G.M., Nokes, T.J., VanLehn, K. & Gershman, S. (2009). The impact of prompting on self-explanation and robust learning. Symposium at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI, 2009).
Hausmann, R.G.M. & van de Sande, B. (2007). An Analysis of Student Learning Using the Andes Intelligent Tutor Homework System. Paper presented at the summer meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Greensboro, NC. August 2007.
Hausmann, R.G.M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Explaining self-explaining: A contrast between content and generation. In R. Luckin, K.R. Koedinger, K.R. & J. Greer (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Building technology rich learning contexts that work (Vol 158, pp. 417-424). Amsterdam: IOS Press. [Best Paper Award]
Hausmann, R.G.M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Self-explaining in the Classroom: Learning Curve Evidence. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 1067-1072. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society
Hausmann, R.G.M., Nokes, T.J., VanLehn, K. & Gershman, S. (2009). Revising models or filling gaps? The impact of prompting on self-explanation and robust learning. Presented as part of "In Vivo Experimentation on Self-Explanations Across Domains" Symposium conducted at 13th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference (EARLI). Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2009.
Hausmann, R.G.M., Nokes, T.J., VanLehn, K. & Gershman, S. (2009). The design of Self-explanation prompts: The fit hypothesis. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2626-2631.
Hausmann, R.G.M., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2008). Are self-explaining and coached problem solving more effective when done by pairs of students than alone? In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 2369-2374). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Hausmann, R.G.M., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2008). Trialog: How peer collaboration helps remediate errors in an ITS. Proceedings of the 21st International FLAIRS Conference, (pp. 415-420), Menlo Park: CA, AAAI Press.
Hausmann, R.G.M., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2008). Shall we explain? Augmenting learning from intelligent tutoring systems and peer collaboration. In B. P. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou & S. Lajoie (eds). Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 9th International Conference, ITS2008, pp. 636-645. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Hausmann, R.G.M., van de Sande, B., van de Sande, C. & VanLehn, K. (2008). Productive Dialogue During Collaborative Problem Solving. In P.A. Kirschner, F. Prins, V. Jonker, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences -- ICLS 2008 (Vol. 1, pp. 327-334). The Netherlands: ISLS.
Heilman, M. & Eskenazi, M. (2006). Language Learning: Challenges for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop of Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains. 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. June 2006, pp 20-28.
Heilman, M. & Eskenazi, M. (2007). Application of automatic thesaurus extraction for computer generation of vocabulary questions. Proceedings of the SLaTE2007 Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Farmington, PA (October 2007).
Heilman, M. & Feeney, C. (2008). Automatically generating and validating reading-check questions. In B. Woolf et al (Eds.): ITS 2008, LNCS 5091. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 659-661.
Heilman, M., Collins-Thompson, K., Callan, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2006). Classroom success of an intelligent tutoring system for lexical practice and reading comprehension. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP)
Heilman, M., Collins-Thompson, K., Callan, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2007). Combining lexical and grammatical features to improve readability measures for first and second language texts. Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference. Rochester, NY, (2007).
Heilman, M., Collins-Thompson, K., Eskenazi, M. (2008). An Analysis of Statistical Models and Features for Reading Difficulty Prediction. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications. Association for Computational Linguistics, 71-79.
Heilman, M., Juffs, A. & Eskenazi, M. (2007). Choosing reading passages for vocabulary learning by topic to increase intrinsic motivation. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Marina del Rey, CA., 2007
Heilman, M., Zhao, L., Pino, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2008). Retrieval of Reading Materials for Vocabulary and Reading Practice. The 3rd Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Columbus OH, 2008.
Heiner, C., Beck, J. & Mostow, J. (2006). Automated Vocabulary Instruction in a Reading Tutor. In M, Ikeda, K. Ashley, & T-W. Chan (Eds.); ITS-2006, LNCS 4053, pp 741-743. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Hershkovitz, A., Baker, R.S.J.d., Gowda, S.M. & Corbett, A.T. (2013). Predicting Future Learning Better Using Quantitative Analysis of Moment-by-Moment Learning. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 74-81.
Howley, I. & Rosé, C. P. (2010). Student Dispositions and Help-Seeking in Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Young Researcher’s Track/Doctoral Consortium.
Howley, I. & Rosé, C. P. (2010). Student Dispositions and Help-Seeking in Collaborative Learning. Young Researcher's Track paper presented at the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), 2010.
Howley, I. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Modeling the Rhetoric of Human-Computer Interaction. In J.A. Jacko (Ed.). Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction Techniques and Environments. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, HCI International 2011, Vol. 6762/2011, 341-350.
Howley, I., Adamson, D., Dyke, G., Mayfield, E., Beuth, J. & Rosé, C.P. (2012). Group Composition and Intelligent Dialogue Tutors for Impacting Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 551-556.
Howley, I., Mayfield, E. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Missing Something? Authority in Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Hu, W., Wu, S., Zhang, A. & Cai, J. (2007). Bridging between classical and modern Chinese. Panel participants at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Meeting, 2007.
Hua, A., Sionti, M., Wang, Y.C. & Rosé, C.P. (2010). Finding Transactive Contributions in Whole Group Classroom Discussions. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2010.
Isotani, S., McLaren, B.M., & Altman, M. (2010). Towards Intelligent Tutoring with Erroneous Examples: A Taxonomy of Decimal Misconceptions. Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), 346-348.
Jain, M., McDonogh, J., Gweon, G., Raj, B., Rosé, C. P. (2012). An Unsupervised Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Measuring Speech Style Accommodation. In Proceedings of the European Association for Computational Linguistics (15% acceptance rate for oral presentations)
Johnson, M.W., Eagle, M., Stamper, J. & Barnes, T. (2013). An Algorithm for Reducing the Complexity of Interaction Networks. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 248-251.
Jones, C. (2007). French Online and the Open Learning Initiative. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 2007, Lexington, Kentucky.
Jones, C. & Queuniet, S. C. (2006). French Online and the French LearnLab: Instruction and Research. European Computer Assisted Language Learning 2006.
Jones, C. & Siskin M. (2007). Building the New French Online: The Challenges of shared infrastructure. CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium), May 2007, Texas State University, San Marcos.
Jordan, P. (2004). Using Student Explanations as Models for Adapting Tutorial Dialogue. Proceedings of 17th International FLAIRS Conference. P905-910.
Jordan, P. (2007). Topic initiative in a simulated peer dialogue agent. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, (AIED), Marina del Ray, CA (July, 2007).
Jordan, P. & Litman, D.J. (2008). Minimal feedback during tutorial dialogue. Short paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2006). Discourse Processing for Explanatory Essays in Tutorial Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Vol. 2, from the Annual Meeting of the ACL, pp 74-83
Jordan, P., Albacete, VanLehn, K. (2005). Taking Control of Redundancy in Scripted Tutorial Dialogue. Proceedings of Int. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 314 - 321.
Jordan, P., Hall, B. Ringenberg, M., Cue, Y. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). Tools for authoring a dialogue agent that participates in learning studies. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Marina del Rey, CA. (July 2007).
Jordan, P., Litman, D.J., Lipschultz, M. & Drummond, J. (2009). Evidence of Misunderstandings in Tutorial Dialogue and their Impact on Learning. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Brighton, UK, July 2009.
Jordan, P., Makatchev, M. & VanLehn, K. (2004). Combining Competing Language Understanding Approaches in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference, vol 3220, pp 346-357.
Jordan, P., Makatchev, M., Pappuswamy, U., VanLehn, K. & Albacete, P. (2006). A natural language tutorial dialogue system for physics. In G. Sutcliffe & R. Goebel (Eds.), 19th International FLAIRS Conference. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. P 521-526.
Jordan, P., Ringenberg, R. & Hall, B. (2006). Rapidly Developing Dialogue Systems that Support Learning Studies. Workshop Proceedings on Teaching With Robots, Agents, and NLPat, 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jhongli, Taiwan
Juffs, A. (2012). Functional and Formal Approaches to SLA. Colloquium conducted at the 31st Second Language Research Forum Conference (SLRF). Pittsburgh, PA.
Juffs, A. & Rodriguez (2007). Working memory capacity in context: differential effects on comprehension of relative clauses and binding. Second Language Research Forum. University of Illinois, Champaign Urbana. October 13, 2007.
Juffs, A. & Rodriguez, G. A. (2012). Processing relative clauses and working memory. Georgetown University Roundtable on Linguistics. March 9, 2012.
Juffs, A., Eskenazi, M., Heilman, M., Wilson, L. & Friedline, B. (2007). Activity theory and computer assisted learning of English vocabulary. Proceedings of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, 2007.
Juffs, A., Eskenazi, M., Wilson, L., Pelletreau, T., Sanders, J., Callan, J. & Brown, J. (2006). Promoting robust learning of vocabulary through computer assisted language learning, Joint conference of AAAL and ACLA/CAAL 2006, Montreal, June 2006.
Juffs, A., Petrich, J. & Han, N. (2013). Tracking the development of lexical diversity in Intensive English Program Students in the US. American Association of Applied Linguistics. Houston, 2013.
Juffs, A., Petrich, J. & Han, N. (2013). Tracking the development of lexical diversity in Intensive English Program Students in the US. American Association of Applied Linguistics. Dallas, TX, 2013.
Juffs, A., Wilson, L., Eskenazi, M. & Heilman, M. (2008). Robust learning of vocabulary in classrooms and in CALL. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC.
Kallai, A. Y., Schunn, C. D., & Fiez J. A. (2011). Improving foundational number representations through simple arithmetical training. Paper presened at The Society for Research on Educational effectiveness (SREE) Fall 2011 Conference, Washington, D.C.
Kao, Y., Roll, I. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). The composition effect in geometry area problems. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2007, 1145-1150.
Kao, Y., Roll, I. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Source of difficulty in multi-step geometry area problems. In D.S. McNamara & J.G. Trafton (Eds.). Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, (1145-1150). Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society
Kao, Y.S. & Anderson, J.R. (2008). Contributions of spatial skills to geometry achievement. Paper presented at Conference on Research and Training in Spatial Intelligence, Evanston, IL
Kao, Y.S. & Anderson, J.R. (2009). Contributions of Spatial Skills to Geometry Achievement II. Paper presented at Conference on Research and Training in Spatial Intelligence, Evanston, IL.
Katz, S., Connelly, J. & Wilson, C. (2005). When should dialogues in a scaffolded learning environment take place? In P. Kommers & G. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia 2005 (pp. 2850-2855). Norfolk: VA: AACE.
Katz, S., Connelly, J. & Wilson, C. (2007). Out of the lab and into the classroom: An evaluation of reflective dialogue in Andes. In K. Koedinger, K.R. & R. Luckin (Eds). In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Building Technology Rich Learning Contexts that Work (pp. 425-432). Amsterdom: IOS Press.
King, S.O., Stein, M., Schunn, C.D. & Boston, M.D. (2012). Designing Educative Teacher Guides for Informal Learning. Paper presented as part of "Developing and Studying Educative Science and Mathematics Curriculum Materials" Symposium at AERA 2012.
Klahr, D. (2007). Learning & Development, Primary & Secondary Processes, Instruction & Learning. Invited Presidential Symposium, Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting. Santa Fe, NM. October, 2007.
Klahr, D. & Chen Z. (2007). Remote Transfer of Scientific Reasoning and Problem-Solving Strategies in Children and Adults. Presentation at Symposium on Learning and Transfer: Application of Developmental Psychology Research to Educational Issues. SRCD 2007 Biennial Meeting. Boston, MA March 2007
Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Fostering Learning in the Networked World: Presenting the 21st-Century Cyber Learning Opportunity and Challenge for the National Science Foundation. SIG-Advanced Technologies for Learning. AERA symposium, 2009.
Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Using online tutoring systems for in vivo experimentation and educational data mining. Presented as part of "Innovative Methodologies for Relevant Basic Research on Technology-Enhanced Learning in Classrooms" Symposium at EARLI 2009.
Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Confronting the Assistance Dilemma: Is it Better to Give Than to Receive? Learning and Instruction Symposium (AERA 2008).
Koedinger, K.R, Pavlik, P., Stamper, J., Nixon, T. & Ritter S. (2011). Avoiding Problem Selection Thrashing with Conjunctive Knowledge Tracing. Proceedings of Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Cognitive Tutors and Opportunities for Convergence of Human and Machine Learning Theory. AAAI 2006.
Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Enabling technologies from the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. Presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Crowdsourcing Cognitive Models for Assessment, Tutoring, and In-Game Support. Paper presented at Microsoft Research at University of Washington (MSR/UW) Summer Institute on Crowdsourcing Personalized Online Education, July 2012
Koedinger, K.R. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2006). Comparing Knowledge Representations and Methods for Creating Cognitive Models in Advanced Learning and Tutorial Systems. American Educational Research Association (2006).
Koedinger, K.R. & McLaughlin, E.A. (2010). Seeing language learning inside the math: Cognitive analysis yields transfer. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 471-476.) Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2007). In vivo experiments on whether tutoring meta-cognition yields robust learning. Presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V. & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2007). In vivo experiments on whether tutoring meta-cognition yields robust learning. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary, August, 2007.
Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V., Baker, R.S.J.d. & Roll, I. (2007). Toward understanding when tutoring meta-cognition enhances domain learning. Proceedings of Workshop on Metacognition and SRL. (AIED 2007).
Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V., Heffernan, N., McLaren, B. & Hockenberry, M. (2004). Opening the Door to Non-Programmers: Authoring Intelligent Tutor Behavior by Demonstration;. In the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2004), Maceio, Brazil, August 2004.
Koedinger, K. R., Booth, J. L., & Klahr, D. (2013). Instructional complexity and the science to constrain it. Science, 342(6161), 935-937.
Koedinger, K.R., Cunningham, Skogsholm, Leber (2008). An open repository and analysis tools for fine-grained, longitudinal learner data. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [full paper], 157-166.
Koedinger, K.R., K. & Stamper, J. (2010). A Data Driven Approach to the Discovery of Better Cognitive Models. In Baker, R.S.J.d., Merceron, A., Pavlik, P.I. Jr. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2010), 325-326.
Koedinger, K.R., McLaughlin, E.A., & Stamper, J.C. (2012). Automated Student Model Improvement. In Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M., and Stamper, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. [Best Paper Award]
Koedinger, K.R., Pavlik, P., McLaren, B. & Aleven, V. (2008). Is it Better to Give than to Receive? The Assistance Dilemma as a Fundamental Unsolved Problem in the Cognitive Science of Learning and Instruction. In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2155-2160). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Koedinger, K.R., Stamper, J., Mclaughlin, E. & Nixon, T. (2013). Using data-driven discovery of better student models to improve student learning. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 421-430. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Kulkarni, A. & Callan, J. (2008). Dictionary Definitions based Homograph Identification using a Generative Hierarchical Model. Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers (Companion Volume), 85-88, Columbus, OH, June 2008. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Kulkarni, A., Callan, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2007). Dictionary definitions: The Likes and the unlikes. Proceedings of the SLaTE2007 Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Farmington, PA (October 2007).
Kulkarni, A., Heilman, M., Eskenazi, M. & Callan, J. (2008). Word Sense Disambiguation for Vocabulary Learning. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 5091, pp 500-509. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg.
Kulkarni, R., Tushar, S., Trivedi, G., Wen, M., Zheng, Z., & Rosé, C. P. (2012). Supporting Collaboration in Wikipedia between Language Communities, Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration
Kumar, R. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Comparing Triggering Policies for Social Behaviors. Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2011.
Kumar, R., Beuth, J. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Conversational Strategies that Support Idea Generation Productivity in Groups. Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Kumar, R., Gweon, G., Joshi, M., Cui, Y. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). Supporting students working together on math with social dialogue. Paper presented at the SLaTE2007 Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Farmington, PA (October 2007).
Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P., Aleven, V., Iglesias, A., & Robinson, A. (2006). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tutorial Dialogue Instruction in an Exploratory Learning Context; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006. p666-674.
Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P., Wang, Y., Joshi, M. & Robinson, A. (2007). Tutorial Dialogue as adaptive collaborative learning support, AIED 2007 (nominated for a best paper award).
Lane, H.C. & VanLehn, K. (2004). A dialogue-based tutoring system for beginning programming. In V. Barr & Z. Markov (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) (pp. 449-454). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
Lane, H.C. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Intention-based scoring: An approach to measuring success at solving the composition problem. In W. Dann, P. T. Tymann, & D. Baldwin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE).: ACM Press. P373-374
Lange, K.E., Booth, J.L., Koedinger, K.R., & Jones Newton, K. (2012). Differentiating Between Correct and Incorrect Examples for Improving Student Learning in Algebra. Poster presented at AERA 2013.
Lau, M., Stein, M, Reynolds, B., Schunn, C.D., Ruppel, R., Cox, C. & Bender, S. (2012). Educative or Not: How Teachers’ Framing of Activities Impacts Their Learning From Curricular Materials. Paper presented as part of "Developing and Studying Educative Science and Mathematics Curriculum Materials" Symposium at AERA 2012.
Lee, D.M., Rodrigo, M.M., Baker, R.S.J.d., Sugay, J. & Coronel, A. (2011). Exploring the Relationship Between Novice Programmer Confusion and Achievement. Proceedings of the 4th bi-annual International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction.
Lee, J.I. & Brunskill, E. (2012). The Impact on Individualizing Student Models on Necessary Practice Opportunities. In Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M., and Stamper, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012).
Lee, J-K. & Lee, J-H. (2006). The effect of learning management system quality and self-regulated learning strategy on effectiveness of an e-Learning. E-Learning Conference, 2006, page 8.
Li, J., Klahr, D. & Jabbour, A. (2006). When the Rubber Meets the Road -- Putting Research-based Methods to Test in Urban Classrooms. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2006). Bloomington, IN, USA. P. 418.
Li, N., Cohen, W. & Koedinger, K. (2013). Discovering Student Models with a Clustering Algorithm Using Problem Content. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 98-105.
Li, N., Cohen, W., & Koedinger, K.R., K. (2010). A computational model of accelerated future learning through feature recognition. In V. Aleven, J. Kay & J. Mostow (Eds.). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). LNCS Volume 6095, 368-370. Springer.
