Collected User Requests
Have a link from the DataShop to the Theory Wiki (Dataset to Project Page)
- Michael Bett, ET Mtg 11/14/2007
- From meeting minutes:
- Michael: Link the dataset to the project page? In the pipeline have a clickable link to the project page (make project name clickable).
- Brett: Link to a dataset directly? Is that obvious to users? Click on dataset link -> log in -> redirected back to dataset.
Annotations on transaction level
- Ryan, ET Mtg 12/5/2007
- Has models which can annotate something like: gaming, bored, etc.
Annotate Pages
- Ryan, DS Team Mtg 5/23/2008
- See cool thing created by Jeffery Heer where all the settings of the page were recorded with the comment.
Annotations on the student level
- Ido Roll, Interview with Brett Leber, 1/19/2009
- Can annotate on student level, a percentage the student is gaming
- Ido has mentioned annotations on the student level
Dataset Discussion - Capture data-integrity issues
- Ken Koedinger, Team Meeting, 8/15/2009
- As a stakeholder in the DataShop project, I want to capture and publicize the data-integrity issues discovered with data sets so that data is better documented (and so we've fulfilled a promise to our funders to better document data).
- As a user of DataShop, I want to discuss datasets and have that discussion attached to the dataset so that others can comment and better understand any data-integrity issues I've found.
Linking to internal pages
- Alida, 10/18/2007
- It would be handy if a link can be saved to any dataset, sample, page in the DataShop.
- Currently, works if you are already logged in.
Data Modeling
Non-KC Modeling
Automatic Distillation
- Ryan, Summer 2008, Startup Memo
- As an educational data miner wishing to develop a machine learned model with PSLC data, I would like to be able to automatically distill data features (e.g. custom fields) commonly used in past educational data mining research for a new data set (see, for instance, Baker, Corbett, Roll, & Koedinger, 2008 in UMUAI)
- Could be implemented as a plug-in
- Also interested in this feature idea:
- Dan Franklin, Oct 2008
Upload model and apply it to new data set
- EDM researcher would like to take a model, expressable as a linear formula on DataShop fields, or a simple code procedure (e.g. Bayesian Knowledge Tracing, which Ryan has code for), and apply it to a new data set [Maxine, Sept 2008; Ryan, Sept 2008; required for prior Hao request]
- May work best as a plug-in
- Code to display GUI to choose which data sets to use, calls model code, re-import to DataShop
- Good to have a way to apply many models, as soon as you import a data set
- Phil has an idea that maybe fits within this one. Please move if there's a better category [Brett Leber]
This [transaction? kc? --ed.] relabeling is really mostly about enabling modeling in DataShop right? With this in mind, I think that it is actually a higher priority to have model alternatives in DataShop.... E.g. Investigators should be able to give you chunks of Java code according to a certain specification, and DataShop should be then able to run these over datasets (perhaps after a certain series of QA occurs according to an SOP) when the investigator clicks some button in DataShop.... Obviously this is a much large project than adding columns, but it is also much more important in my mind.
--Phil Pavlik, email to Brett on 1/14/2009
- Examples:
- Example: running gaming detector in multiple tutors and comparing gaming frequencies
- Example: applying Bayesian Knowledge Tracing to a new data set from the same LearnLab
- Example: applying Ben Shih's models to many data sets [Ben Shih should be included in design of this feature; he is interested, and has a lot of good ideas]
Add Different Predicted Values
- Ken Koedinger, ET Meeting, 10/10/2007
- Would also like to add statistics, different predicted values than what LFA produces.
Bayesian Knowledge Tracing
- Ryan Baker, Startup Memo, Summer 2008
- Bayesian Knowledge-Tracing built into DataShop like LFA is [Ryan, startup memo, summer 2008]
Richer statistics for KC modeling
- Ken Koedinger, Email "new feature request", 1/22/2009
- In addition, to the model stats and estimates generated for learning factor models, we should also create difficulty factor models (i.e., ones with "Slope" parameter). The latter is particularly relevant for the Unique-Step model where the slope parameter is meaningless (but still counts against the BIC value).
- Relatedly, we should report significance values on the Slope parameters -- that is, when is the Slope significantly different from 0.
- The KC models page perhaps should also report the log-likelihood and number of parameters (in addition to BIC) and leave out AIC. We might also consider other metrics of model generality, like the "adjusted R2" (if I have this name right -- Joe Beck mentioned in the Assistments meeting yesterday).
- These changes will be part of meeting the CMDM goal of improvement in (or at least demonstrate acceptability of) the cognitive models in 90+ units in our LearnLab courses (or affiliates).
