PSLC Postdocs
This page contains
- Information about PSLC Postdocs
- Information which is relevant to them and to new Postdocs
It is "maintained" by GregDyke, but anyone should feel free to edit it.
[hide]Who are the PSLC Postdocs?
Name | University/Department | Working With | PSLC Thrust and Projects | Research Interests | |
Suzanne Adlof | Pitt/? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Matthew Bernacki | Pitt/LRDC | Tim Nokes, Vincent Aleven | Metacognition and Motivation; Nokes - Questionnaires | | My research focuses on how students learn in classroom and computer-based learning environments. Of particular interest to me are students’ self-regulated learning behaviors as well as their achievement goals, level of self-efficacy, and prior knowledge. |
Fan Cao | Pitt/? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Min Chi | CMU/MLD | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Sherice Clarke | Pitt/? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
John Connelly | Pitt/? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Amy Crosson | Pitt/LRDC | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Gregory Dyke | CMU/LTI | Carolyn Rosé | Social and Communicative Factors Thrust 9th grade Biology Cancer support groups | | I am interested in the creation of tools to help humans analyse data of computer mediated collaboration (and learning). My PhD resulted in the creation of Tatiana (Trace Analysis Tool for Interaction ANAlysts), a flexible, extensible tool particularly well suited for the analysis of small group face to face and computer mediated interaction. My current work involves examining and assisting the discovery of how interaction unfolds over time. |
Seiji Isotani | CMU/HCII | Bruce McLaren | AdaptErrEx Project | |
Laura Halderman | Pitt/? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Ido Roll | UBC/? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Oscar Saz | CMU/LTI | Maxine Eskenazi | Cognitive Factors (Fulbright funding) | | My interest is language learning, especially pronunciation and phonology. For my PhD in Spain, we developed a set of multimodal tools for language training and rehabilitation of impaired children ( Here in CMU, I will work in developing tutors that prevent second language learners from making pronunciation errors which can generate a confusion in the understanding of the message by a human listener, as we have the hypothesis that not all pronunciation errors affect in the same way the communication among humans. |
Stephanie Siler | CMU/Psychology | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Zelha Tunc-Pekkan | CMU/HCII | Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel | Learning with multiple graphical representations in a complex, real-world domain: intelligent software tutors for fractions. (NSF funded project) | | Children's mathematical learning (more specifically construction of fraction knowledge), test and tutor development aligned with children's thinking, teacher in service. |
Candace Walkington | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Mitchell Nathan, Jim Greeno | Motivation & Metacognition - The Impact of Context Personalization on Problem Solving in Algebra | | personalization, motivation, story problems |
Michael Yudelson | CMU/HCII | Phil Pavlik | ? | ? | User modeling, Educational Data Mining |
Meeting Notes and Schedule
Summer meetings continue and include presentations of post-docs' current projects and research agendas to their peers.
Dates and topics for Fall meetings are forthcoming (by mid August)
Apr 2011
Joint meeting with PSLC junior faculty "Setting up a lab." Carolyn Rose
Mar 2011
- A joint meeting was held with PSLC junior faculty. Topic was "Designing Research Programs"
- the event was well attended by both postdocs and junior faculty
- conversation was vibrant, with conversation focusing on aligning one's research program to a compelling problem for both researchers and the organizations that fund research (IES, NSF)
Feb 2011
- informal debrief of AB visit
- set agenda for Spring AB visits, collaboration with Jr Faculty members
getting a lab up and running How to vet students (grad, work studies) Organizational strategies (personnel) Management strategies Lab meetings Wiki People vs pipeline research programs designing it refining it (or refocusing it) maintaining it when moving to a new space
- Matt Bernacki informally discussed research program & Model of Contextualized Learning
Jan 2011
- SWOT delivered 1/21/11 to advisory board in morning breakout session.
- PSLC lunches will be organized by Sherice Clarke from Feb-August 2011; spring schedule will be announced later this month
Dec 2010
- meeting cancelled
- representative met with grad students; completed SWOT
Nov 2010
- Prepared SWOT for AB
- Matt will attend the Grad Student SWOT meeting on Dec 6.
- Decided to setup a wiki page modeled on the Grad Student wiki page (Greg)
- Matt will set up a doodle to plan next set of meetings (let him know of any conferences you are planning to attend over the summer)
What lists should I sign up for?
- pslc-pier-announce -- guest speaker, job, and special announcements from David Klahr and other PIER members
- pslc-post-docs -- the post doc list
- pslc-members and pslc-announce -- both of these are for general PSLC announcements, one internal and one external
- The list for your thrust.
- Contact Jo Bodnar ( to be added to these.
- * if you are a CMU-affiliated PSLC post-doc, you should also email Liz Rangel ( for LRDC's weekly mailing which includes announcements for events hosted at LRDC as well as position and general announcements.
What do the PSLC Postdocs do as an entity?
- Have regular meetings (about once a month) to discuss issues relevant to our experience as Postdocs. These should also encourage smaller meetings to promote cross-thrust collaboration when our research goals overlap.
I'm a new Postdoc. Can you give me a quick overview of PSLC?
- Big question... it's probably most beneficial to familiarize yourself with the overview on the wiki, then read your thrust's most recent thrust plan and subgoals. A good overview is easy to obtain by attending all the sessions during visits by the Advisory Board and/or NSF program officers.
I'm a new Postdoc. What should I do and who should I talk to?
- * Sign up for mailing lists
- * Meet other people in your thrust
- * There are also monthly PSLC lunches
- * Read up on the projects your thrust is involved in
- * Check out the other thrusts