Li, N., Cohen, W., Koedinger, K.R., K., & Matsuda, N. (2010). Towards a computational model of why some students learn faster than others. Proceedings of the AAAI 2010 Fall Symposium on the Cognitive and Metacognitive Educational Systems. Arlington, VA.
Li, N., Cohen, W.W. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Efficient Cross-Domain Learning of ComplexSkills. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 493-498.
Li, N., Cohen, W.W. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Problem Order Implications for LearningTransfer. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 185-194.
Li, N., Khandelwal, A., Phan, T., Touretzky, D.S., Cohen, W.W., & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Creating an Educational Robot by Embedding a Learning Agent in the Physical World. Proceedings of the 44th ACM technical Symposium on Computer Science Dducation. 759-760, SIGCSE 2013. (abstract).
Li, N., Matsuda, N., Cohen, W.W. & Koedinger, K. (2011). A Machine learning approach for automatic student model discovery. In M. Pechenizky, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero & J.C. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Li, N., Stampfer, E., Cohen, & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). General and efficient cognitive model discovery using a simulated student. In M. Knauff, N. Sebanz, M. Pauen & I wachsmuth (Eds.). Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society: Austin, TX., 894-899.
Li, N., Tian, Y., Cohen, W.W., & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Integrating Perceptual Learning with External World Knowledge in a Simulated Student. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 400-410. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Litman, D. (2011). Spoken dialogue for intelligent tutoring systems: Responding to not only what students say, but how they say it. Paper presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Litman, D.J., Rosé, C.P., Forbes-Riley, K., VanLehn, K., Bhembe, D. & Silliman, S. (2004). Spoken versus typed human and computer dialogue tutoring. In J. C. Lester, R. M. Vicari, & F. Paraguacu, (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 7th International Conference (pp. 368-379). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin & Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K
Liu, Y. (2009). Chinese ESL Readers’ On-line Inferences in Text Processing. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, March, 2009.
Liu, Y., Massaro, D.W., Chen, T.H., Chan, D. & Perfetti, C. (2007). Using visual speech for training Chinese pronounciation: An in-vivo experiment. Proceedings of the SLaTE2007 Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Farmington, PA (October 2007).
Liu, Y., Wang, M., Perfetti, C., Brubaker, B., Wu, S. & MacWhinney, B. (2006). Learning a tonal language by attending to the tone. 13th annual meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Vancouver, July 5-8, 2006.
Liu, Y., Wang, M., Perfetti, C., Brubaker, B., Wu, S. & MacWhinney, B. (2007). Learning a tonal language by attending to the tone: An in-vivo experiment. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI 2007, Aug 2007. Budapest, Hungary. Symposium title: Understanding robust learning via in vivo experimentation.
Liu, Z., Pataranutaporn, V., Ocumpaugh, J., & Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Sequences of Frustration and Confusion, and Learning. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 113-120.
Lloyd, N.M., Heffernan, N. & Ruiz, C. (2007). Predicting student engagement in intelligent tutoring systems using teacher expert knowledge. Proceedings of Workshop on Educational Data Mining (AIED 2007) 40-49.
Lomas, J.D., Ching, S., Stampfer, E., Sandoval, M. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Battleship Numberline: A Digital Game for Improving EstimationAccuracy on Fraction Number Lines. Paper presented at AERA 2012.
Long, Y. & Aleven V. (2011). Students' understanding of their student model. Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6738, 179-186.
Long, Y. & Aleven, V. (2012). Skill Diaries: Can Periodic Self-Assessment Improve Students’ Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System? In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 673-674.
Long, Y. & Aleven, V. (2013). Learning with an Open Learner Model in a Linear Equation Tutor. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 219-228. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Long, Y. & Aleven, V. (2013). Skill Diaries: Improve Student Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System with Periodic Self-Assessment. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 249-258. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. [Awarded Best Student Paper].
Lu, C. (2006). The Effects of Word Knowledge Depth and Proficiency Level on Word Association for Learners of Chinese as a Second Language, The Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA/ ACTFL), 2006.
Lynch, C., Ashley, K., Aleven, V. & Pinkwart, N. (2006). Defining Ill-Defined Domains; A literature survey. Workshop Proceedings on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2006
Lynch, C., Ashley, K., Pinkwart, N. & Aleven, V. (2007). Argument diagramming as focusing device: does it scaffold reading? Proceedings of Workshop on Applications in Ill-Defined Domains (AIED 2007).
Lynch, C., Ashley, K., Pinkwart, N. & Aleven, V. (2008). Argument graph classification with Genetic Programming and C4.5. 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [full paper].
Maass, J.K. & Pavlik, P.I. (2013). Using Learner Modeling to Determine Effective Conditions of Learning for Optimal Transfer. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 189-198. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
MacLellan, C.J., Matsuda, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Toward a reflective SimStudent: Using experience to avoid generalization errors. Paper presented at the AIED Workshop on Simulated Learners. AIED 2013.
MacWhinney, B. (2005). Item-based Constructions and the Logical Problem. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition. 2005. Pages 53-68.
MacWhinney, B., Presson, N. & Heilman, M. (2010). Embodied spatial language in L2 acquisition. Presented at the 'Toward Embodied Language Learning' Colloquium at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), University of Maryland, October 2010.
Magner, U., Schwonke, R., Renkl, A., & Aleven, V. (2010). Pictorial illustrations in intelligent tutoring systems: Do they distract or elicit interest and engagement? In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky, J. (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 1, Full Papers. International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago IL.
Magner, U., Schwonke, R., Renkl, A., Aleven, V., & Popescu, O. (2010). Seductive illustrations: Double-edged effects? In M. Hopp & F. Wagner (Eds.), Instructional design for motivated and competent learning in a digital world (Proceedings of the EARLI SIG 6&7 Conference 2010) (pp. 161-163). Ulm, Germany: University of Ulm.
Makatchev, M. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Analyzing completeness and correctness of utterances using an ATMS. In G. McCalla, C. K. Looi, B. Bredeweg & J. Breuker (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED2005, (pp. 403-410). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.
Makatchev, M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Combining Bayesian networks and formal reasoning for semantic classification of student utterances. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-07).
Makatchev, M., Hall, B.S., Jordan, P. W., Pappuswamy, U. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Mixed language processing in the Why2-Atlas tutoring system. Proceedings of the Workshop on Mixed Language Explanations in Learning Environments, AIED2005. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Makatchev, M., Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2004). Modeling student’s reasoning about qualitative physics: Heuristics for abductive proof search. In J. C. Lester, R. M. Vicari, & F. Paraguacu, (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 7th International Conference (pp. 699-709). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin & Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K.
Makatchev, M., Jordan, P., Pappuswamy, U., & VanLehn, K. (2004). Abductive proofs as models of qualitative reasoning. In J. de Kleer & K. Forbus (Eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (pp. 11-18). Evanston, IL .
Makatchev, M., Jordan, P., Pappuswamy, U., & VanLehn, K. (2004). Abductive proofs as models of students’ reasoning about qualitative physics. In Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 166-171). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Makatchev, M., VanLehn, K., Jordan, P. & Pappuswamy, U. (2006). Representation and reasoning for deeper natural language understanding in a physics tutoring system. In G. Sutcliffe & R. Goebel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International FLAIRS conference. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press, 682-687.
Martin, B., Koedinger, K.R., Mitrovic, A. & Mathan S. (2005). On Using Learning Curves to Evaluate ITS . Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2005.
Martin, K. & Juffs, A. (2011). Reading in English: A Comparison of Native Arabic, Native Chinese, and native English speakers. Poster. International Symposium on Bilingualism 8 (ISB8). 15th – 18th June 2011
Martin, K. I., & Juffs, A. (2012). Reading in English: A Comparison of Native Arabic, Native Chinese, and Native English Speakers. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Martin, K. I., & Juffs, A. (2012). The Effects of L1 on Sensitivity to Vowel Information while Reading: A Comparison of Native Arabic, Native Chinese, and Native English Speakers. In L. M. Morett (Chair), The Psycholinguistic Bases of Second Language Acquisition: Consistency and Change Across Languages. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Massaro, D.W., Liu, Y., Chen, T.H. & Perfetti, C. (2006). A Multilingual Embodied Conversational Agent for Tutoring Speech and Language Learning. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006 - ICSLP), September, Pittsburgh, PA. 825-828.
Mathan, S. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Fostering the Intelligent Novice: Learning From Errors With Metacognitive Tutoring. American Educational Research Association
Matlen, B.J., Atit, K., Göksun, T., Rau, M.A., & Ptouchkina, M. (2012). Representing space: Exploring the relationship between gesturing and children’s geoscience understanding. In K. Schill, C. Stachniss, D. Uttal (Eds.), Proceedings of Spatial Cognition, LNAI 7643, pp. 405 – 415. Springer, Heidelberg.
Matlen, B.J., Shipley, T.F., Chaurasia, N., Wilson, M.L., Wilson, D.L., & Klahr, D. (2013). A comparison of comparison types: Applications of analogical instruction in mineralogy identification. Submitted to the Conference of the American Education Research Association (AERA 2013).
Matsuda, N. (2006). Building Robust Learning Theories for Robust Learning (2006). International Symposium on e-Learning, Osaka Prefecture University, May 2006, Osaka, Japan
Matsuda, N. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Advanced geometry tutor: An intelligent tutor that teaches proof-writing with construction. In G. McCalla, C. K. Looi, B. Bredeweg & J. Breuker (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp.443-450). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Matsuda, N. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Advanced Geometry Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Proof-Writing with Construction. Proceedings of Japan National Conference on Information and Systems in Education. 2005.
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Applying Programming by Demonstration in an Intelligent Authoring Tool for Cognitive Tutors. AAAI Workshop on Human Comprehensible Machine Learning (Technical Report WS-05-04). 2005. Pages 1-8.
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). An Intelligent Authoring System with Programming by Demonstration. Proceedings of the the Japan National Conference on Information and Systems in Education, Kanazawa, Japan.
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Building Cognitive Tutors with Programming by Demonstration. In S. Kramer & B. Pfahringer (Eds.), Technical report: TUM-I0510 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 41-46): Institut fur Informatik, Technische Universitat Munchen. 2005.
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W. W., Koedinger, K.R. & Stylianides, G. (2010). Learning to solve algebraic equations by teaching a computer agent. In M. F. Pinto & T. F. Kawasaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2, pp. 69).
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W. W., Koedinger, K.R., Stylianides, G., Keiser, V., & Raizada, R. (2010). Tuning Cognitive Tutors into a Platform for Learning-by-Teaching with SimStudent Technology. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Adaptation and Personalization in E-B/Learning using Pedagogic Conversational Agents (APLeC) (pp.20-25), Hawaii.
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W., Lacerda, G. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Predicting students’ performance with SimStudent that learns cognitive skills from observation. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-07).
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W., Sewall, J., Lacerda, G. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Evaluating a simulated student using real students’ data for training and testing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on User Modeling, Corfu, Greece, 2007.
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W., Sewall, J., Lacerda, G. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Why tutored problem solving may be better than example study. In B. P. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou & S. Lajoie (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 111-121). Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer.
Matsuda, N., Keiser V., Raizada R, Tu A., Stylianides, G., Cohen, W. et al (2010). Learning by Teaching SimStudent: Technical Accomplishments and an Initial Use with Students. In V. Aleven, J. Kay & J. Mostow (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6095/2010, 449, 317-326. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13437-1_106.
Matsuda, N., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Yarzebinski, E., Watson, S.P., Stylianides, G. , Cohen, W., & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Studying the Effect of Tutor Learning using a Teachable Agent that Asks the Student Tutor for Explanations. In M. Sugimoto, V. Aleven, Y. S. Chee& B. F. Manjon (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2012) (pp. 25-32). Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society. Best Paper Finalist.
Matsuda, N., Lee, A., Cohen, W. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). A Computational Model of How Learner Errors Arise from Weak Prior Knowledge. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2009, 1288-1293.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Motivational factors for learning by teaching: The effect of a competitive game show in a virtual peer-learning environment. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 101-111.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G., Cohen, W. W. (2011). Learning by Teaching SimStudent – An Initial Classroom Baseline Study comparing with Cognitive Tutor. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 213-221. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., William, W. C., Stylianides, G., et al. (2012). Shallow learning as a pathway for successful learning both for tutors and tutees. In N. Miyake, D. Peebles & R. P. Cooper (Eds.),Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [38%acceptance rate out of 537 submissions]
Mayfield, E. & Rosé, C. P. (2011). Recognizing Authority in Dialogue with an Integer Linear Programming Constrained Model. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
Mayfield, E., Adamson, D. & Rosé, C. P. (2012). Hierarchical Conversation Structure Prediction in Multi-Party Chat. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue.
Mayfield, E., Adamson, D., & Rosé, C. P. (2013). Recognizing Rare Social Phenomena in Conversation: Empowerment Detection in Support Group Chatrooms. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Mayfield, E., Rudnicky, A., & Rosé, C. P. (2012). Computational Representation of Discourse Practices in Task-based Dialogue, Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration
McCormick, D. & Vercellotti, M. (2009). To Err is Human, to Self-correct Divine: Examining Classroom Recorded Speaking Activity Data to Support ESL Self-correction as Noticing. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, March 2009.
McCormick, D., O'Neill, M.C. & Siskin C. B. (2006). Serving three mistresses in CALL: Students, teachers, researchers. CALICO Symposium, Honolulu.
McLaren, B., Bollen, L., Walker, E., Harrer, A. & Sewall, J. (2005). Cognitive Tutoring of Collaboration: Developmental and Empirical Steps Towards Realization. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference. 2005.
McLaren, B., DeLeeuw, K.E., Mayer (2010). A Politeness Effect in Learning with Web-Based Intelligent Tutors. Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 30 – May 4, 2010, Denver, Colorado.
McLaren, B. & Isotani, S. (2011). When is it best to learn with all worked examples? In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 222-229. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
McLaren, B. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). In vivo learning experiences with a stoichiometry tutor: Worked exmples lead to more efficient learning. Presented as part of "In Vivo Experimentation on Worked Examples Across Domains" Symposium at EARLI 2009.
McLaren, B., Koedinger, K.R., Schneider, M., Harrer, A. & Bollen, L. (2004). Toward Cognitive Tutoring in a Collaborative, Web-Based Environment. In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Collaborative Web-Based Systems (AHCW-04), Munich, Germany, July 2004.
McLaren, B., Koedinger, K.R., Schneider, M., Harrer, A. & Bollen, L. (2004). Bootstrapping Novice Data: Semi-Automated Tutor Authoring Using Student Log Files; In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes, Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2004), Maceio, Brazil, August 2004.
McLaren, B., Lim, S., & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). When is assistance helpful to learning? Results in combining worked examples and intelligent tutoring. In B. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou, S. Lajoie (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-08), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5091 (pp. 677-680). Berlin: Springer.
McLaren, B., Lim, S., & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). When and How Often Should Problem Solutions be given to Students? New Results and a Summary of the Current State of Research. In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2176-2181). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
McLaren, B., Lim, S., Gagnon, F., Yaron, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Studying the Effects of Personalized Language and Worked Examples in the Context of a Web-Based IntelligentTutor. In M. Ikeda, K.D. Ashley, & T-W. Chan (Eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4053 (pp. 318-328). Berlin: Springer. (Finalist for the Best Paper Award)
McLaren, B., Lim, S., Yaron, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Can a Polite Intelligent Tutoring System Lead to Improved Learning Outside of the Lab? In R. Luckin, K.R. Koedinger, K.R., & J. Greer (Eds). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2007), IOS Press, (p. 443-440).
McLaren, B., Roll, I., Aleven, V. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Modeling and tutoring help seeking with a cognitive tutor. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Budapest, Hungary, August, 2007.
McLaren, B. & Rummel, N. (2009). Adapting Assistance to the Student(s): Preliminary Ideas from Individual and Collaborative Computer-Supported Learning Contexts. Symposium Session “The Assistance Dilemma in CSCL”, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL09), June 8-13, 2009, Rhodes Greece.
McLaren, B., Rummel, N., Pinkwart, N., Tsovaltzi, D., Harrer, A. & Scheuer, O. (2008). Learning Chemistry through Collaboration: A Wizard-of-Oz Study of Adaptive Collaboration Support. In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Support for Exploratory Environments (ISSE 08) at the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2008), Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 17, 2008.
McLaren, B., Rummel, N., Tsovltzi, D., Braun, I., Scheurer, O., Harrer, A. & Pinkwart, N. (2007). The CoChemEx Project: Conceptual chemistry learning through experimentation and adaptive collaboration. In Proceedings of the Workshop on ‘Emerging Technologies for Inquiry Based Learning in Science’, AIED, pp. 36-48.
McLaren, B., Scheuer, O., De Laat, M., Hever, R., De Groot, R. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). Using Machine Learning Techniques to Analyze and Support Mediation of Student E-Discussions. In the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2007), IOS Press, (p. 141-147).
Michaels, S. & O'Connor, C. (2011). Making thinking and productive talk visible: Exploring the use of video in three models of scalable professional development for productive talk. Paper presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Mitsugi, S., MacWhinney, B. et al. (2010). Cue-based processing of relative clauses in L2 Japanese. Selected Proceedings of the 2008 Second Language Research Forum. M. Prior. Somerville, MA, Cascadilla: 123-138.
Mostow, J. & Zhang (2008). Analytic comparison of three methods to evaluate tutorial behaviors. 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [full paper].
Mostow, J. & Beck, J. (2006). Refined micro-analysis of fluency gains in a Reading Tutor that listens: Wide reading beats rereading -- but not by much Thirteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study
Mostow, J., Beck, J., Cen, H., Cuneo, A., Gouvea E. & Heiner, C. (2005). An Educational Data Mining Tool to Browse Tutor-Student Interactions: Time Will Tell!. Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Educational Data Mining (2005), 15-22.