KC Modeling
Automatically discovering new KC model
- Vincent Aleven, Sept 2008
- Possible to run some code (perhaps Hao's KC model selection code, perhaps something else generated by CMDM thrust) to find new best KC model.
- As a learning sciences researcher, I would like DataShop to discover a new/better KC model for me.
- Could be done as a plug-in
Same Skill Twice on Same Step
- Ken Koedinger, email, 2/4/2009
- Would like to be able to apply the same skill to a step twice during a KC Model Import.
Save KC Model Import Files
- Ken Koedinger, email 3/4/2009
- KC Model Import - save the file used to create the KCMs in case we need to recreate them.
Generate new KC Models with LFA
- Not sure who asked for this.
- It would be nice to generate new KC Models with Hao's LFA code
- Would need to specify factors.
- Ideas on where this could run?
- On a separate server? Request it to be run, specify duration. Have separate server queue up requests, email user when done.
- In Java Applet on client machine? [Phil]
Log Likelihood and MAD
- Hao Cen
- Log Likelihood, MAD problem, MAD step (store and show)
Home Page
Analyses by LearnLab
- Organize data by LearnLab, not by "data set" [Ryan, Aug 2008; Bob, Sep 2008; Maxine, Sep 2008]
- Essentially, current data sets become samples, but the top-level unit is the LearnLab. You can take every data set in a LearnLab together as a sample.
- Implies being able to run analyses across data sets, and export multiple data sets together; to create multi-data set samples
- As a user of DataShop, I would like to look at learning curves for all Algebra data together (for example), or export all Algebra data
- Important long-term, but is a lot of work -- in particular, we need to solve scalability issues first.
Save Settings Between Sessions
- Bob Hausmann, User Meeting, 2/1/2008
- DS could save settings between sessions.
- "I do a lot of redoing the same steps" (eg, set cutoffs, select a KC model, select students).
Multiple steps per transaction
- Kurt van Lehn, Feb 2007
- Needed so that we do not have to create multiple transactions for the same actual action for Andes logs.
Demographic data
- This has been mentioned by NSF visitors, AB, ESL, and some researchers.
- Also mentioned at Winter Workshop 1/23/2008.
- Derek/Sue-mei: Student background information not in DataShop. Would like to see a student or set of students from a particular demographic, and view them across datasets!
- Note that Gail added demographic data to Additional Notes field on the Dataset Info page for many datasets. The idea here is to put that data into the database somewhere.
Single Sign On
- Michael Bett, email, 10/8/2007
- It would be nice if the following services have a single login account/password:
- Theory Wiki
- DataShop
Filter KCs by Name
As a researcher working with KCs, I want to filter KCs based on their names, so that I can...
- Vincent Aleven, Email, 2/3/2008
- "Since Alida said you cannot have two mechanisms for putting together your KC set (i.e., cannot have both the selecting-by-clicking and selecting-by-filtering), I would probably opt for the latter."
- Alida: I thought Vincent mentioned that he'd like to select which KCs are in a set by filtering on the name. Example: Include KCs with '*reason*' in the name and exclude KCs with '*given*' in the name.
- This could be an addition to our v3.0 KC-selection mechanism--filter by name.
- Vincent, Email, 5/6/2009: Expressed another need for this feature. Could just allow for a wider area and longer list so that more items can be checked at once. The number of characters we show right now is not enough because in many cases that number of characters is the same across many of the skills. Reference data set: Geometry CWCTC 2005-2006
- Status: Design Started
Facebook-style KC Selection
As a researcher working with KCs, I want to select KCs based on the learning curve thumbnail, so that I can see quickly which ones I'm interested in exploring more deeply.
- Feature already designed for v3.0, not implemented due to time constraints.
- Agreed this would be really useful [Kirsten Butcher, User Mtg, 1/31/2008]
- Status: Guestimate: 20 days, need to revisit requirements document
New Visualizations/Reports
Student-KC Rollup
As a researcher, I want to see KCs rolled up by student, so that I can ...
- Vincent Aleven, User Mtg, 1/29/2008
- By Student-KC would be more useful than by Student-Problem
- Example: # Steps asking for a hint or error or what proportion had help
- How often bottom out hint
Dataset Info
Pointers to Hard-copy Data
- Brett van de Sande, NSF Site Visit, 5/28/2008
- Pointers to hard-copy data such as paper tests and/or homework. Include contact information. It doesn't seem to make sense to scan a whole filing cabinet of paper if no one wants to look at it. And any secondary researchers don't know about the filing cabinet to ask for it.
Error Report
Learning Curve
Performance Profiler
Sample Selector
Web Services
See prioritized items on DataShop Feature Wish List.