Instructional Principles and Hypotheses
Instructional Principles
The PSLC maintains a collection of instructional principle pages. Each instructional principle page should be structured with the following headers:
- Brief statement of principle
- Description of principle
- Experimental support
- Laboratory experiment support
- In vivo experiment support
- Theoretical rationale (these entries should link to one or more learning processes)
- Conditions of application
- Caveats, limitations, open issues, or dissenting views
- Variations (descendants)
- Generalizations (ascendants)
- References
Descendants: Instructional Principles
From Category:Independent Variables
In all Clusters
- Example-rule coordination
- Visual-verbal integration
- Self-explanation - listed as "prompted self-explanation" in matrices
- Feature focusing
- Collaboration
- Collaboration scripts
- Collaboratively observe
- Deep/Reflection questions
- Instructional explanation
- Self-explanation -- listed as "prompted self-explanation" in matrices
- Active Processing
- Error correction support
- Explicit instruction
- Fluency Pressure not listed
- Feedback Timing not listed
- Feature Focusing
- Knowledge Accessibility
- Optimized scheduling not listed as independent variable
- Tutoring feedback
Unclassified Assistance Availability Contiguous Representation Deep-level question Elaborated Explanations Fading Implicit instruction Instructional method Instructional schedule Jointly constructed explanation Knowledge Construction Dialogues Learning by worked-out examples Learning event scheduling Peer tutoring Reflection questions Scaffolding Worked examples