Mu, J., Stegmann, K., Mayfield, E., Rosé, C. P. & Fischer, F. (2011). ACODEA: A Framework for the Development of Classification Schemes for Automatic Classification of Online Discussions, in Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Muldner, K., Burleson, W., & VanLehn, K. (2010). "Yes!": Using tutor and sensor data to predict moments of delight during instructional activities. In P. De Bra, A. Kobsa & D. Chin (Eds.) User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization: 18th International Conference, UMAP 2010 (pp. 159-170) Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Muldner, K., Burleson, W., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2010). An analysis of gaming behaviors in an intelligent tutoring system. In V. Aleven, J. Kay & J. Mostow (Eds), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 10th International Conference, ITS 2010 LNCS 6094, 184-193. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Murray, R.C. & Mostow, J. (2006). A Comparison of Decision-Theoretic, Fixed-Policy and Random Tutorial Action Selection. In M. Ikeda, K. Ashley, & T-W. Chan (Eds.). ITS 2006, LNCS 4053, pp 114-123. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
Navaroli, D., Siler, S. A., Magaro, C. (2013). Comparison of teacher-generated to coupled teacher/student-generated analogy in cell biology. Paper presented at the 2013 National Science Teachers’ Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 2013.
Nokes, T. J., & Gadgil, S. (2010). Analogical comparison supports collaborative learning in physics. In the symposium on Collaborative Learning and Remembering Part 1. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Convention for the Association for Psychological Science: Boston, MA.
Nokes, T. J., Levine, J. M., Belenky, D. M. & Gadgil, S. (2010). Investigating the impact of dialectical interaction on engagement, affect, and robust learning. Proceedings of ICLS 2010.
Nokes, T. J., Mestre, J., Ross, B. H., & Richey, J. E. (2010). Conceptual analysis and student learning in physics. In the symposium on Solving Problems in School: Concepts, Procedures and Instruction to Support Learning. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference for the Association for Psychological Science: Boston, MA.
Nokes, T.J. & Ross, B.H. (2007). Near-Miss versus surface-different comparisons in analogical learning and generalization. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (CogScie 2007).
Nokes-Malach, T. J., Mestre, J. P., & Belenky, D. M. (2012). A theoretical framework for transfer as sense-making: Applications and examples. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Nuzzo-Jones, G., Walonoski, J.A., Heffernan, N.T. & Livak, T. (2005). The eXtensible Tutor Architecture: A New Foundation for ITS. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2005.
Nwaigwe, A. & Koedinger, K. (2011). The simple location heuristic is better at predicting students' changes in error rate over time compared to the simple temporal heuristic. In M. Pechenizkiy, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero, and J. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Nwaigwe, A., Koedinger, K.R., VanLehn, K., Hausmann, R.G.M. & Weinstein, A. (2007). Exploring Alternative Methods for Error Attribution in Learning Curves Analysis in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education 2007.
O'Connor, C. & Michaels, S. (2011). Explicating student learning through discourse coding tools and representations. Paper presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Ogan, A., Aleven, V. & Jones, C. (2005). Improving Intercultural Competence by Predicting in French Film. G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcar. 2005. Pages 3101-3106.
Ogan, A., Aleven, V. & Jones, C. (2006). Culture in the Classroom: Challenges for Assessment in Ill-Defined Domains. Workshop Proceedings on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2006.
Ogan, A., Aleven, V., & Jones, C. (2008). Pause, predict and ponder: Use of narrative videos to improve cultural discussion and learning. In M. Czerwinski, A.M. Lund & D.S. Tan (Eds), Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2008, Florence Italy.
Ogan, A., Aleven, V. & Jones, C. (2009). Pause, predict and ponder: Use of narrative videos to improve cultural discussion and learning. Presented as part of the "Computer-Supported Learning with Digital Videos in Multiple Educational Settings" Symposium at the 13th Biennial Conference of EARLI 2009.
Ogan, A., Finkelstein, S., Mayfield, E., D'Adamo, C., Matsuda, N., & Cassell, J. (2012). “Oh, dear Stacy!” Social interaction, elaboration, and learning with teachable agents Proceedings of CHI2012 [23% acceptance rate out of 1577 submissions]
Ogan, A., Finkelstein, S., Walker, E. Carlson, R. & Cassell, J. (2012). Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 11-21.
Ogan, A., Jones, C. & Aleven, V. (2006). Focusing attention on critical moments: Evaluation of a system for teaching intercultural competence. European Computer Assisted Language Learning.
Ogan, A., Jones, C. & Aleven, V. (2007). Intelligent Tutoring in a Cultural Discussion Forum. Paper presented at European Computer Assisted Language Learning (EuroCALL 2007) Ulster, Northern Ireland, September 2007.
Ogan, A., Jones, C., Aleven, V., Walker, E., Wylie, R. & Jones, C. (2006). A Tense Situation: Applying Cognitive Tutor Methodology to Ill-Defined Domains. European Computer Assisted Language Learning 2006.
Ogan, A., Walker, E., Aleven, V. & Jones, C. (2008). Using a Peer Moderator to Support Collaborative Cultural Discussion. Appeared in the Culturally Aware Tutoring Systems Workshop at ITS 2008.
Ogan, A., Walker, E., Jones, C. & Aleven, V. (2008). Toward supporting collaborative discussion in an ill-defined domain. In B.P. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou & S.P. Lajoie, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 825-827.
Ogan, A., Wylie, R. & Walker, E. (2006). The challenges in adapting traditional techniques for modeling student behaviors in ill-defined domains. In Workshop Proceedings on Ill-Defined Domains at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006.
Ogan, A., Wylie, R. & Walker, E. (2006). Defining the ill-defined: Modeling student behaviour in making aspectual distinctions; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006.
Olsen, M. and Juffs, A. (2012). The Effect of Animacy on Pronominal Object Clitic Distinction in L2 Spanish. Second Language Research Forum, October, 2012.
Otieno, C., Schwonke, R., Renkl, A., Aleven, V. & Salden, R. (2011). Measuring learning progress via self-explanations versus problem solving - A suggestion for optimizing adaptation in intelligent tutoring systems. In L. Carlson, C. Hölscher, & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 84-89). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Pappuswamy, U., Bhembe, D., Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2005). A multi-tier NL-knowledge clustering for classifying students’ essays. In I. Russell & Z. Markov (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS05) (pp. 566-571). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
Pappuswamy, U., Bhembe, D., Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2005). A supervised clustering method for text classification. In A. Gelbukh (Ed.), Proceedings of Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 6th International Conference, CICLing: Vol. 3406. (pp. 692-702). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin & Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K.
Pappuswamy, U., Jordan, P. & VanLehn, K. (2005). Resolving Discourse Deictic Anaphors in Tutorial Dialogues. In C. Sassen, A. Benz, & P. Kühnlein (Eds.), Proceedings of Constraints in Discourse (pp. 96-103). Dortmund University, Germany.
Pardos, Z. & Yudelson, P. (2013). Towards Moment of Learning Accuracy. Paper presented at AIED Workshop on Simulated Learners in conjunction with AIED 2013, July 9, 2013, Memphis, Tennessee.
Pardos, Z., Baker, R.S.J.D., San Pedro, M.O.C.Z., Gowda, S. & Gowda, S.M. (2013). Affective states and state tests: Investigating how affect throughout the school year predicts end of year learning outcomes. Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2013) in Leuven, Belgium April 8-12, 2013
Pavlik, P. (2006). Understanding the effectiveness of direct instruction methods. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the California Association for Behavior Analysis, Burlingame, CA
Pavlik, P. (2006). Transfer effects in Chinese vocabulary learning. In R. Sun (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2579). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Pavlik, P. (2007). Understanding why practice should be fast and accurate. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA. (May, 2007)
Pavlik, P. (2010). Data Reduction Methods Applied to Understanding Complex Learning Hypotheses. Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 311-312).
Pavlik, P. & Toth, J. (2010). How to Build Bridges between Intelligent Tutoring System Subfields of Research. In J. Kay, V. Aleven & J. Mostow (Eds.). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), Part II, 103-112. Springer: Heidelberg.
Pavlik, P. & Wu, S. (2011). A Dynamical system model of microgenetic changes in performance, efficacy, strategy use and value during vocabulary learning. In M. Pechenizky, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero & J.C. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Pavlik, P., Bolster, Wu, S., Koedinger, K.R. & MacWhinney, B. (2008). Using optimally selected drill practice to train basic facts. In B. Woolf, E. Aimer & R. Nkambou (Eds.). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS2008, LNCS 5091, pp 593-602, 2008. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelb
Pavlik, P., Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Performance Factors Analysis - A New Alternative to Knowledge Tracing. In V. Dimitrova & R. Mizoguchi (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial intelligence in Education (AIED), Amsterdam: IOS Press, 531-538.
Pavlik, P., Cen, H., Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Learning Factors Transfer Analysis: Using Learning Curve Analysis to Automatically Generate Domain Models. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2009), 121-130.
Pavlik, P., Cen, H., Wu, S., Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Using Item-type Performance Covariance to Improve the Skill Model of an Existing Tutor. In R. S. J. d. Baker & J. E. Beck (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Annual Educational Datamining Conference, 2008. [full paper], 77-86.
Pavlik, P., Presson, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Optimizing knowledge component learning using a dynamic structural model of practice. In R. Lewis & T. Polk (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference of Cognitive Modeling. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 47-52.
Pavlik, P., Presson, N., Dozzi, G., Wu, S., MacWhinney, B. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). The FaCT (Fact and Concept Training) System: A new tool linking cognitive science with educators. In D.s. McNamara & J.G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, 1379-1384.
Pavlik, P.I., Yudelson, M., & Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Using contextual factors analysis to explain transfer of least common multiple skills. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6738, 256-263.
Perfetti, C. (2008). Development of Word Meanings and Reading Skill. Symposium at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Asheville, NC (July 2008).
Perfetti, C. (2009). Instructional interventions based on theory-targeted learning: Examples from second language learning. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, SREE, Washington, D.C. February.
Perfetti, C. (2010). Reading processes and reading problems: progress toward a universal reading science. Extraordinary Brain Symposium, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.
Perfetti, C. (2012). Reading in a second Language: Processes and Challenges. Colloquium conducted at the 31st Second Language Research Forum Conference (SLRF). Pittsburgh, PA.
Pinkwart, N., Aleven, V., Ashley, K. & Lynch, C. (2006). Toward Legal Argument Instruction with Graph Grammars and Collaborative Filtering Techniques. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, 227-236.
Pinkwart, N., Ashley, K., Aleven, V., Lynch, C. (2008). Graph Grammars: An ITS Technology for diagram representations. Paper presented at 21st International FLAIRS Conference, May 15-17, 2008, Coconut Grove, Florida.
Pinkwart, N., Lynch, C., Ashley, K., Aleven, V. (2008). Re-evaluating LARGO in the classroom: Are diagrams better than text for teaching argumentation skill? Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Pino, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2009). Measuring hint level in open cloze questions. FLAIRS 2009.
Pino, J., Heilman, M., Eskenazi, M. (2008). A Selection Strategy to Improve Cloze Question Quality. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 22-34.
Prata, D.N., Baker, R.S.J.d., Costa, E.d.B., Rosé, C.P., Cui, Y. & de Carvalho, A.M.J.B. (2009). Detecting and Understanding the Impact of Cognitive and Interpersonal Conflict in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2009), 131-140.
Presson, N. (2008). An adaptive tutor for explicit instruction of French grammatical gender cues. Paper presentation at The Nature and Development of L2 French, Southampton, UK.
Presson, N. & MacWhinney, B. (2009). Explicitness and category breadth improve grammar learning and generalization. Paper presentation at the 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Rau, M. & Pardos, Z. (2012). Investigating Practice Schedules of Multiple Fraction Representations Using Knowledge Tracing Based Learning Analysis Techniques. In Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M., and Stamper, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012).
Rau, M., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2009). Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Multiple Representations and Self-Explanation Prompts Support Learning of Fractions. In V. Dimitrova, R. Mizoguchi, & B. du Boulay (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IOS Press, 441-448.
Rau, M., Rummel, N. & Aleven, V. (2009). Self-explanation prompts enable students to benefit from learning with multiple graphical represntations of fractions. Presented as part of "In Vivo Experimentation on Self-Explanations Across Domains" Symposium at EARLI 2009.
Rau, M., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2010). Blocked versus Interleaved Practice with Multiple Representations in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Fractions. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Vol 6094/2010, 413-422.
Rau, M., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2013). Complementary effects of sense-making and fluency-building support for connection making: a matter of sequence? In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 329-338. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Rau, M., Aleven, V., Rummel, N. & Rohrbach, S. (2012). Sense Making Alone Doesn’t Do It: Fluency Matters Too! ITS Support for Robust Learning with Multiple Representations. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 174-184.
Rau, M., Rummel, N., Aleven, V., Tunc-Pekkan, Z., & Pacilio, L. (2012). How to schedule multiple graphical representations? A classroom experiment with an intelligent tutoring system for fractions. In J. v. Aalst, K. Thompson, M. J. Jacobson & P. Reimann (Eds.), The future of learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012) (Vol. Volume 1, Full Papers, 64-71). Sydney, Australia: ISLS.
Rau, M. & Scheines, R. (2012). Searching for Variables and Models to Investigate Mediators of Learning from Multiple Representations. In Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M., and Stamper, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012).
Rau, M., Scheines, R., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2013). Does Representational Understanding Enhance Fluency - Or Vice Versa? Searching for Mediation Models. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 161-168. [Awarded Best Conference Paper]
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Stampfer, E., Long, Y., Aleven, V. & Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Eliciting intelligent novice behaviors with grounded feedback in a fraction addition tutor. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 560-562. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Sudol-DeLyser, L. & Steinhart, J. (2011). Factors impacting novice code comprehension in a tutor for introductory computer science. In M. Pechenizky, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero & J.C. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Suthers, D., Lund., K., Rosé, C. P., Dyke, G., et al. (2011). Towards Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Collaborative Learning, in Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Tsovaltzi, D., McLaren, B., Rummel, N., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A., Pinkwart, N. & Braun, I. (2008). CoChemEx: Supporting conceptual chemistry learning via computer-mediated collaboration scripts. In P. Dillenbourg and M. Specht (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5192 (pp. 437-448). Berlin: Springer.
Tsovaltzi, D., McLaren, B., Rummel, N., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A., Pinkwart, N. & Braun, I. (2008). Using an Adaptive Collaboration Script to Promote Conceptual Chemistry Learning. In B. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou, S. Lajoie (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-08), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5091 (pp. 709-711). Berlin: Springer.
Tsovaltzi, D., McLaren, B.M., Melis, E., Meyer, A-K., Dietrich, M., & Goguadze, G. (2010). Learning from Erroneous Examples. Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), 420-422.
Tunc-Pekkan, Z., Rau, M., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2010). External Representations and Fractional Knowledge. Third Annual inter-Science of Learning Center (iSLC) Conference For Students and Postdoctoral Fellows at the Science of Learning Centers, Boston, MA
Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Zeylikman, L., Aleven. V. & Rummel, N. (2010). Fifth Graders’ Conception of Fractions on Numberline Representations. Annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Columbus, Ohio.
van de Sande, B. (2013). Applying three models of learning to individual student log data. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 193-199.
van de Sande, B. (2013). Measuring the moment of learning with an information-theoretic approach. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 288-291.
van de Sande, B. & Hausmann, R.G.M. (2007). An Analysis of Student Learning Using the Andes Homework System. Paper presented at the AAPT Summer Meeting, Greensboro, NC, July 2007.
van de Sande, B. & Hausmann, R.G.M. (2008). Does an intelligent tutor homework system encourage beneficial collaboration? Paper presented at the joint Spring Meeting of the Ohio Section of the American Physical Society (OS/APS) and the Western Pennsylvania American Association of Physics Teachers (WPA/AAPT), March 2008, Youngstown State University, Ohio.
van de Sande, B. & Hausmann, R.G.M. (2008). Does an intelligent tutor homework system encourage beneficial collaboration? Paper presented at the Central Pennsylvania Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (CPS/AAPT), April, 2008, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, Lock Haven, PA.
van de Sande, B. & Hausmann, R.G.M. (2008). Does an intelligent tutor homework system encourage beneficial collaboration? Paper presented at the winter meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), Baltimore, MD
van de Sande, B., Shelby, R., Treacy, D., VanLehn, K. & Wintersgill, M. (2006). Andes: An Intelligent Tutor for Introductory Physics Homework. AAPT Summer Meeting, Syracuse NY.
van de Sande, B., VanLehn, K., Hausmann, R.G.M., Treacy, D. & Shelby, R. (2007). Andes: An Intelligent Homework System for Introductory Physics. Paper presented at the winter meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Seattle, WA.
VanLehn, K. (2008). Explaining the assistance/load/difficulty duality in terms of meta-cognitive learning strategies. Abstract in Symposium: Confronting the Asssistance Dilemma: Is it Better to Give Than Receive? (AERA 2008).
VanLehn, K. (2009). Toward a practical learning theory for step-based tutoring systems. ARI Workshop on Adaptive Training Technologies. Charleston, SC, March 3-5, 2009.
VanLehn, K. (2012). Toward socially intelligent tutoring systems: Of the crowd, for the crowd. Paper presented at Microsoft Research at University of Washington (MSR/UW) Summer Institute on Crowdsourcing Personalized Online Education, July 2012
VanLehn, K. & Burleson, W., Chavez Echeagaray, M-E., Christopherson, R., Gonzalez Sanchez, J., Hastings, J., Hidalgo Pontet, Y. & Zhang, L. (2011). The affective meta-tutoring project: How to motivate students to use effective meta-cognitive strategies. In T. Hirashima et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
VanLehn, K. & Jordan, P. (2008). When is tutorial dialogue more effective than less interactive instruction? Abstract in Symposium: Intelligent Tutoring Systems: What Do We Do Next? (AERA, 2008).
VanLehn, K., Bhembe, D., Chi, M., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shelby, R., Taylor, L., Treacy, D., Weinstein, A. & Wintersgill, M. (2004). Implicit versus explicit learning of strategies in a non-procedural cognitive skill. In J. C. Lester, R. M. Vicari, & F. Paraguacu, (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 7th International Conference (pp. 521-530). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin & Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K.
VanLehn, K., Burleson, W., Chavez Echeangary, H., Christopherson, R., Gonzales Sanchez J., Hidalgo Pontet, Y., Muldner, K., & Zhang, L. (2011). The Level Up Procedure: How to Measure Learning Gains Without Pre- and Post-testing. In T. Hirashima et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
VanLehn, K., Hausmann, R.G.M. & Craig, S. (2007). Is the “self” of self-explanation important? In vivo experiments. Symposium at the 2007 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
VanLehn, K., Hausmann, R.G.M. & Craig, S. (2007). The role of the self in self-explanation. Symposium at the 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.
