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LearnLab Partner Schools

Interested in becoming a LearnLab Partner School? Please contact:

LearnLab Partner Schools

Dr. Ashley Coudriet
Primary Contact for
LearnLab Schools

LearnLab Partner Schools

Dr. Maggie Hannan
Simon Initiative Associate
Director for K-12

Presentations for November 13th’s the 3rd Annual Educational Research In Practice Summit can be found here. Sponsored by CMU and Carnegie Learning, this annual event is an opportunity to experience the link between educational research and K-12 practice. Learn more.

Interested in getting involved in the practical application of LearnLab’s innovations in learning science and technology? Please see some options below and contact us if you are interested.

  • Does combining proven motivation and learning activities improve learning outcomes more than either separately. (The Gates Foundation has kindly provided $1.9 million for this research.)
  • MEME: Multiplier Effects on Math Education: For students struggling in 8th and 9th grade math, research has identified some things that can really help — like using technology to help personalize which math skills and concepts a student is practicing, helping them believe that learning math is valuable and relevant to their lives (motivation), and helping them keep tabs on what they have learned and have not so they can set math goals for themselves (“metacognition”, or “learning about learning”). We know these strategies are impactful (e.g., can each lead to 1.5-2x the learning) but they are often researched in isolation, and little is known about what happens when they are combined. Could certain combinations have a multiplier effect (perhaps 5x!) such that the impact is much greater than the sum of the parts? This project will design, implement, iteratively improve, and pilot test a set of interventions designed to improve motivation, metacognition, and cognition, and will conduct three experiments using different combinations of strategies, each one learning from the last, to see if a potent recipe exists.
  • NoRILLA (, developed and built on proven research at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), is a patented, award-winning mixed-reality system bridging the advantages of physical and virtual worlds to improve children’s inquiry based STEAM learning, based on national standards. It provides personalized interactive feedback to children as they experiment and make discoveries in their physical environment, fostering their curiosity. 

    Continuing research at CMU has shown that NoRILLA improves children’s learning by 5 times compared to equivalent tablet or computer games while also increasing their interest & enjoyment. Also, our research has shown that having our intelligent AI-based guided inquiry layer on top of physical experimentation improves children’s learning and engagement dramatically compared to traditional maker spaces.

    NoRILLA has received multiple awards including Mister Rogers Scholarship (Emmy’s College Television Awards in New Media for Children), Golden Award in Cultivating Curiosity at Reimagine Education and National Science Foundation (NSF) grants in Advanced Informal Science Learning and Accelerating Innovation Research Technology Transfer.

    Below you can see a recent article on Getting Smart about NoRILLA as well as some others:

Related News:


  • PL² is a project addressing the opportunity gap for marginalized students through personal mentoring and tutoring with artificial intelligence learning software. We are seeking additional partner organizations in formal or informal education for future phases of the PL^2 work. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Anne Sekula at or Maggie Hannan at

Related News:

  • Decimal Point  is an educational game situated in an amusement park and presents a variety of mini-games designed to help students practice working with decimal numbers. Our past NSF-sponsored research has shown that Decimal Point can help elementary and middle school students learn about decimal numbers better than more traditional instructional materials. We are looking for schools and teachers interested in participating with their 5th or 6th grade math classes in a whole-classroom study, which takes five to seven 45-minute class periods and can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for participating teachers. If you are interested in learning more about the decimal games study, please contact Dr. Bruce McLaren at

Our Partner Schools

Montour School District
School Collaborators:
Justin Aglio (LearnLab Visiting Scholar)
Director of K-4 Academic Achievement and K-12 Innovation
Twitter: @JustinAglio
Phone: 412-709-2357

Related news, see:


Armstrong School District
School Collaborators:
Ashley Coudriet, Ed.D., NBCT
CMU LearnLab Research Fellow
Phone: 724.594.6309

Carlynton School District
School Collaborators:
Ashley Coudriet, Ed.D., NBCT
CMU LearnLab Research Fellow
Phone: 724.594.6309

Cornell School District
School Collaborators:
Ashley Coudriet, Ed.D., NBCT
CMU LearnLab Research Fellow
Phone: 724.594.6309

Steel Valley School District
School Collaborators:
Ashley Coudriet, Ed.D., NBCT
CMU LearnLab Research Fellow
Phone: 724.594.6309

Hopewell Area School District
School Collaborators:
Ashley Coudriet, Ed.D., NBCT
CMU LearnLab Research Fellow
Phone: 724.594.6309

Deer Lakes School District
School Collaborators:
Bobbi Ann Barnes
Assistant Superintendent
Phone: 724-265-5300 Ext 1213