Kenneth R. KoedingerLearnLab Director
METALS Program Director
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute and Psychology
Hillman Professor of Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction
Michael BettLearnLab Managing Director
METALS Managing Director
Participating Faculty
Vincent AlevenDirector of the Undergraduate Program, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Associate Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./aleven/ |
Paulo CarvalhoSystems Scientist / Special Faculty
Human-Computer Interaction Institute Website: http://www.paulocarvalho.me/ |
Sharon CarverDirector, Carnegie Mellon Children’s School
Professor, Psychology
Chinmay KulkarniAssistant Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~chinmayk/
Marti LouwDirector, Learning Media Design Center
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Marsha LovettDirector, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence
Teaching Professor, Psychology
Bruce McLarenAssociate Research Professor
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./bmclaren/ |
Amy OganAssistant Professor
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://amyogan.com/ |
Carolyn Penstein RoséAssociate Professor, Language Technologies Institute and Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cprose/ |
John StamperAssistant Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Technical Director, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Datashop
Website: http://dev.stamper.org/ |
Erik HarpsteadSystems Scientist, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.erikharpstead.net/ |
Participating Staff
Maggie HannanDr. Maggie Hannan Simon Initiative Associate Director for K-12
Post Doctoral Students
- J Elizabeth Richey
- Nikki Lobczowski
- Nesra Yannier
Graduate Students
- Nicholas Diana
- Steven Dang
- Judith (Odili) Uchidiuno
- Daniel (Danny) Weitekamp
- Xu Wang