VanLehn, K., Jordan, P. & Litman, D.J. (2007). Developing pedagogically effective tutorial dialogue tactics: Experiments and a testbed. Paper presented at the SLaTE2007 Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Farmington, PA (October 2007).
VanLehn, K., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shapiro, J.A., Shelby, R., Taylor, L., Treacy, D., Weinstein, A. & Wintersgill, M. (2005). The Andes physics tutoring system: Five years of evaluations. In G. McCalla, C. K. Looi, B. Bredeweg & J. Breuker (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education. (pp. 678-685) Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press. Winner of a Best Paper Award.
Waalkens, M., Aleven, V., & Taatgen, N. (2011). Does supporting multiple student strategies in intelligent tutoring systems lead to better learning? In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 572-574. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Walker, E. (2005). Mutual Peer Tutoring: A Collaborative Addition to the Cognitive Tutor: Algebra-1. In C-K. Looi et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, p. 979. IOS Press, 2005
Walker, E. (2013). Applying Intelligent Tutoring Principles to a Teachable Robotic Agent for Middle School Mathematics. Paper presented as part of the Beyond Problem Solving: Applying Lessons From Intelligent Tutoring to New Contexts, Domains, and Platforms Roundtable. Proceedings of AERA 2013.
Walker, E. & Ogan, A. (2007). Peer Moderation in Cultural Discussion Forums. Paper presented at European Computer Assisted Language Learning (EuroCALL 2007) Ulster, Northern Ireland, September 2007.
Walker, E. Rummel, N., & Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Adaptive support for CSCL: Is it feedback relevance or increased student accountability that matters? Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011), Hong Kong, China.
Walker, E., Koedinger, K.R., McLaren, B. & Rummel, N. (2006). Cognitive Tutors as Research Platforms: Extending an Established Tutoring System for Collaborative and Metacognitive Experimentation. In M. Ikeda, K.D. Ashley, & T-W. Chan (Eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4053 (pp. 207-216). Berlin: Springer.
Walker, E., Leah, L., Ayers, E., Schwartz, R. A. (2010). Assessing a Multidimensional Learning Progression: Psychometric Modeling and Brokering Professional Development. Paper presented in "Coordinated Progress in Conceptual Understanding and Representational Competence" symposium at AERA 2010.
Walker, E., McLaren, B., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Who says three's a crowd? Using a cognitive tutor to support peer tutoring. In R. Luckin, K.R. Koedinger, K.R., & J. Greer (Eds), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education. 2007. IOS Press. (pp. 399-406).
Walker, E., Ogan, A. & Wylie, R. (2006). A Tense Situation: Applying Cognitive Tutor Methodology to Ill-Defined Domains. Paper presented at European Computer Assisted Language Learning (EuroCALL 2006) Granada, Spain, September 2006.
Walker, E., Ogan, A., Baker, R.S.J.d., de Carvalho, A.M.J.A., Laurentino, T., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., & Jimenez-Castro, M. (2011). Observations of collaboration in Cognitive Tutor use in Latin America. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 575-577. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Walker, E., Ogan, A., Jones, C., Aleven, V. (2008). Two Approaches for Providing Adaptive Support in an Ill-Defined Domain. Proceedings of the "Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains: Assessment and Feedback in Ill-Defined Domains" Workshop. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 2008.
Walker, E., Rummel, N, & Koedinger, K. R. (2011). Designing automated adaptive support to improve student helping behaviors in a peer tutoring activity; International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning; International Socieity of the Learning Sciences, In.: Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2011, 10.1007/s11412-011-9111-2
Walker, E., Rummel, N, & Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Using automated dialog analysis to assess peer tutoring and trigger effective support. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 385-393. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Walker, E., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). To tutor the tutor: Adaptive domain support for peer tutoring. In B.P. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R Nkambou, and S.P. Lajoie, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 626-635.
Walker, E., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Adaptive Domain Support for Computer-Mediated Peer Tutoring. Appeared in ICLS 2008 as part of the symposium New Challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support, edited by Nikol Rummel, N. and Armin Weinberger.
Walker, E., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Modeling Helping Behavior in an Intelligent Tutor for Peer Tutoring. In V. Dimitrova, R. Mizoguchi, B. du Boulay, & A. Graesser (Eds.). Artificial intelligence in education: Building learning systems that care: From knowledge representation to affective modelling. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol 200 (pp. 341-349). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Walker, E., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Beyond Explicit Feedback: New Directions in Adaptive Collaborative Learning Support. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL-09), 552-556.
Walker, E., Rummel, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). The influence of correct and erroneous worked examples on learning from peer tutoring. As part of the Symposium "In Vivo experimentation on worked examples across domains", EARLI 2009.
Walker, E., Rummel, N., Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Assessing, Modeling, and Supporting Helping Behaviors in Computer-Mediated Peer Tutoring. Proceedings of the “Opportunities for intelligent and adaptive behavior in collaborative learning systems” Workshop, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 2010 Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, 25-28.
Walker, E., Rummel, N., Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Automated Adaptive Support for Peer Tutoring in High School Mathematics. Presented as part of Symposium “Human Adaptive Guidance for Group Work” for ICLS.
Walker, E., Rummel, N., McLaren, B. & Koedinger, K.R. (2007). The student becomes the master: Integrating peer tutoring with cognitive tutoring. In C.A. Chinn, G. Erkens & S. Puntambekar (Eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL-07), Vol. 8, pp. 750-752. International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. ISSN 1819-0146.
Walker, E., Rummel, N., Walker, S. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Noticing Relevant Feedback Improves Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Peer Tutoring. In S.A. Cerri, W. J. Clancey, G. Papadourakis, K. Panourgia (Eds): Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7315/2012, Springer 2012, 222-232.
Walker, E., Walker, S., Rummel, N., Koedinger, K.R.. (2010). Using Problem-Solving Context to Assess Help Quality in Computer-Mediated Peer Tutoring. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010, Volume 6094/2010, 145-155.
Walkington, C. (2012). Context Personalization in Algebra: Supporting Connections Between Relevant Stories and Symbolic Representations. Presented at "Intervening in Algebra" Roundtable at AERA 2012.
Walkington, C. & Sherman, M. (2012). Using Adaptive Learning Technologies to Personalize Instruction: The Impact of Interest‐Based Scenarios on Performance in Algebra. Proceedings of ICLS2012, Vol 1, 80-87.
Walkington, C., Petrosino, A. & Sherman, M. (2011). The Impact of Personalization on Problem-Solving in Algebra. Paper presented at AERA 2011. [Winner of Graduate Student Research Award.]
Walkington, C., Srisurichan, R., Nathan, M.J., Williams, C.C. & Alibali, M.W. (2012). Grounding Geometry Justifications in Concrete Embodied Experience: The Link Between Action and Cognition. Paper presented at AERA 2012.
Walkington, C.A. & Maull, K. (2010). Exploring the Assistance Dilemma: The Case of Context Personalization. Proceedings of CogSci 2011, 90-95.
Walonski, J.A. & Heffernan, N. (2006). Prevention of Off-Task Gaming Behavior in Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2006), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006
Wang, H.C. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). A Process analysis of idea generation and failure. In D.S. McNamara & G. Trafton. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, (1629-1634). Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Wang, H.C., Kumar, R., Rosé, C.P., Li, T.Y. & Chang, C.Y. (2007). A Hybrid Ontology Directed Feedback Generation Algorithm for Supporting Creative Problem Solving Dialogues. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Wang, H.C., Rosé, C.P., Cui, Y., Chang, C.Y., Huang, C.C. & Li, T.Y. (2007). Thinking Hard Together: the Long and Short of Collaborative Idea Generation in Scientific Inquiry. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL-07). Rutgers University
Wang, H.C., Rosé, C.P., Li, T. & Chang, C. (2006). Providing Support for Creative Group Brainstorming: Taxonomy and Technologies. Workshop Proceedings on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2006, pp 74-82.
Wang, J. & Juffs, A. (2010). A Bidirectional Corpus Study of Semantics-Syntax Correspondences. Second Language Research Forum, October 2010. University of Maryland.
Wang, Z. (2012). An investigation of additional processing time on-line during L2 speech production. Paper presented at the 31st Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2012). Pittsburgh, PA.
Warren, M. (2011). The role of repeated grammatical structures in second language fluency. Paper presented at McGill's Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates, Montreal, QC, March 2011.
Witter, J. & Renkl, A. (2009). Do instructional explanations foster learning from worked-out examples? A cognitive load perspective. Proceedings of the 3rd International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (CLT-09). Heerlen, the Netherlands, March 2-4, 2009.
Wu, S. (2005). "Chinese Online Module: A Cognitive Language Learning Infrastructure". The Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA/ ACTFL), November 18-20, 2005, Baltimore, Maryland
Wu, S. (2006). Language Online: The Evolution of Web-Delivered Instruction. Paper presented at ACTF, Nashville, Tennessee.
Wu, S. (2006). Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Chinese as a Foreign Language: Running In-Vivo Learning Experiments in Chinese Language Courses. Paper presented at CLTA/ACTFL, Nashville, Tennessee.
Wu, S. (2006). Chinese Cognitive CALL Environment Design: Content and Exercises. Fourth International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (TCLT4). University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Wu, S. (2008). Chinese Online: A Hybrid Experience. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT5). pp. 296-302. Macau: University of Macau.
Wu, S. & Haney, M. (2005). Robust Chinese E-learning: Integrating the 5 Cs Principles with Content and Technology. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education. 2005.
Wu, S. & Haney, M. (2006). Empowering Online Language Learning: The Chinese LearnLab in the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. Annual Symposium of Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO 2006). University of Hawaii.
Wylie, R. (2007). Are we asking the right questions? Understanding which tasks lead to the robust learning of English grammar. Young Researchers Track paper at the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (2007).
Wylie, R. (2013). Comprehension SEEDING: Using Technology to Enhance Self-Explanation, Classroom Discussion, and Question Generation. Proceedings of AERA 2013.
Wylie, R., Koedinger, K.R. & Mitamura, T. (2009). Practice makes Perfect? Structuring Practice Opportunities for Learning in an ESL Grammar Tutor. Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO). March 10-14, 2009.
Wylie, R., Koedinger, K.R. & Mitamura, T. (2009). Is Self-Explanation Always Better? The Effects of Adding Self-Explanation Prompts to an English Grammar Tutor. Proceedings of Cognitive Science Society, 2009, 1300-1305.
Wylie, R., Koedinger, K.R. & Mitamura, T. (2009). Self-Explaining Language: Effects of Adding Self-Explanation Prompts to an ESL Grammar Tutor. Presented as part of "In Vivo Experimentation on Self-Explanations Across Domains" Symposium at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), August 25-29, 2009.
Wylie, R., Koedinger, K.R. & Mitamura, T. (2010). Analogies, Explanation, and Practice: Examining how task type affects second language grammar learning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010, Volume 6094/2010, 214-223
Wylie, R., Koedinger, K.R. & Mitamura, T. (2010). Extending the Self-Explanation Effect to Second Language Grammar Learning. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky, (Eds.). ICLS '10: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Vol. 1, 57-64. ACM Digital Library.
Wylie, R., Mitamura, T., Rankin, J. & Koedinger, K.R.. (2007). Developing Tutoring Systems for Classroom and Research Use: A Look at Two English Article Tutors. Paper presented at the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Conference (CALICO).
Wylie, R., Mitamura, T., Rankin, J. & Koedinger, K.R.. (2007). Doing more than Teaching Students: Opportunities for CALL in the Learning Sciences. Proceedings of SLaTE Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education. Farmington, Pennsylvania. October 1-3, 2007
Wylie, R., Sheng, M., Mitamura, T. & Koedinger, K. (2011). Effects of adaptive prompted self-explanation on robust learning of second language grammar. In G. Biswas, S. Bull, J. Kay, and A. Mitrovic (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 6738, 588-590. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Xu, Y. & Mostow, J. (2012). A Dynamic Higher-Order DINA Model To Trace Multiple Skills. In NIPS 2012 Workshop on Personalizing Education With Machine Learning, Lake Tahoe, California.
Xu, Y. & Mostow, J. (2013). Using Item Response Theory to Refine Knowledge Tracing. International Educational Data Mining Society: 356-357, Memphis, TN.
Xu, Y., & Mostow, J. (2012). Comparison of methods to trace multiple subskills: Is LR-DBN best? [Best Student Paper Award]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012), Chania, Crete, Greece.
Yang, C. & Perfetti, C. (2006). Reading skill and the acquisition of high quality representations for new words. Thirteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Vanncouver, Canada.
Yannier, N., Koedinger, K.R. & Hudson, S. (2013). Learning with a Mixed-Reality Game: EarthShake. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 131-140. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Yaron, D. (2006). The ChemCollective: Virtual Labs and Scenario-Based Learning for Introductory Chemistry . Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Chemical Education in West Lafayette, Indiana, p 621.
Yaron, D. (may be other authors--not listed on website) (2008). Digital libraries to support problem solving and conceptual learning in introductory chemistry. Gordon, G. Conference for Physics Research and Education, June, 2008, Smithfield, RI.
Yaron, D., Cuadros, J. & Karabinos, M. (2005). “Virtual Laboratories and Scenes to Support Chemistry Instruction”, in About Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education, Proceedings from National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (NSF-CCLI) program conference, Arlington, Virginia, 2004, edited and prepared by NSF.
Yaron, D., Davenport, J., Karabinos, M., Leinhardt, G., Bartolo, Portman, Sadoway, Carter, Ashe (2008). Cross-disciplinary molecular science education in introductory science courses: An NSDL MatDL Collection. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA USA. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM).
Yaron, D., Evans, K.L., Leinhardt, G., Karabinos, M. et al (2005). “Using the field of chemistry to guide in the development of an on-line stoichiometry course”, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington DC, August 2005.
Yaron, D., Karabinos, M., Davenport, J. & Leinhardt, G. (2006). Virtual lab activities for introductory chemistry. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Purdue University, West Layefette, IN.
Yaron, D., Karabinos, M. & Leinhardt, G. (2005). “Using digital libraries to build educational communities: The ChemCollective”, American Chemistry Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 2005.
Yaron, D., Karabinos, M., Leinhardt, G., Davenport, J. & Greeno, J. (2007). Making the implicit explicit in the teaching of chemical equilibrium. Gordon, G. Conference on Chemical Education Research and Practice, invited paper.
Yaron, D., Leinhardt, G., Evans, K.L., Cuadros, J., Karabinos, M., McCue, W. & Dennis, D. (2006). Creation of an online stoichiometry course that melds scenario based learning with virtual labs and problem-solving tutors. Paper Presented on CONFCHEM. Online Conference, Spring 2006.
Youngs, B. (2007). Ruminations of a hybrid course instructor. Paper presented at the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Conference (CALICO), San Macos, TX.
Yudelson, M. & Brunskill, M. (2012). Policy Building -- An Extension To User Modeling. In Yacef, K., Zaïane, O., Hershkovitz, H., Yudelson, M., and Stamper, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2012).
Yudelson, M. & Koedinger, K. (2013). Estimating the benefits of student model improvements on a substantive scale. Proceedings of EDM 2013, 358-359.
Yudelson, M. V., Koedinger, K.R. & Gordon, G.J. (2013). Individualized Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Models. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 161-170. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Yudelson, M., Pavlik, P. & Koedinger, K. (2011). Towards better understanding of transfer in cognitive models of practice. In M. Pechenizky, T. Calders, C. Conati, S. Ventura, C. Romero & J.C. Stamper (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2011).
Yudelson, M., Pavlik, P. & Koedinger, K. (2011). User Modeling – a Notoriously Black Art. In J.A. Konstan, R. Conejo, J.L. Marzo, & N. Oliver (Eds.). Proceedings of User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Conference (UMAP 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6786/2011, 317-328.
Zawadzki, E., Gordon, G. & Platzer, A. (2011). An Instantiation-Based Theorem Prover for First-Order Programming. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2011, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Volume 15 of JMLR: W&CP 15.
Zhang, Mostow, J., Beck, J. (2008). A Comparison of three methods to evaluate tutorial behaviors. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008).
Zhang, X., Mostow, J. & Beck, J.E. (2007). All in the (word) family: Using learning decomposition to estimate transfer between skills in a reading tutor that listens. Proceedings of Workshop on Educational Data Mining (AIED 2007).
Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zhang, D. & Li, L. (2007). SLA research for empirically-driven innovations in CSL studies. Paper presented at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Meeting, 2007. <>
Zhao, Y. & MacWhinney, B. (2010). Competing cues: A corpus-based study of English tense-aspect acquisition. BUCLD Proceedings 34: 503-514.
Zhao, Y., Koedinger, K.R. & Kowalski, J. (2013). Knowledge tracing and cue contrast: Second language English grammar instruction. In In M. Knauff, N. Sebanz, M. Pauen & I wachsmuth (Eds.). Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society: Austin, TX., 1653-1658.
Poster Presentations
Adams, D.M., McLaren, B.M., Mayer, R. E., Goguadze, G. & Isotani, S. (2013). Erroneous Examples as Desirable Difficulty: A Study Showing a Delayed Learning Effect. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 803-806. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Aleahmad, T., Koedinger, K., & Zimmerman, J. (2011). Design-based research from the start: A process for innovation at the convergence of learning theory and contextual observation. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. July 4, 2011. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. [poster]
Anthony, L. (2006). Exploration of the Effects of Handwriting on Learning in Algebra Equation Solving. Science of Learning Centers Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia.
Anthony, L. (2006). Exploration of the Effects of Handwriting on Learning in Algebra Equation Solving. Human-Computer Interaction Institute 12th Anniversary, Carnegie Mellon University.
Asterhan, C. S. C., & Schwarz, B. B. (2010). Assisting the facilitator: Striking a balance between intelligent and human support of computer-mediated discussions. Proceedings of the the “Opportunities for intelligent and adaptive behavior in collaborative learning systems” Workshop, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 2010 Conference. Pittsburgh, PA
Ayers, Nugent, Dean (2008). Skill set profile clustering based on weighted stuent responses. 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [poster-young researchers' track].
