Instructional Principles and Hypotheses
Instructional Principles
The PSLC maintains a collection of instructional principle pages. Each instructional principle page should be structured with the following headers:
- Brief statement of principle
- Description of principle
- Operational definition
- Examples
- Experimental support
- Laboratory experiment support
- In vivo experiment support
- Theoretical rationale (these entries should link to one or more learning processes)
- Conditions of application
- Caveats, limitations, open issues, or dissenting views
- Variations (descendants)
- Generalizations (ascendants)
- References
Descendants: Instructional Principles
From Category:Independent Variables
In all Clusters
- Example-rule coordination
- Visual-verbal integration
- Self-explanation - listed as "prompted self-explanation" in matrices
- Feature focusing
- Collaboration
- Collaboration scripts
- Collaboratively observe
- Deep/Reflection questions
- Instructional explanation
- Self-explanation -- listed as "prompted self-explanation" in matrices
- Active Processing
- Error correction support
- Explicit instruction
- Fluency Pressure not listed
- Feedback Timing not listed
- Feature Focusing
- Knowledge Accessibility
- Optimized scheduling not listed as independent variable
- Tutoring feedback
Unclassified Assistance Availability Contiguous Representation Deep-level question Elaborated Explanations Fading Implicit instruction Instructional method Instructional schedule Jointly constructed explanation Knowledge Construction Dialogues Learning by worked-out examples Learning event scheduling Peer tutoring Reflection questions Scaffolding Worked examples
You can copy the following into an instructional principle page you want to edit and then insert existing text into appropriate sections and add text in other sections.
==Brief statement of principle== ==Description of principle== ===Operational definition=== ===Examples=== ==Experimental support== ===Laboratory experiment support=== ===In vivo experiment support=== ==Theoretical rationale== (These entries should link to one or more [[:Category:Learning Processes|learning processes]]) ==Conditions of application== ==Caveats, limitations, open issues, or dissenting views== ==Variations (descendants)== ==Generalizations (ascendants)== ==References==