PSLC Year 5 Projects
New Year 5 projects
Refinement & Fluency CLUSTER ==> Cognitive Factors THRUST [Chuck]
- Macwhinney- Robustness-2nd Language Learning Learning_French_gender_cues_with_prototypes
- Nel de Jong - Second Language Learning Fostering_fluency_in_second_language_learning
- Julie Fiez - Fiez Project Plan
- **New -Out of Date** Wylie, Mitamura,Teruko Koedinger,Ken - IWT Assistance_Dilemma_English_Articles
- **New - Empty** Dunlap Perfetti,Charles Lexical Quality of English Second Language Learners
- **New - Empty** Balass - Nelson,Jessica Perfetti,Charles Learning ESL Vocabulary with Context and Definitions: Order Effects and Self-Generation Learning_ESL_Vocabulary_with_Context_and_Definitions:_Order_Effects_and_Self-Generation
- **New - Empty** Mizera Formulaic sequences and the development of L2 oral fluency
- **New** Liu - Perfetti,Charles Wang,Min Wu,Sue-mei guan,qun Integration of reading and writing in learning Chinese words and sentences Integration_of_reading,_writing_and_typing_in_learning_Chinese_words
Coordinative Learning CLUSTER ==> CF or Metacognition & Motivation THRUST [Ken]
- Butcher- Visual-Verbal Visual_Feature_Focus_in_Geometry:_Instructional_Support_for_Visual_Coordination_During_Learning_(Butcher_&_Aleven)
- **Out of Date** Salden- Worked Examples Worked_examples
- Roll- Labgebra
- Davenport - Visual Representations in Science
- **New - Empty** Aleven- Improving student affect through adding game elements to mathematics LearnLabs Math_Game_Elements
- **New - Empty** Aleven - Geometry Greatest Hits Geometry_Greatest_Hits
- **New** Aleven - Multiple Interactive Representation Sequencing_learning_with_multiple_representations_of_rational_numbers_(Aleven,_Rummel,_&_Rau)
Integrative Communication CLUSTER ==> Social Communicative THRUST [Chuck]
- Nokes - - Bridging Principles
- Van Lehn Ill defined Physics
- Walker- Collaborative Extensions
- Katz - Automated Dialogue Extending_Reflective_Dialogue_Support_(Katz_&_Connelly)
- **New** Nokes - Gadgil,Soniya Analogical Scaffolding in Collaborative Learning Analogical_Scaffolding_in_Collaborative_Learning
Computational Modeling and Data Mining THRUST [Ken]
- **New - Out of Date** Nokes - Hausmann,Robert Harnessing what you know: The role of analogy in robust learning
- Mclaren- Assistance Dilemma Mayer_and_McLaren_-_Social_Intelligence_And_Computer_Tutors
- **New** Matsuda - SimStudent Application_of_SimStudent_for_Error_Analysis
New thrusts "absorb" work from past clusters.