Belenky, D. M. & Nokes, T. J. (2009). How achievement goals and instructional activities interact to promote or hinder transfer of knowledge. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society: Boston, MA.
Belenky, D., Gadgil, S., Richey, E., Nokes-Malach, T. & Levine, J. (2011). The Role of engagement in learning form dialectical interaction. Poster presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Belenky, D., Nokes, T. & Bernacki, M. (2011). Achievement goals and learning in a lecture course: Moving towards mastery goals predicts deeper learning. Proceedings of CogSci 2011, 755.
Booth, J. & Olsen, J.K. (2009). Encoding of equation features relates to conceptual and procedural knowledge of algebra. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Booth, J., Koedinger, K.R. & Siegler, R. (2007). The effect of corrective and typical self-explanation on algebraic problem solving. Poster presented at the Science of Learning Centers Awardee’s Meeting in Washington, DC, October, 2007.
Booth, J., Koedinger, K.R. & Siegler, R. (2008). Using self-explanation to improve algebra learning. In B.C. Love, K. McRae, & V.M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Cognitive Science Society, p. 2395. Jaustin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. [abstract].
Brown, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2004). Retrieval of Authentic Documents for Reader-Specific Lexical Practice. Proceedings of InSTIL/ICALL Symposium. 2004.
Butcher, K. & Aleven, V. (2007). Visual-verbal coordination: Diagram interaction promotes robust learning in geometry. Poster presented at the Science of Learning Centers Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Butcher, K. & Bhushan, S. (2005). Using strand maps to engage digital library users with science content (Poster presentation). 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, p. 371. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
Butcher, K. & Bhushan, S. (2005). Learning with scientific visualizations: Effects of background knowledge and interactivity. Poster presentation. American Educational Research Association 2005.
Butcher, K., Aleven, V. (2008). Concept training and deep knowledge assessment: Using CTAT in the classroom. Poster presented at the Open Learning Interplay Symposium 2008, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cao, F., Vu, M., Chan, H., Lawrence, J., Harris, L., Guan, Q., Xu, Y., & Perfetti, C. A. (2010). Neural correlates of writing training in learning Chinese. Poster session presented at the 40th Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Catz, K.N., Crowell, A., Burmester, K.O., Schunn, C.D. & Dorph, R. (2012). Scientific Sense Making in Context. Poster presented at "Activating Young Science Learners: Igniting Persistent Engagement in Science Learning and Inquiry" Structured Poster Session at AERA 2012.
Chang, A., Strohm, E., Nokes, T. J. & Schunn, C. D. (2009). Using cognitive science to improve middle school science learning. Poster presented to the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society: Boston, MA.
Chen G., Resnick, L. B. & Michaels, S. (2012). Comparing human and machine coding of teacher accountable talk. Poster presented at the annual Inter-Science of Learning Center meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
Chen G., Resnick, L. B., Michaels, S. & O’Connor, C. (2011). A graphical representation of teacher-led classroom talk. Poster presented at the AERA Research Conference (Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue). Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Chen G., Resnick, L. B., Michaels, S. & O’Connor, C. (2012). A visual display of teacher-led talk in a science class. Poster presented at the 4th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Psychology of Science and Technology (ISPST). Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Chen, G., Gaowei, Resnick, L., Michaels, S., & O'Connor, M.C. (2011). A New method for analyzing teacher-led classroom talks. Poster presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Chen, G., Jain, M., Gweon, G., & Mayfield, E. (2012). Automatic analysis of discussion for learning. Poster presented at the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center’s Board of Visitors Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Chi, M. & Jordan, P., VanLehn, K., Hall (2008). Reinforcement learning-based feature selection for developing pedagogically effective tutorial dialogue tactics. 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [best poster-young researchers' track award].
Clarke, S. (2011). Entering the discussion: Understanding student engagement in class discussions. Poster presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Corbett, A., Wagner, A., Chao, C., Lesgold, S., Stevens, S. & Ulrich, H. (2005). Student Question-Asking Behavior in a Classroom Evaluation of the ALPS Learning Environment. 12th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2005. Poster.
Cuadros, J., Yaron, D., Karabinos, M. & Leinhardt, G. (2006). find this
Davenport, J., Klahr, D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). The influence of external representations on chemistry problem solving. Poster presented at the Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Houston, Texas. November 2006.
Davenport, J., Yaron, D., Klahr, D., Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Coordinating chemistry concepts with problem solving to enhance learning. Poster presented at the Open Learning Interplay Symposium in Pittsburgh, PA, March 2008.
Davenport, J., Yaron, D., Koedinger, K.R., Klahr, D. (2008). Development of Conceptual Understanding and Problem Solving Expertise in Chemistry. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, July 2008 [poster].
Diziol, D., Rummel, N., Spada, H. (2008). Introducing collaboration to the Algebra Cognitive Tutor: Differential effects on three robust learning measures. Poster presented at the 1st Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc (iSLC) 2009. Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Diziol, D., Rummel, N., Spada, H. (2008). Introducing collaboration to the Algebra Cognitive Tutor: Differential effects on three robust learning measures. Poster presented at the 1st Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc (iSLC) 2009. Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Dunlap, S. (2010). Spelling in English as a second language: Do students make different types of errors on different types of tasks? Poster presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the iSLC, Boston, Massachusetts.
Dunlap, S., Friedline, B., Juffs, A. & Perfetti, C. (2009). Lexical quality of English second language learners: Effects of focused training on orthographic encoding skill. Poster presented at the 2nd annual meeting of the iSLC, Seattle, Washington, February, 2009.
Dunlap, S., Liu, Y., Chen & Perfetti, C. (2005). Classroom learners of Chinese as a second language: Testing online study methods. Poster presented at the Pitt-CMU Conference, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
Dunlap, S. & Perfetti, C. (2009). Effects of explicit instruction on Chinese character learning. Poster presented at the Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, D.C., March 2009.
Dunlap, S., Perfetti, C. Liu, Y. & Wu, S. (2007). Rules and exceptions: Strategies for learning vocabulary in Chinese as a second language. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL., 2007.
Feng, M., Heffernan, N., Beck, J., Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Can we predict which groups of questions students will learn from? 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [poster-young researchers' track].
Gadgil, S., Richey, J.E., Belenky, D., Nokes-Malach, T. & Levine, L. (2011). Using convergent methodologies to understand student engagement and learning in a debate. Poster presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Gobert, J.D. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Using Model-tracing to Conduct Performance Assessment of StudentsScience Inquiry Skills Within a Microworld. Poster presented at AERA 2012.
Greeno, J., MacWhinney, B. (2006). Learning as perspective taking: Conceptual alignment in the classroom. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Bloomington, IN. [poster], 930-931.
Greeno, J., MacWhinney, B. (2006). Perspectives in reasoning about quantities. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, BC. [poster], page 2495.
Hausmann, R.G.M. (2007). The effect of generation on robust learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Science of Learning Centers, Washington, D.C.
Hausmann, R.G.M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). A test of the interaction hypothesis: Joint-explaining vs. self-explaining. Poster presented at the Physics Education Research Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Hausmann, R.G.M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Self-explaining in the classroom: Learning curve evidence. Poster presented at the Physics Education Research Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Hausmann, R.G.M. & VanLehn, K. (2007). A test of the interaction hypothesis: Joint-explaining vs. self-explaining. In D. McNamara & G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1770.
Hausmann, R.G.M., Nokes, T.J., VanLehn, K. & van de Sande, B. (2009). Collaborative dialog while studying worked-out examples. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2009), Brighton, England.
Hausmann, R.G.M., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2008). The content of self-explanations while studying incomplete worked-out examples. Poster presented at the 30th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Washington, DC., July 2008.
Heilman, M., Eskenazi, M. (2008). Self-assessment in vocabulary tutoring. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (June, 2008), 656-658. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Heilman, M., M.J. (2010). Advancing Educational Technologies with Statistical Models of Sentence Structure Transformations. Poster presented at AERA.
Heilman, M., Zhao, Pino, J., Collins-Thompson, K., Callan, J., Eskenazi, M., Perfetti, C. & Juffs, A. (2008). Providing Appropriate Texts for Language Learners. Poster presented at the IES Research Conference (IES), 2008.
Hershkovitz, A., Baker, R.S.J.d., Moore, G.R., Rossi, L.M. & van Velsen, M. (2013). The Interplay between Affect and Engagement in Classrooms Using AIED Software. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 587-590. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Howley, I., Adamson, D., Kumar, R., Dyke, G. & Rosé, C. (2011). Promoting Accountable Talk in group discussion with intelligent dialogue tutors. Poster presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
Juffs, A., Wilson, L., Eskenazi, M., Callan, J., Brown, J., Collins-Thompson, K., Heilman, M., Pelletreau, T. & Sanders, J. (2006). Robust learning of vocabulary: investigating the relationship between learner behavior and the acquisition of vocabulary. Poster presented at the 40th Annual TESOL International Conference, 2006.
Kallai, A. Y., Ponting, A., Schunn, C. D., & Fiez J. A. (2011). Critical constituents of reward-based learning in an arithmetic training. Poster presented at The 18th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San-Francisco, California
Kallai, A. Y., Schunn, C. D., & Fiez, J. A. (2011). An fMRI study of Arithmetic training: different activation patterns of basal ganglia due to differences in training procedures. Poster presented at The 52st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, Washington
Kallai, A. Y., Schunn, C. D., & Fiez, J. A. (2012). Automaticity in Processing of Numbers That Were Never Presented: An fMRI Study. Poster presented at The 19th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), Chicago, Illinois
Kasman, E., Retterer-Moore, J., Xia, T., Nelson, J., Chang, K.-m., & Mostow, J. (2012). (2012). How could brainwave information be useful to an automated reading tutor? [Poster]. Paper presented at the PSLC Summer Intern Poster Session, Carnegie Mellon University.
Katz, S. (2006). A Comparison of three modes of reflective dialogue. Poster presented at American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) meeting, 2006.
Katz, S., Connelly, J. & Wilson, C. (2007). Out of the lab and into the classroom: An Evaluation of Reflective Dialogue in Andes. Poster presented at the Physics Education Research Conference (PERC 2007), Greensboro, NC.
Katz, S., Connelly, J., Wilson, C. & Goedde (2006). Post-Practice Dialogues in an Intelligent Tutoring System for College-Level Physics. AAPT 2006. Poster.
Lange, K.E., Booth, J.L. & Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Differentiating Between Correct and Incorrect Examples for ImprovingStudent Learning in Algebra. Poster presented at AERA 2012.
Li, N. & Latecki, L.J.J. (2012). Clustering Aggregation as Maximum-Weight Independent Set. Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation (NIPS) 2012.
Liu, Y., Guan, C., Chan, D., Wu, S. & Perfetti, C. (2009). Writing to foster reading in Chinese. Poster presented at the Second Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. February 5-7.
Liu, Y., Guan, Chan, Wu, Perfetti, C. (2008). The Effects of Character-writing on Reading Skill Development: An Experiment in Chinese. Poster presented at the Third International Conference on Cognitive Science, Moscow, Russia, June 20-26, 2008
Lovett, M., Meyer, O., & Thille, C. (2009). "Measuring the Effectiveness of the OLI Statistics Course in Accelerating Student Learning” Poster presented at the National Center for Academic Transformation Conference. March 22-24, Orlando FL.
Maass, J.K. & Pavlik, P.I. (2013). Utilizing Concept Mapping in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 880-883. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Martin, K. I., & Juffs, A. (2012). L1 Affects Eye-Movements and Sensitivity to Vowels in L2: Evidence from Eye-Tracking. Poster presented at the Fifth Annual inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference, Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center (TDLC), San Diego, CA.
Martin, K. I., & Juffs, A. (2012). Reading in English: A Comparison of Native Arabic, Native Chinese, and Native English Speakers. Poster presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism 8, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Mayfield, E., Dyke, G., Gweon, Gahgene, Howley, I., & Rosé, C. (2011). Automating sociolinguistic analysis of group interaction. Poster presented at Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue: Invitational AERA Research Conference. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
McLaren, B., Rummel, N. et al (2005). Improving algebra learning and collaboration through collaborative extensions to the Algebra Cognitive Tutor. Poster presented at the Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL-05), May 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
Mostow, J. & Beck, J. (2009). What, How, and Why should Tutors Log? Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2009), 269-278.
Muldner, K., Burleson, W., van de Sande, B. & VanLehn, K. (2010). Fun and Gaming with Andes. Poster presented at the AAPT Summer meeting, Portland Oregon, July 2010.
Nokes, T. J., Mestre, J. P., Ross, B. H., Richey, J. E. (2010). Conceptual analysis and student learning in physics. Poster presented at the 2010 Institute for Education Sciences Research Conference: Washington, DC.
Nokes, T.J., Ross, B.H., Mestre, J.P., Strohm, E., Brookes, D.T., & Feil, A. (2009). Conceptual analysis facilitates learning and transfer in both laboratory and classroom settings. Poster presented to the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society: Boston, MA.
Nokes, T.J., VanLehn, K. (2008). Bridging principles and examples through analogy and explanation. In P. A. Kirschner, F. Prins, V. Jonker, G. Kanselaar, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2008. Vol. 3, 100-102. ISLS, The Netherlands.
Nokes, T.J., VanLehn, K. & Belenky, D.M. (2008). Coordinating principles and examples through analogy and explanation. Poster presented at the Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: Washington, DC.
Olsen, J., Belenky, D., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2013). Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Collaborative Learning: Enhancements to Authoring Tools. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 900-903. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Oyer, M.H., Booth, J.L. & Elliot, A. J. (2012). Investigating Motivational Predictors of Traditional and Example-Based Algebra Learning. Poster presented at AERA 2012.
Pavlik, P. (2008). Classroom Testing of a Discrete Trial Practice System. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL, (May, 2008).
Pavlik, P. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Understanding the Advantages of Retrieval for Long-term Retention Using Modeling. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Pavlik, P., Cen, H., Wu, S. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). Automatic determination of skill models from existing tutor data. Poster presented at the Institute of Education Science Research Conference (IES), Washington, D.C.
Presson, N. & Heilman, M. (2010). An enactive, computerized practice interface for using Spanish prepositions. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Institute of Education Sciences, Washington DC. [poster].
Presson, N. & MacWhinney, B. (2010). The Influence of time pressure on the effects of rule instruction and highlighting relevant cues. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2010). Poster.
Presson, N., MacWhinney, B, & Heilman, M. (2010). An embodied interface for practicing second-language prepositions. Joint Meeting of Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language (CSDL) and Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP), [poster].
Presson, N., MacWhinney, B. (2008). Contrasting explicit and implicit instruction for grammatical categorization. Poster presented at the IES Research Conference (IES), 2008.
Presson, N., MacWhinney, B. (2008). An adaptive tutor for explicit instruction of French grammatical gender cues. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Institute of Education Sciences, Washington DC.
Rau, M., Aleven, V. & Rummel, N. (2013). How to use multiple graphical representations to support conceptual learning? Research-based principles in the Fractions Tutor. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 2013, 587-590. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Richey, J.E., Chang, A, Nokes, T.J., Schunn, C. (2010). Using analogical learning in science curricula to improve conceptual understanding. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 662. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Salden, R., Aleven, V. & Renkl, A. (2007). Can tutored problem solving be improved by learning from examples? Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (p. 1847). (CogSci 2007).
Salden, R., Aleven, V., Schwonke, R. & Renkl, A. (2008). Are worked examples and tutored problem solving synergistic forms of support? Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), June 2008.
Salden, R., Aleven, V., Schwonke, R. & Renkl, A. (2009). Exploring worked examples in tutored problem solving. Proceedings of the 31st meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 950.
Salden, R., Aleven, V., Renkl, A., Schwonke, R. & Witter, J. (2007). Does Learning from Examples Improve Tutored Problem Solving? Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, p. 2602. Poster.
Sha, L., Schunn, C.D. & Bathgate,M. (2012). Activated Science Learners as Self-Regulation Agents. Poster presented at "Activating Young Science Learners: Igniting Persistent Engagement in Science Learning and Inquiry" Structured Poster Session at AERA 2012.
Siler, S. A., Klahr, D., Willows, K., Magaro, C., & Mowery, D. (2011). The effect of prompted causal identification in transfer of experimental design skills. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2011), Boston, MA, 2242. Poster.
Stampfer, E., & Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Conceptual Scaffolding to Check One’s Procedures. In H.C. Lane, K. Yacef, J. Mostow, & P. Pavlik (Eds.). Proceedings of AIED 2013, LNAI 7926, 916-919. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Torres Olague, D., Yuan, Y., Chang, K.M., & Mostow, J. (2013). Can EEG detect when a student needs help? PSLC Summer Intern Poster Session, Carnegie Mellon University.
van de Sande, B., Shelby, R., Treacy, D. & VanLehn, K. (2007). Changing Student Attitudes using Andes, An Intelligent Homework System. Poster presented at the AAPT Winter Meeting, Seattle WA, January 2007.
van de Sande, B., Shelby, R., Treacy, D., VanLehn, K. & Wintersgill, M. (2007). Andes: An Intelligent Tutor Homework System. Poster presented at the AAPT Summer Meeting, Greensboro, NC, July 2007.
VanLehn, K., Koedinger, K.R., Skogsholm, Nwaigwe, A., Hausmann, R.G.M., Weinstein, Billings (2007). What’s in a step? Toward general, abstract representations of tutoring system log data. In C. Conati & K. McCoy (Eds). Proceedings of User Modelling 2007.
Vercellotti, M. & De Jong, N. (2009). “I prefer go”: English L2 Verb Complement Errors. Poster presented at the Georgetown University Round Table, Washington, D.C., March 2009
Vercellotti, M. & De Jong, N. (2009). “I always dessert cake to diet”: Elicited Imitation as an L2 task. Poster presented at the Second Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Conference, Seattle, WA, February 2009.
Vercellotti, M., De Jong, N. (2010). How does fluency training in the ESL classroom affect language complexity? Poster presented at the iSLC conference, May 2010.
Walkington, C. (2010). American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Poster Presentation (April 2010): “Playing the Game” of Story Problems: Situated Cognition in Algebra Problem Solving.
