Student Filter Dialog
Status: Requirements Complete; Estimate Needed; Guesstimate: 8 weeks
User Story
As a researcher, I want the ability to more easily create groups of students—without typing in each student's anonymous ID—so that I can compare one group of students that made it to the post-test with another group of students that made it to the delayed post-test.
- I want to create student sets so that I can compare a set of students that made it to the post-test and a then compare a different set of students that made it to the delayed post-test.[Kirsten Butcher 1/31/2008]
- Formerly called 'Students Sets/Filters'
- Ken had a similar idea, that is to add a save button in the side bar. [Ken 2006]
- The idea is to allow the user to select students and then open this dialog to create or modify a sample with those students.
See complete DataShop Feature Wish List.