Walkington, C. (2011). Cognitive Science Society Poster Presentation (July, 2011): Adolescent Reasoning in Mathematics: Exploring Middle School Students’ Strategic Approaches in Empirical Justification.
Walkington, C., Sherman, M., Petrosino, A. (2010). Playing the Game of Story Problems: Situated Cognition in Algebra Problem Solving. Paper presented at AERA 2010.
Wang, Y.C., Joshi, M. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). A Feature Based Approach for Leveraging Context for Classifying Newsgroup Style Discussion Segments, Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (poster).
Wang, Y.C., Joshi, M., Rosé, C.P., Fischer, F., Weinberger, A. & Stegmann, K. (2007). Context Based Classification for Automatic Collaborative Learning Process Analysis [poster]. In Proceedings of AIED 2007.
Wang, Y.C. & Rosé, C.P. (2007). Supporting collaborative idea generation: A closer look using statistical process analysis techniques. Proceedings of AIED 2007 (poster).
Wang, Z., de Jong, N. & Perfetti, C. (2013). Robustness in learning L2 speaking through repetition: Evidence from speech fluency, complexity, and accuracy. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference (iSLC), NSF Science of Learning Centers (Philadelphia).
Wylie, R. (2007). Small words, big challenges: Identifying the difficulties in learning the English article system. Poster presented at the IES Research Conference, Washington, DC, june, 2007 [pre-doctoral student poster].
Wylie, R. (2008). Making a priori predictions about English as a Second Language grammar learning. Poster presented at the IES Research Conference, Washington, DC, June 2008. [pre-doctoral student poster].
Zepeda, C., Richey, J. E., Ronevich, P. & Nokes-Malach, T. J. (2012). Explicit instruction of metacognition and its benefits to motivation and science learning. Poster presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science, Seattle, WA.
Zhang, X., Mostow, J., Duke, N., Trotochaud, C., Valeri, J. & Corbett, A. (2008). Mining free-form spoken responses to tutor prompts. 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008. [poster-young researchers' track].
Technical Reports
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Entering Mathematical Equations Multimodally: Results on Usability and Interaction Design. Technical Report CMU-HCII-06-101, 15 Mar 2006.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Entering Mathematical Equations Multimodally: Results on Usability and Interaction Patterns, Technical Report CMU-HCII-06-101, 15 Mar 2006.
Anthony, L., Yang, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2008). How Handwritten Input Helps Students Learning Algebra Equation Solving. Technical Report CMU-HCII-08-100, 1 Mar 2008.
Koedinger, K.R., Corbett, A. & Perfetti, C. (2010). The Knowledge-Learning-Instruction (KLI) Framework: Toward Bridging the Science-Practice Chasm to Enhance Robust Student Learning. Technical Report CMU-HCII-10-102, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. Accessible via
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W., Sewall, J., Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Applying Machine Learning to Cognitive Modeling for Cognitive Tutors, Technical Report CMU-ML-06-105, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W., Sewall, J., Koedinger, K.R. (2006). What characterizes a better demonstration for cognitive modeling by demonstration? Technical Report CMU-ML-06-106, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
McLaren, B. (2005). Lessons in Machine Ethics from the Perspective of Two Computational Models of Ethical Reasoning; AAAI Fall 2005 Symposium, Washington, D. C. In "Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium," Technical Report FS-05-06, pp. 70-77.
Singh, A.P. & Gordon, G. (2008). Relational Learning via Collective Matrix Factorization. Technical Report CMU-ML-08-109.
Aleahmad, T. (2012). Improving Students’ Study Practices Through the Principled Design of Research Probes, Thesis defense, CMU, April 27, 2012.
Anthony, L. (2008). Developing Handwriting-based Intelligent Tutors to Enhance Mathematics Learning. Ph.D. Thesis, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. CMU-HCI-08-105.
Belenky, D.M. (2012). The Effect of Achievement Goals on Self-Explanation and Transfer: Investigating the Role of Motivation on Learning. PhD Thesis. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Cen, H. (2009). Generalized Learning Factors Analysis: Improving Cognitive Models with Machine Learning. Doctoral thesis: CMU-ML-09-102.
Diziol, D. (2006). Development of a collaboration script to improve students` algebra learning when solving problems with the Algebra I, Cognitive Tutor. Diploma Thesis. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany: Institute of Psychology, June 2006.
Easterday, M. (2010). A Cognitive Game for Teaching Policy Argument, or, The Young Citizen's Illustrated Primer, PhD Thesis: Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Galyardt, A. (2012). Mixed Membership Distributions with Applications to Modeling Multiple Strategy Usage. July 17, 2012
Golden, E. (2010). Early-stage Software Design for Usability, PhD Thesis: Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Goldin, I. (2011). A Focus on Content: The Use of Rubrics in Peer Review to Guide Students and Instructors. Friday, April 29, 2011. Intelligent Systems Program, University of Pittsburgh.
González-Brenes, J. P. (2013). What and When Do Students Learn? Methods For Knowledge Tracing With Data-Driven Mapping of Items to Skills. PhD Thesis, Language Technologies Institute (LTI), Carnegie Mellon University, August 2, 2013.
Gweon, G. (2012). Assessment and support of the idea co-construction process that influence collaboration. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. Thesis Defense. April 2012.
Hausmann, R.G.M. (2005). Elaborative and Critical Dialog: Two Potentially Effective Problem-Solving and Learning Interactions. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, 2005.
Heilman, M.J. (2011). Automatic Factual Question Generation for Reading Assessment. PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University.
Kao (2009). Contributions of Spatial Skills to Geometry Achievement: Training and Transfer
Kumar, R. (2011). Socially Capable Conversational Agents in Multi-Party Interactive Situations. PhD Thesis, August 2011: Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Nelson, J.R. (2010). Reading skill and components of word knowledge affect eye movements during reading. Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Psychology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh.
Ogan, A. (2011). Supporting Learner Social Relationships with Enculturated Pedagogical Agents , PhD Thesis: Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Rau, M. (2013). Conceptual learning with multiple graphical representations: Intelligent tutoring systems support for sense-making and fluency-building awareness. PhD Thesis, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Ringenberg, M. (2006). Scaffolding Problem Solving With Embedded Examples to Promote Deep Learning. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirments for the degree of Master of Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 2006.
Roll, I. (2009). Structured Invention Tasks to Prepare Students for Future Learning: Means, Mechanisms and Cognitive Processes. PhD thesis available from the Human Computer Interaction Institute Technical Reports database, CMU-HCII-09-105.
Shih, B. (2011). Target Sequence Clustering. PhD Thesis, CMU, 2012.
Studer, C. (2012). Incorporating Learning Over Time into the Cognitive Assessment Framework. May 25, 2012.
Sweet, T. (2012). Statistical Network Models for Replications and Experimental Interventions. July 17,2012.
Vercellotti, M.L. (2012). Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency as Properties of Language Performance: The Development of the Multiple Subsystems over Time and in Relation to Each Other. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Walker, E. (2010). Automated Adaptive Support for Peer Tutoring. PhD Thesis: Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Walkington, C. (2010). “Playing the game” of story problems: Situated cognition in algebra problem solving (Doctoral dissertation). University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Ward, A. (2010). Reflection and Learning Robustness in a Natural Language Conceptual Physics Tutoring System. PhD Thesis: Intelligent Systems, University of Pittsburgh
Wylie, R. (2011). Examining the Generality of Prompted Self-Explanation. PhD Thesis, August 8, 2011. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Zhao, Y. (2012). Explicitness, Cue Competition, And Knowledge Tracing: A Tutorial System For Second Language Learning Of English Article Usage, Thesis Defense, CMU, May 4, 2012.
Thesis Proposals
Aleahmad, T. (2011). Integrating Effective Learning Principles into Student Study Practices. Tuesday, July 12, 2011. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Ayers, E. (2007). Predicting Performance and Creating Better Student Proficiency Models by Improving Skill Codings. CMU-PIER Thesis Proposal.
Balass, M. (2010). Thesis Proposal. Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh.
Cen, H. (2007). Generalized Learning Factors Analysis: Improving Cognitive Models with Machine Learning. Thesis Proposal, CMU.
Gweon, G. (2010). Assessment and Support of the Knowledge Construction Process in Group Work. Thesis Proposal August 16, 2010. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Kumar, R. (2011). Conversational Agents in Multi-Party Interactive Situations. PhD Thesis Proposal.
Li, N. (2012). Integrating Representation Learning and Skill Learning in a Human-Like Intelligent Agent. May 21, 2012
Lomas, D. (2013). Optimizing Motivation and Learning in Educational Games: Crowdsourcing Design Decisions Using Large-Scale Design Experiments. CMU Human Interaction Institute Thesis Proposal.
Matlen, B. (2012). Comparison-based Instruction in Science Education. CMU Department of Psychology Thesis Proposal. July 2012.
Rau, M (2012). How can we promote understanding and fluency in learning from multiple representations? Intelligent Tutoring System support for connection making. Doctoral thesis proposal. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. August 2012.
Sudol, L. (2011). Deepening Students' Understanding of Algorithms: Effects of Problem Context and Feedback Regarding Algorithmic Abstraction. Tuesday June 28, 2011. Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University.
Walker, E. (2009). Automated Adaptive Support for Peer Tutoring. PhD Thesis Proposal: Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Wylie, R. (2010). Investigating the Effects of Self-Explanation on Second Language Grammar Learning. Thesis Proposal April 27, 2010. Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B. & Sewell, J. (2006). Tutorial on Rapid Development of Intelligent Tutors using the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT). Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B.& Koedinger, K.R. (2005). Tutorial: Rapid development of computer-based tutors with the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT). In C-K Looi, G.I. McCalla, B. Bredeweg, & J. Breuker, (Eds.). Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, July 2005. AIED, Vol 125 IOS Press (2005), p. 990.
Aleven, V., McLaren, B., Sewall, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Tutorial: Building Example-Tracing and Model-Tracing Tutors with the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT). 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 2006.
Baker, R.S.J.d., Yacef, K., Beck, J. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Educational Data Mining (EDM). Tutorial conducted at AIED 2009.
Brunskill, E. & Gordon, G. (2013). Machine Learning for Student Learning. Invited tutorial conducted at Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation (NIPS) 2012.
Dyke, G. & Rosé, C. (2011). Leveraging tool support for the analysis of computer-mediated activities. Tutorial conducted at the 9th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011), Hong Kong, China.
Nixon, T., Baker, R.S.J.d., Yudelson, M. & Pardos, Z. (2012). Parameter fitting for learner models. Tutorial conducted at ITS 2012.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). Discourse Analytics. Invited Tutorial conducted at Learning Analytics Summer Institute (Co-Organized by the Society for Learning Analytic Research and Stanford University). July 2013, Stanford University.
Stamper, J. (2010). PSLC DataShop. Tutorial conducted at 10th International ITS Conference.
Stamper, J. (2011). Importing to DataShop. Tutorial conducted at AIED 2011.
Stamper, J. (2013). Learning Curve Analysis using DataShop. Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2013) in Leuven, Belgium April 8-12, 2013
Anthony, L. (2007). Exploration of the Effects of Handwriting on Learning in Algebra Equation Solving. ACM Multimedia EMME Workshop, Augsburg, Germany.
Asay, D., Siskin, C.B. & Siskin, M. (2008). Getting started with Revolution. Workshop presented at the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Conference (CALICO), San Francisco, CA, (March, 2008).
Asay, D. & Siskin, C.B. (2008). Moving ahead with Revolution. Workshop presented at the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Conference (CALICO), San Francisco, CA, (March, 2008).
Matsuda, N., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G., Cohen, W. W., & Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Learning by Teaching SimStudent - Interactive Event at Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15th International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.
Rosé, C. (2012). Text Mining Workshop at Howard University.
Stamper, J.C., Koedinger, K.R., Baker, R.S.J.d., Skogsholm, A., Leber, B., Demi, S., Yu, S., & Spencer, D. (2011). DataShop: A Data repository and analysis service for the learning science community - Interactive Event at Artificial Intelligence in Education, 15th International Conference, AIED 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.
Turner, T., Macasek, M., Nuzzo-Jones, G., Heffernan, N. & Koedinger, K.R. (2005). The Assistment Builder: A Rapid Development Tool for ITS. 12th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education 2005. Workshop on Adaptative Systems for Web Based Education: Tools and Reusability. 2005.
Invited Talks
Aleven, V. (2009). CTAT: Efficiently building real-world intelligent tutoring systems through programming by demonstration. 22nd International FLAIRS Conference, May 29-21, 2009. Invited talk.
Aleven, V. (2011). Keynote talk at the First Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Learning for Mathematics and Science at EC-TEL'2011 (September 20-23, Palermo, Italy)
Aleven, V. (2011). Toward a Framework for the Analysis and Design of Educational Games. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. March, 2011.
Aleven, V. (2013). Games for Collaborative Science Inquiry for Grades K-3. Presented at Technology in Support of Learning segment of New Directions in Research on Learning and Education: A Symposium Celebrating 50 Years of LRDC, May 16, 2013. University of Pittsburgh.
Aleven, V., Evenson, S. & Butcher, K. (2006). Improved Interaction Design in a Cognitive Tutor for Geometry. Carnegie Mellon University: Human-Computer Interaction Institute 12th Anniversary Celebration. April 20, 2006.
Anthony, L. (2007). User Science and Experiences Research group seminar. IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA. Invited talk.
Ashley, K (2008). Some Thoughts on Using Computers to Teach Argumentation. Intelligent Tutoring Systems Invited Talk. 21st International FLAIRS Conference, May 15-17, 2008, Coconut Grove, Florida.
Asterhan, C. S. C. (2010). Between experimental designs, protocol data and individual gains: The case of argumentation to learn. Paper presented at the second Jerusalem Workshop on Interactive Learning “Multiple Perspectives in the Study of Learning in Interaction“, Hebrew University, Israel
Asterhan, C.S.C. (2010). Structured classroom dialogue and its role in student thinking and learning. Keynote presentation at the Segundo Congresso Nacional y Latino de Professoras y Professores de Ciencias de Education Basica, Chilean Ministry of Education, Santiago, Chile.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2008). Towards Understanding Why Students Game the System. Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, McGill University. June 18, 2008. (invited seminar)
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2008). Using Data Mining to Better Understand Learning and Learners: Key Challenges and Directions. Department of Computer Science, University of Sherbooke. June 17, 2008. (invited seminar)
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2008). Detecting and Responding to Gaming the System in Cognitive Tutors. Carnegie Learning, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. April 3, 2008. (invited seminar)
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). Towards Understanding Why Students "Game the System" Within Educational Technology. University of Memphis. Mar 12, 2009. (invited seminar).
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). Educational Data Mining: A Revolution in Methods for Understanding Learners and Learning. Invited seminar. Science Colloquium Series, Colgate University. November 20, 2009.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). Interface design, affect, and students’ choice to “game the system”. Invited seminar. BostonCHI: The New England area chapter of ACM SIGCHI. September 8, 2009.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2009). Towards Understanding Why Students “Game the System” Within Educational Software. Invited seminar. Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis. March 12, 2009
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Intelligent Tutoring Goes to School in the Big City… and the Suburbs… and the Countryside… and the Developing World Mega-City. Invited seminar. Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. February 25, 2010
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Educational Data Mining: A Revolution in Methods for Understanding Learners and Learning. University of Veracruz, Mexico (by videoconference). May 28, 2010.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2010). Intelligent Tutoring Goes to School in the Big City… and the Suburbs… and the Countryside… and right here in Metro Manila! College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University – Manila, Philippines. April 8, 2010.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Towards Automatically Detecting the Robustness of Student Learning. Invited Talk, Intelligent Tutoring Systems Track. 24th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. Palm Beach, Florida. May 19, 2011.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Towards Complete and Concrete Models of Engagement in Learner-Computer Interaction
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Modeling the Learning in 4-D. Keynote Address. 20th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization. July 18, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Affect, Collaboration, and Off-Task Behavior in the Chemistry Virtual Lab. Minerva University. April 30, 2013.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Educational Data Mining: Towards Long-Term and Actionable Prediction of Student Outcomes.College of Education and Human Development. University of Wisconsin. April 19, 2013.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Educational Data Mining: A Revolution in Methods for Understanding Learners and Learning. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. University of Toledo. December 3, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Educational Data Mining: Predict the Future, Change the Future. Data Mining Possibilities Seminar Series. City University of New York Graduate Center. February 15, 2013.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Educational Data Mining: Predict the Future, Change the Future. Julius and Rosa Sachs Distinguished Lecture. Teachers College, Columbia University. November 5, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Modeling Student Learning, Moment by Moment. Reasoning Mind. February 7, 2013.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Modeling Student Learning, Moment-by-Moment. Center for Research and Evaluation of Advanced Technologies in Education. New York University. March 1, 2013.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Modeling Student Learning, Moment-by-Moment. Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder. October 25, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Studying Student Disengagement with Educational Data Mining. Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder. October 26, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Towards Automatically Detecting the Robustness of Student Learning. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. August 31, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2013). Using Educational Data Mining to Detect Disengagement. Reasoning Mind. October 23, 2012.
Balass, M., Bolger, D.J. & Perfetti, C. (2006). The Role of Definition and Sentence Context in Vocabulary Learning. Thirteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. July 5-8, 2006. Vancouver, Canada.
De Jong, N. (2007). Approaches to the study of second language acquisition. Guest lecture at the CUNY Graduate Center (invited by Prof. Den Dikken and Prof. Otheguy), December 2007
De Jong, N. (2007). Oral fluency development in ESL classrooms. Guest lecture at the CUNY Graduate Center (invited by Prof. Klein), November 2007
De Jong, N. (2008). Oral fluency development in a second language. Presentation given at the Cognitive Approaches to Second Language Acquisition research group at the University of Amsterdam, January 2008.
De Jong, N. (2008). The study of oral fluency development in ESL. Presentation given at the Colloquium on Teaching and Learning World Languages, March 2008, at Queens College of CUNY.
De Jong, N. (2009). Pre-training formulaic sequences and its effect on oral fluency. Talk given at the SLA lab meeting, CUNY Graduate Center, April 24, 2009.
De Jong, N. (2012). Oefenen met vloeiend spreken: wat, hoe en waarom? Paper presented at the BVNT2 Conferentie, June 2012, Hoeven. [invited speaker]
De Jong, N. (2009). Pre-training formulaic sequences and its effect on oral fluency. Talk given at the SLA lab meeting, CUNY Graduate Center, April 24, 2009.
De Jong, N. & Seman, J-M. (2012). Effects of immediate task repetition, prompt type, and time pressure on repeated retrieval of vocabulary. Presentation at the Second Language Research Forum, October 21, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.
Dunlap, S., Friedline, B., Juffs, A. & Perfetti, C. (2010). Using CALL to direct processing focus on spelling and morphology. Invited colloquium at the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia. (March 2010).
Han, N. (2011). Building ESL (English as a Second Language) Error Correction Models. Language Technologies Insititute at Carnegie Mellon University, Feb 2011.
Juffs, A. (2007). Vocabulary acquisition in English as a second language: Refining theory and practice in an Intensive English Program. Keynote address given at Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Roundtable, University of Arizona, March 2007.
Juffs, A. (2008). Opportunities and Challenges in Teaching Vocabulary Using CALL in an Intensive English Program. February 22, 2008. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada. Invited talk.
Juffs, A. & Shirai, Y. (2012). Functional and Formal Approaches to SLA. Second Language Research Forum, October 2012. Invited plenary speaker.
Juffs,A. (2012). Learning Second Language Derivational Morphology. Taiwan National Science Foundation. June 22, 2012
Juffs,A. (2012). Problems and Interventions in Second Language Morphological Processing. Second Language Studies Symposium, Michigan State University. February 24, 2012. Invited Keynote
Juffs,A. (2012). Working memory and sentence processing. Language Learning International Round Table. Invited Speaker. June 11, 2012
Klahr, D. (2007). Cognitive Science & Early Science Education. Invited Presentation at Seminar Series on Developmental Science and Early Schooling. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC March 2007.
Klahr, D. (2007). Cognitive Science & Science Instruction: Pasteur's Quadrant in the Learning Sciences. Invited Master Lecture: SRCD 2007 Biennial Meeting. Boston, MA March 2007
Klahr, D. (2011). First of Two invited talks at a conference on science education, sponsored by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation at two universities in Lisbon and Oporto Portugal.
Klahr, D. (2011). Invited opening speaker, Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness (SREE), Washington, DC., Sept 2011.
Klahr, D. (2011). Second of Two invited talks at a conference on science education, sponsored by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation at two universities in Lisbon and Oporto Portugal.
Klahr, D. (2012). What Do We Mean?: On the Importance of Not Abandoning Scientific Rigor When Talking about Science Education. The Science of Science Communication, National Academy of Sciences. May 21-22, 2012
Klahr, D. (2010). Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Psychology of Science and Technology, Keynote address. UC Berkeley.
Klahr, D. (2010). APA Science Leadership Conference, Washington, DC. Invited participant.
Klahr, D. (2010). Spencer Foundation Conference on “What Children Learn in School”, Chicago, IL. Invited participant.
Klahr, D. (2010). Purdue University Conference on the Psychology of Science: Implicit and Explicit Reasoning, Invited Speaker.
Koedinger, K. (2013). Using machine learning to create student models and improve educational decisions. Invited speaker for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences Seminar, Department of Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University.
Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Korean Academy of Science and Technology. Conference on Learning. Plenary speaker. Seoul, Korea, November, 2006.
Koedinger, K.R. (2006). Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. “Cognitive Tutors and Opportunities for Convergence of Human and Machine Learning Theory”. Plenary speaker. Boston, Massachusetts, July, 2006
Koedinger, K.R. (2007). Studying Robust Learning through Rigorous Experiments in Real Classrooms. Askwith Education Forum at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Harvard University.
Koedinger, K.R. (2009). International Psychometric Society Meeting. Keynote Address
Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Presented the IES Practice Guide “Organizing Instruction and Study” at Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic forum at Penn State University (April 24, 2009)
Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Why designing effective learning interactions is not easy and how we can do better: Part 1. Human Computer Interaction Institute Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Feb 24, 2010.
Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Design-Deploy-Data-Discover: A Technology-Based Continuous Feedback Loop to Improve Learning Science and Education. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. March 2011.
Koedinger, K.R. (2012). Open Discussions on Formal Learning and Why Results From the Learning Sciences Have Little Impact in Schools, Keynote Address at American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, August 2, 2012
Koedinger, K.R. (2012). The KLI Dependency: How the domain-specific and domain-general interact in STEM learning. Presented at the Integrating Cognitive Science with Innovative Teaching in STEM Disciplines Meeting, September 27-28, 2012 at Washington University, St. Louis. Invited talk.
Litman, D.J. (2008). Detecting and Adapting to Student Uncertainty in a Spoken Tutorial Dialogue System. Invited Talk at Affective Language in Human and Machine Symposium, AISB Convention, Aberdeen, Scotland, (April, 2008).
Lovett, M. (2010). Accelerated Learning through Adaptive, Data-Driven Instructional Design. Plenary alk given at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
MacWhinney, B. (2012). From Models to Methods: Linking L1 and L2 Acquisitional Theory. Talk given at the 31st Second Language Research Forum Conference (SLRF). Pittsburgh, PA. Plenary speaker.
Matsuda, N. (2007). Beyond Building Cognitive Tutors by Demonstration – When SimStudent helps building a bridge between technology and education. School of Education, Stanford University. June 2007, Palo Alto, CA
Matsuda, N. (2009). SimStudent for STEM Education: A synthetic student to explore theories of learning and build effective interventions (2009). School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Fairhaven, MA.
Matsuda, N. (2013). Simulated learners—Amplifying research beyond the simulation. AIED Workshop on Simulated Learners in conjunction with AIED 2013, July 9, 2013, Memphis, Tennessee. Invited talk.
Matsuda, N. (2008). SimStudent: Teaching a smart machine to learn how people learn. Human Computer Interaction Graduate Program, Iowa State University. April 2008, Ames, IA.
McLaren, B. (2006). Kaleidoscope Symposium, Oberhausen, Germany, July 2006. Title of talk: "The Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center: Learning Studies and Technology in Actual Classroom Settings."
Mostow, J. (2012). What Can We Learn from a Reading Tutor that Listens? TDLC Optimal Teaching Workshop at UCSD, May 4, 2012
Nokes, T. J. (2009). Robust Learning. Keynote speaker in the Learn-a-Palooza symposium at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science: Dallas, TX
Nokes, T.J. (2008). Taking cognitive science to school: How cognitive science can improve conceptual learning in physics classrooms. Learning Sciences and Policy Brown Bag Series, University of Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh, PA, December 2008. Invited talk.
Nokes, T.J. (2009). Taking cognitive science to school: Improving cognitive science and student learning. Invited speaker at the Research for Practice Conference. Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Nokes, T.J. (2009). Taking cognitive science to school: How cognitive science can improve student learning in physics classrooms. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Nokes, T.J. (2009). Using cognitive science to improve student learning. Invited speaker at the Brain, Mind, and Learning: Research at the Science of Learning Centers at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science: Dallas, TX.
Nokes, T.J. (2009). Robust Learning. Keynote speaker in the Learn-a-Palooza symposium at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science: Dallas, TX.
Pavlik, P. (2009). Optimizing the Schedule of Practice. Invited talk at the University of Phoenix, National Research Center for Teaching and Learning
Perfetti, C. (2005). Brain Behavior Relations in Reading: Universal Constraints and Writing System Variations. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (Congress of Experimental Psychology). 2005. Regensburg, Germany.
Perfetti, C. (2005). Reading word-by-word: Text integration processes exposed by Event Related Potentials. European Summer School on Reading. 2005. Edmond an Zee, Netherlands.
Perfetti, C. (2005). The accommodation of the brain’s reading network to writing system variation. Conference on Brain, Language, and Cognition. University of Minnesota, Center for Cognitive Sciences. October, 2005 .
Perfetti, C. (2005). Plenary address: How the mind meets the brain in literacy: New perspectives from reading science. National Reading Conference. 2005.. Miami, FL.
Perfetti, C. (2009). Reducing the complexities of reading comprehension: A Simplying framework. Presented at the Institute of ducation Sciences Research Conference, June 7-9, 2009, Washington DC.
Perfetti, C. (2010). Chinese reading and new universal science of reading. Invited keynote presentation at the Research in Reading Chinese Conference, Toronto, July 2010.
Perfetti, C. (2011). Issues in second language learning: How cognitive neuroscience contributes. Keynote address at Cognitive Neuroscience of Second Language Acquisition: Present Challenges and Future Potential Workshop, University of Maryland, College Park. November 9. 2011
Perfetti, C. (2011). Reading Ability and Reading Disability: The Emergence of Connections. Keynote lecture. Amsterdam Dyslexia Program, Amsterdam, Dec. 8, 2011.
Perfetti, C. (2011). Reading universals are modulated by language and writing system. Invited keynote lecture, preconference symposium of Society for Language development, Boston, November 3, 2011.
Perfetti, C. (2012). What does literacy have to do with language? Invited presentation to Workshop on Language Development in childhood and adolescence. Leiden, January 13, 2012.
Resnick, L. (2012). The SERP Partnership Model: Problem-Solving Researcher, Design, Development, and Implementation, Invited Panel Member. SREE 2012.
Ritter, S. (2010). Riding the Third Wave. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2010). Invited talk.
Ritter, S. & Nixon, T. (2010). Cognitive Tutor: Modeling to improve mathematics education. Invited talk at KDD Cup 2010 Workshop held as part of the 16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2010).
Roll, I. (2007). Modeling and scaffolding general learning skills with intelligent tutoring systems. Department of Management Information Systems. Haifa University, December 2007. Invited talk.
Roll, I. (2007). Can Help-Seeking Be Taught Using Tutoring Systems? Searching For the Secret Sauce of Meta-cognitive Tutoring. Department of Education, Haifa University, December 2007. Invited talk.
Roll, I. (2007). Debugging the Learning Process: Can Tutoring Systems Teach General Learning Skills? Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. July 2007. Invited talk.
Rosé, C. (2011). Detecting Social Dynamics in Speech, IBM Delhi, Spoken Web group, December 14, 2011.
Rosé, C. (2011). Detecting Social Dynamics in Speech, Indo-US Workshop on Analytics, IISc, Bangalore, Dec 2011.
Rosé, C. (2011). Invited Discussant, Session on Dialogue in the Digital Age, Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue Conference, sponsored by the American Education Research Association, September 2011
Rosé, C. (2011). Invited panelist, Towards Monitoring Classroom Interactions Through Speech Processing, as part of the panel on Research on discursive teaching and learning: What have we learned and where are we heading, at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction 2011 Conference.
Rosé, C. (2011). Dialogue Systems that Support Group Work and Learning, at Young Researchers Round Table for Spoken Dialogue Systems 2011 (Academia Session). Invited Speaker and Panelist.
Rosé, C. (2011). Analysis of Social Positioning in Interaction, IBM Delhi, Spoken Web group, December 14, 2011. Invited Talk.
Rosé, C. (2011). Supporting Academically Productive Talk with Computer Agents,Invited Seminar Talk, Drexel Information School, Drexel University, February 2011
Rosé, C. (2011). Workshop Invited Talk, Analysis of Social Positioning in Interaction, Indo-US Workshop on Large Scale Data Analytics and Intelligent Services, IISc, Bangalore, Dec 18-20, 2011
Rosé, C. (2012). Institut Francais de l'Education 3rd International Learning Sciences seminar, Methodology Track, June 2012
Rosé, C. (2012). Invited talk, MIT Media Lab, part of a project planning summit jointly organized by the Media Lab and Linked In for developing a crisis response platform, September 2012
Rosé, C. (2012). Symposium Invited Talk, Robot Facilitation as Dynamic Support for Collaborative Learning, Symposium at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, July 2012.
Rosé, C. (2012). Workshop Invited Talk, LightSIDE: Open Source Machine Learning for Text Accessible to Non-Experts, National Council on Measurements in Education Conference, Spring 2012, talk delivered by Elijah Mayfield
Rosé, C. (2012). Workshop Keynote, Institut Français de l'Education 3rd International Learning Sciences seminar, Methodology Track, Lyon, France, June 2012
Rosé, C. (2013). Invited Panel Talk, Invited Panel on CSCL Research Methodology, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2013.
Rosé, C. P. (2012). Supporting Discursive Instruction Online and In the Classroom with Intelligent Conversational Agents. Invited talk given at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), October 22, 2012
Rosé, C. P. (2013). Automated Approaches to Analyzing Data from Collaborative Learning Settings. Symposium on Trends in Support and Analysis of Collaborative Learning. Jointly organized by the Special Interest Groups on Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers, at the Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, August 2013. Invited symposium talk.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). Discourse Analytics: Assessment of Collaborative Learning Discussions. 2013 Academy of the German Institute for International Education Research, Salzschlirf, Germany. June 2013.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). From Research Instruments to Classroom Assessments: A Call for Tools to Assist Teacher Assessment of Collaborative Learning,. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning conference, June 2013. Invited panel talk.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). How will Collaborative Problem Solving be assessed at international scale?, Workshop at the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning conference, June 2013. Invited panel talk, invited workshop.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). Measuring Engagement in Social Processes that Support Shared Cognition. Workshop on Developing Multi-Disciplinary Measurement Approaches for Shared Cognition, University of Central Florida. February 2013. Invited workshop talk.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). Panel on Translating collaborative project-based learning to online and blended environments at the Workshop on Multidisciplinary Research for Online Education (MunROE, Sponsored by the Computing Community Consortium, Feb 11-12, 2013, Washington, DC. Invited talk.
Rosé, C. P. (2013). Zooming In and Out of Collaborative Process Analysis through Linguistically Informed Machine Learning Models. Invited talk as part of Plenary Panel: To see the world and a grain of sand: Multiple methods in CSCL research, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning conference, June 2013.
Rosé, C.P. & Clarke, S. (2013). Understanding Student Engagement in Classroom Dialogue. Symposium on Enablers and Barriers of Productive Learning Dialogues: Where social meets cognitive. Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, August 2013. Invited symposium talk (presented by Sherice Clarke).
Salden, R. (2008). Life, the Universe, and Worked Examples in Cognitive Tutors. AI Seminar of the Intelligent Systems Program (ISP) at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, October 24, 2008.
Stamper, J. (2011). KDD Cup Competition Lessons Learned. Invited talk at EDM, July 2011.
Stamper, J. (2011). PSLC Datashop. Invited talk at 2nd STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous, March 2011.
Thille, C. (2010). Community College Online Teaching Conference, Keynote speaker, San Diego City College (San Diego CA)
Thille, C. (2010). Reinventing the American University. Invited speaker at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI). (Washington DC)
Thille, C. (2010). February 5: Reforming Electrical Energy Systems Curriculum with OER, Engineering Education Key Note Speaker (University of Minnesota).
Thille, C. (2010). January 11: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning: Open Learning Initiative (OLI) and Open Learning Net (Olnet), Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) Webinar (internet)
Thille, C. (2010). January 13: Evidence Based Course Design - The Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon, American Mathematical Society (San Francisco, CA)
Thille, C. (2010). Thille, C. (2010, June). The National Conference on Student Assessment by the Council of Chief State School Officers, Plenary Session (Detroit MI).
Tokowicz, N. (2012). Translation Ambiguity in Language Learning, Processing, and Representation. Talk given at the 31st Second Language Research Forum Conference (SLRF). Pittsburgh, PA. Plenary speaker.
VanLehn, K. (2005). “The Andes Intelligent Tutoring System,” IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2005): eLearning. April 20, 2005.
VanLehn, K. (2006). “When is tutorial dialogue more effective than cheaper instruction?” Serious Games Workshop, Institute for Creative Technology, Marina del Rey, CA, August 2006.
VanLehn, K. (2006). “Representation and reasoning for deeper natural language understanding in a physics tutoring system.” FLAIRS, Melbourne Beach, FL, May, 2006.
VanLehn, K. (2006). “A natural language tutorial dialogue system for physics” FLAIRS, Melbourne Beach, FL, May 2006
VanLehn, K. (2006). “The Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center: Studying robust learning in LearnLab classrooms” International Conference on Cognition and Neural Science, Boston, MA, May 2006.
VanLehn, K. (2007). "Expertise in elementary physics, and how to acquire it.” The Development of Professional Performance: Approaches to Objective Measurement and Designed Learning Environments, Orlando, FL, March 2007
VanLehn, K. (2007). “What’s in a step? Toward general, abstract representations of tutoring system log data.” User Modelling Conference, Corfu, Greece, June 28, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Combining Bayesian Networks and Formal Reasoning for Semantic Classification of Student Utterances” AI in Education Conference, Marian Del Rey, CA, July 13, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Step-level assistance while solving complex physics problems can significantly improve semester-long learning” CRESMET, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, August 13, 2007
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Can natural language tutoring systems be as effective as human tutors?” School of Computing and Informatics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, August 14, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Cognitive Analysis of Student Learning Using LearnLab” Physics Education Research Conference, Greensboro, NC, August 2, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Is the “self” of self-explanation important? In vivo experiments.” European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 30, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Can natural language tutoring systems be as effective as human tutors?” Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA, September 20, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2007). “Why will you see so many null results for learning gains in these talks?” Speech and Language Technology in Education, Farmington, PA, October 2, 2007.
VanLehn, K. (2008). When Is Tutorial Dialogue More Effective Than Less Interactive Instruction? American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, March 28, 2008.
VanLehn, K. (2008). Intelligent Tutoring Systems: What Do We Do Next? Fordham University, New York, NY, March 27, 2008.
VanLehn, K. (2008). Designing for conceptual understanding: College physics. Open Learning Interplay 2008, Pittsburgh, PA, March 10, 2008.
VanLehn, K. (2008). The interaction plateau: Answer-based tutoring < Step-based tutoring = Natural tutoring. Keynote talk, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, July, 2008.
VanLehn, K. (2009). “Step-based tutoring systems emulate human tutors” TII-Vanguard Conference on Learning, Washington, DC, May 9-11 2009.
VanLehn, K. (2009). “Transfer of Meta-Strategies” AAAI Fall Symposium, Washington, DC, Novermber 10, 2009.
VanLehn, K. (2009). “Why are intelligent tutoring systems just as effective as expert human tutors?” CERI-PALM seminar series, ASU PolyTechnic, Mesa, AZ September 23, 2009.
VanLehn, K. (2009). Toward a practical learning theory for step-based tutoring systems” ARI Workshop on Adaptive Training Technologies, Charleston, SC, March 3-5, 2009.
VanLehn, K. (2010). “Why are step-based tutoring systems almost as effective as human tutors?” International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Philadelphia, PA, August 6, 2010.
VanLehn, K. (2011). “Now that ITS are as effective as human tutors, how can they become even better?” International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 30, 2011
VanLehn, K. (2011). “What granularity is best for tutoring? Implications for learning, assessment and classrooms” Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, March 25, 2011
VanLehn, K. (2011). The relative effectiveness of human tutoring and 3 types of computer tutoring. Pearson Educational Products, Boston, MA, February 17, 2011
VanLehn, K. (2012). “Now that Intelligent Tutoring Systems are as effective as human tutors, how can they become even better?” Cognitive Science Institute, University of Colorado at Boulder, Feb. 17, 2012
VanLehn, K. (2012). “Now that Intelligent Tutoring Systems are as effective as human tutors, how can they become even better?” Optimal Teaching Workshop, University of California at San Diego, May 4, 2012
VanLehn, K. (2012). “Now that ITS are as effective as human tutors, how can they become even better?” Conversations on Quality: A Symposium on K-12 Online Learning, MIT, Jan. 24, 2012
Walkington, C. (2011). Measures of Effective Teaching: Capturing the UTeach Vision in Classroom Observation. Invited talk at University of Kansas (October 2011).
Wang, Z. (2013). Assessing speaking: The relevance of tasks and performance. Invited talk in Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, NJ.
Yaron, D. (2011). Online materials that promote conceptual learning in introductory Chemistry. Invited talk at The 2011 Tripartite Symposium: Effective practices and current challenges in STEM education in western Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, May 4, 2011.
Allen, H. & Jones, C. (2006). French Online and the Open Learning Initiative. Digital Stream Conference: Emerging Technologies in Teaching Languages and Culture, Monterey, California. March 2006.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Towards Automatically Detecting the Robustness of Student Learning. AAALab/LIFE Center, School of Education, Stanford University, September 30, 2011.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Using Educational Data Mining to Detect Disengagement and the Moment of Student Learning. Teachers College, Columbia University. March 23, 2011.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Using Educational Data Mining to Detect the Moment of Student Learning. 11th Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC2011). Naga, Bicol, Philippines. March 4, 2011.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2011). Using Educational Data Mining to Detect the Moment of Student Learning. Department of Computer Science, University of the Philippines Diliman. February 28, 2011.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Educational Data Mining Methods for Modeling and Studying Gaming the System in Educational Software. ETS. April 24, 2012.
Baker, R.S.J.d. (2012). Studying Student Disengagement and the Robustness of Learning with Educational Data Mining. BBN Technologies, Cambridge, Massachusetts. February 3, 2012.
Belenky, D. M., Gadgil, S., Nokes, T. J., & Levine, J. (2010). Dialectical interaction, arousal, and learning. Third Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference. Boston, MA.
Butcher, K. (2008). Visual interaction and robust learning. Talk presented at the International Workshop on Spatial Cognition and Learning, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, September, 2008.
Butcher, K. & Aleven, V. (2008). Visual interaction in intelligent tutoring: Support for robust learning. Research presentation for visiting educators and officials from Singapore’s Ministry of Education, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Chan, D. (2007). Learning a tonal language by attending to the tone: an in-vivo experiment. Talk given at the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Chinese Learnlab Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University, Oct 19, 2007.
De Jong, N. (2012). Short and longer term effects of time pressure on fluency in second language learners. Presentation at the Workshop Fluent Speech, November 13, 2012, Utrecht.
De Jong, N. (2006). Developing oral fluency with the 4/3/2 task. Presentation given at the Multimedia Showcase, University of Pittsburgh, September 2006
De Jong, N. & Halderman, L.K. (2010). Vocabulary and grammatical knowledge contribute differentially to second language oral fluency. Presented at the Inter-Science of Learning Center Conference, 3rd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Dunlap, S. (2006). Learning L2 vocabulary from semantic cues: A PSLC LearnLab study of implicit versus explicit training. Presentation at the Pitt-CMU Conference, Pittsburgh, September 2006.
Dunlap, S. (2009). Lexical quality of English second language learners: Effects of focused training on orthographic encoding skill. Brown Bag Presentation for the Cognitive Psychology Program, University of Pittsburgh, February, 2009.
Dunlap, S. (2010). Spelling in English as a second language: Do students make different types of errors on different types of tasks? Talk presented at the 3rd annual Inter-Science of Learning Centers Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Dunlap, S. (2006). What are some effective ways to support learning of new vocabulary in L2?: Evidence from some LearnLab studies. Brown Bag Presentation for Cognitive Psychology Program, University of Pittsburgh, PA.
Dunlap, S. (2007). Rules and exceptions: Semantic cues for learning new vocabulary in Chinese as a second language. Presentation at PSLC Chinese LearnLab Symposium "Bridging Chinese Pedagogy, Research, and Technology," Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
Dunlap, S., Friedline, B., Juffs, A. & Perfetti, C. (2009). Effects of a spelling intervention with learners of English as a second language. Presentation at PSLC/ELI Symposium on Research in an Intensive English Program, University of Pittsburgh, June 2009.
Frishkoff, G. & Schreiber, F. (2005). Research to Practice: A Bridge Worth Crossing. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA) Session: APA/IES Postdoctoral Education Research Training. Washington, D.C., August 15, 2005.
Gadgil, S. & Nokes, T.J. (2009). Analogical scaffolding in collaborative learning. Second Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference, Seattle, WA.
Hausmann, R.G.M. & Chi, M.T.H. (2005). The impact of constructive dialog on collaborative learning and problem solving performance. Presented at the Festschrift for Lauren Resnick entitled “Talk and Dialogue: How Discourse Patterns Support Learning.”
Hausmann, R.G.M. & Nokes, T.J. (2009). Evidence of transfer in a Physics 1 Course: An educational data-mining project. Second Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference. Seattle, WA.
Heilman, M. & Eskenazi, M. (2006). Authentic, Individualized Practice for English as a Second Language Vocabulary. Presented at Interfaces of Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning Workshop at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Hensler B.S. & Beck, J. (2006). Are all questions created equal? Factors that influence cloze question difficulty. Thirteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. July 5-8, 2006. Vancouver, Canada.
Jones, C., Allen, H., Tardio T. & Wu, S. (2006). Language Online: The Evolution of Web-Delivered Instruction. Presentation at ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), Nashville, November 2006.
Juffs, A. & Friedline, B. (2009). L1 Influence, morphological (in)sensitivity and L2 lexical development: Evidence form production data. Presentation at PSLC/ELI Symposium on Research in an Intensive English Program, University of Pittsburgh, June 2009.
Koedinger, K.R. (2009). “Is abstraction better than concreteness?” is the wrong question. Presented at the Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Boston, MA.
Koedinger, K.R. (2011). Accounting for Socializing Intelligence with the Knowledge-Learning-Instruction Framework. Presentation made at the invitational AERA research conference: Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue. University of Pittsburgh, September 22-25, 2011.
MacWhinney, B. (2012). A Unified Model of First and Second Language Learning, presented at Georgia State, Utrecht, Jerusalem, Leuven, Penn State, AAAL, SLRF, Montréal
Matsuda, N. (2006). Building Cognitive Model for Cognitive Tutors by Demonstration (2006). Seminar series on e-Learning, Kumamoto University, May 2006, Kumamoto, Japan
Matsuda, N. (2006). Using Simulated Student to build Cognitive Tutors and beyond – Cognitive Modeling with Programming by Demonstration (2006). Department of Computer Science Colloquium, Northern Illinois University, August 2006, IN
McCormick, D. E., & Vercellotti, M. L. (2013). Profiles of noticing in L2 English learners: Examining online and post-production noticing moves. Secong Language Research Forum 2013.
Nokes, T. J., Hausmann, R.G.M., VanLehn, K., & Gershman, S. (2009). The design of self-explanation prompts: The fit hypothesis. 2009 Science of Learning Centers PI Meeting: Washington, D. C.
Pavlik, P. (2010). Efficiency, Design, and Efficent Design. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Pino, J. & Eskenazi, M. (2009). L1 Effects in students' answers to word recall questions and cloze questions. Presentation at PSLC/ELI Symposium on Research in an Intensive English Program, University of Pittsburgh, June 2009.
Presson, N. (2008). Explicit Instruction of Cues to Grammar: Prototypes or Exemplars? Presented at the 1st Annual iSLC Student / Postdoc Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Rodrigo, M.M.T., Baker, R.S.J.d., Abalos, N., Bacuyag, K., Basuel, B., Bautista, M., Cortez, M., Dulla, G., Elomina, S., Gineta, M.A., Rara, A., Rodriguez, R., Sanggalang, J., Sugay, J., Tan, A.K., Tan, M., Trajano, E., Uy, F., Victorino, N., Villaflor, K. (2009). A comparison of learners’ affect and behaviors while using an intelligent tutor and an educational game. Presentation at Philippine Computing Society Congress.
Rodrigo, M.T., Baker, R.S.J.d., Sugay, J. & Tabano (2009). Monitoring novice programmer affect and behaviors to identify learning bottlenecks. Presentation at Philippine Computing Society Congress.
Roll, I. (2009). Teaching for learning versus teaching for retention. Presentation at the 2nd Inter-Science of Learning Centers Conference, 2009. Seattle, WA.
Rosé, C. (2011). What Sociolinguistics and Machine Learning Have to Say to One Another, MIT Media Lab Applied Machine Learning Series (delivered remotely), August 2011
Rosé, C. (2012). Automated Analysis of Social Positioning in Conversation, CUNY, April, 2012.
Rosé, C. P. (2012). Colloquium talk, Soufle: A Three Dimensional Framework for Analysis of Social Positioning in Dyadic and Group Discussions. Rhetoric Colloquium, Department of English, Carnegie Mellon University, February, 2013
Rosé, C. P. (2012). Supporting Discursive Instruction Online and in the Classroom with Intelligent Conversational Agents. HCII Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2012
Rosé, C.P. (2006). Towards Adaptive Support for On-line Learning, Technology-integrated Science and Engineering Education (TechSEE) Keynote Speech Taipei May 2006.
Sewall, J. & Bett, M. (2008). Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools and Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. Software & Information Industry Association Ed Tech Business Forum, December 2008.
Siler, S. A., Klahr, D., Magaro, C., & Willows, K. (2011). Training in Experimental Design (TED): Integrating Lab and Classroom Research into the Design of Computerized Instruction for Elementary and Middle School Students. Talk given at the 2011 National Association of Laboratory & University Affiliated Schools (NALS) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Siskin, C.B. (2005). Presentation of the software component at the “Multimedia Showcase” sponsored by the Robert Henderson Media Center at the University of Pittsburgh.
Smith, J. & Thille, C. (2009). "Learning Unbound: Disrupting the Baumol Effect in Higher Education.” Presented at the Forum for the Future of Higher Education Aspen Symposium. Aspen, CO. June 17, 2009.
Stamper, J. (2012). Datashop presentation as part of the Educational Data Mining meets Learning Analytics Panel held at the International conference on Learning Analytics Knowledge 2012 (LAK12).
Thille, C (2010). “Reforming Electric Energy Systems Curriculum.” Presented at 2010 ONR/NSF Sponsored Faculty Workshop, University of Minnesota. Tuscon, AZ . February 4, 2010.
Thille, C. (2009). “Evidence Based Design – OLI and OLNet.” Presented at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA. December 14, 2009
Thille, C. (2009). “The Open Learning Initiative and OLnet.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Consortium on Financing Higher Education. Philadelphia, PA. October 7, 2009.
Thille, C. (2009). “The Open Learning Initiative and OLnet.” Presented at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Grantees Conference. Monterey, CA March 3, 2009
Thille, C. (2009). "Engaging Students: The Open Learning Initiative.” Presented at the National Center for Academic Transformation Conference. March 22-24, Orlando FL.
Thille, C. (2010). “Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning.” Presented at University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. January 15, 2010.
Thille, C. (2010). “Open Learning Initiative – Online Math.” Presented at The American Mathematical Society Joint Math Meeting. San Francisco, CA. January 13, 2010.
Thille, C., Meyer, O., Moynihan, M. K., McClure, C., & Snell, M. E. (2010). CC-OLI Statstics: Free, Research-based Online Learning Materials. Talk given at The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges 36th Annual Conference (Boston, MA).
van de Sande, B. (2010). Physics homework using Andes. Talk given at Carnegie Learning, Pittsburgh, PA, Feb. 4, 2010.
VanLehn, K. (2006). Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC). International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Bloomington, IN, USA.
VanLehn, K. (2006). The Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center: Studying robust learning in LearnLab classrooms. International Conference on Cognition and Neural Science. Boston, MA.
VanLehn, K. (2009). Step-based tutoring systems emulate human tutors. TII-Vanguard Conference on Learning, Washington, DC, May 9-11 2009.
VanLehn, K. (2009). Transfer of Meta-Strategies. AAAI Fall Symposium. Washington, DC, November 10, 2009.
Vercelloti (2009). Choosing a verb complement: Use and accuracy in English L2. Presentation at PSLC/ELI Symposium on Research in an Intensive English Program, University of Pittsburgh, June 2009.
Vercellotti, M.L. (2011). “Norming Picture Story Prompts for Second Language Production Research: Fluency, Linguistic Items, and Speakers’ Perceptions”, (with Nel de Jong), American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, IL. March 26-29, 2011.
Vercellotti, M.L. (2012). “Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency: The Development of Language Performance”, Paper presented at Second Language Acquisition Research Symposium, English Language Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. July 7, 2012.
Walkington, C. (2010). UTeach National Conference Presentation (May 2010): Examining UTeach Outcomes: Classroom Observations of UTeach Graduates.
Walkington, C. (2011). Cognitive Science Society Presentation (July, 2011): Exploring the Assistance Dilemma: The Case of Context Personalization.
Walkington, C. (2011). Cognitive/Developmental Psychology Brownbag, University of Wisconsin (December 2011): Matching Instruction to Personal Interests: Impact on Performance and Learning.
Walkington, C. (2011). Interdisciplinary Training Program Seminar, University of Wisconsin (November, 2011): Teaching Effectiveness in Project-Based Settings: Bridges and Barriers to Building Conceptual Cohesion.
Walkington, C. (2011). Supporting Algebraic Reasoning with Context Personalization. Learning Science Luncheon Presentation (March, 2011).
Walkington, C. (2011). Functions Perspectives in Algebra: An Empirically-Grounded Framework for Assessing Student Knowledge. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session Presentation (April, 2011).
Walkington, C. (2011). Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative Presentation (June, 2011). UTeach, UTeach Replication, and the UTOP.
Walkington, C. (2011). Tangibility for the Teaching, Learning, and Communicating of Mathematics Advisory Board Meeting Presentation (October, 2011): Cognition from Action.
Walkington, C. (2012). Grounding Justifications in Concrete Embodied Experience: The Link between Action and Cognition. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Presentation (April 2012).
Walkington, C. (2012). Using Classroom Observation Research to Inform Debates about Teaching Effectiveness. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-Session Presentation (April, 2012).
Wu, S. (2008). The PSLC Chinese LearnLab Online project. The Opening Learning Interplay Symposium: The Evolution of Open Learning. March 10-12, 2008. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Wu, S. (2008). Literacy Promotion and Grammar Consolidation in an Intermediate Chinese Curriculum. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Chinese Languages Teachers Association (CLTA)/American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference. Nov 20- 23, 2008. Orlando, Florida.
Wu, S. (2008). Robust Learning of Language and Cultural Literacy in Chinese Online. Presented at the Multimedia Showcase. September 25, 2008, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Wylie, R. (2009). Does Self-Explanation Always Help?: The effects of adding self-explanation prompts to an English as a Second Language grammar tutor. Second Annual Inter-Science of Learning Center Student and Post-Doc Conference. February 5-7, 2009.
Wylie, R. & Koedinger, K.R. (2009). Self-Explanation and Second Language Grammar Learning. IES Research Conference. Washington DC. June 7-9, 2009.
Wylie, R., Koedinger, K.R. & Mitamura, T. (2009). Would someone explain this? Adding self-explanation to an English Article Tutor. Presentation at PSLC/ELI Symposium on Research in an Intensive English Program, University of Pittsburgh, June 2009.
Wylie, R., Mitamura, T. & Rankin, J. (2006). From Practice to Production: Developing Tutoring Systems for English Article Use. Presentation at the Three Rivers Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (3RTESOL) Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 28, 2006.
Wylie, R., Mitamura, T., Rankin, J. & Koedinger, K.R.. (2006). Two Tutors, One Goal: Two tutoring systems for teaching English articles. University of Pittsburgh’s Multimedia Showcase. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. September 27, 2006.
Wylie, R., Mitamura, T., Rankin, J., Koedinger, K.R. & MacWhinney, B. (2006). Developing Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Language Learning. Science of Learning Center Symposium at the Society for Neuroscience conference. Atlanta, Georgia. October 13, 2006.
Yaron, D., Karabinos, M., Davenport, J. & Leinhardt, G. (2006). Virtual labs and scenario-based activities for introductory chemistry. American Chemical Society - Penn-Ohio Regional Meeting, Theil College, Greenville, PA, October 2006.
Yaron, D., Karabinos, M., Davenport, J. & Leinhardt, G. (2006). Virtual lab activities for introductory chemistry labs, American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, September 2006.
Yaron, D., Leinhardt, G., Karabinos, M. et al (2005). “Virtual labs and scenario-based learning for introductory chemistry”, Pacifichem, Hawaii, December 2005.
Yu, Y. (2005). Designing systematic exercises to generate learning: How exercises should be developed for optimal effectiveness, Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA/ ACTFL), November 18-20, 2005, Baltimore, Maryland
Zhang, Z. (2005). Awareness of Chinese CALL Learners, The Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA/ ACTFL), November 18-20, 2005, Baltimore, Maryland.
Zhang, Z. (2006). The Development of Morphological Awareness and Literacy Skills in Young Heritage Chinese Learners. The Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA/ACTFL).