Ido 1. What are 1-3 best examples of PSLC accomplishments? How have these been “transformative” (NSF buzzword) for the learning sciences or education?
- Technological infrastructure for course implementation and evaluation
- Framework for comparison and meta-analysis of studies
- Surviving 4 years of NSF big-brotherhood without anyone loosing their minds permanently
2. What are 1-3 best of PSLC accomplishments that results, at least in part, because of having a center (these could be the same as #1)? For each, why was this accomplishment less likely to have happened without the center (i.e., why couldn’t a regular grant have resulted in the same outcome)?
- Individual projects are islands of afordability - it is the center that bridges between them to create an infrastructure.
- It is through the on-going discussion and the breadth of projects that the framework was created. The framework emerged from this combination of top-down and bottom up process, that included researchers above the critical math.
3. Building off what we have accomplished, what are 1-3 ideas for where PSLC research should go in the future and how would these ideas be “transformative” for learning science or education?
- More meta-analysis should be conducted on existing results using the existing framework. This meta-analysis should be done in two levels:
- Integrating results from different studies
- Looking at learning phenomenas across existing data-sets
- This analysis should be contribute in two ways:
- Generating better science
- Generating better instructional principles.
- Integration is the keyword here. Just like it required a center to turn the technological islands of affordability (e.g., CTAT) into a complete infrastructure, the next task of the center should be to bridge between the local islands of knowledge and principles to a more complete picture, or sheet.
From a collection of 0-D local principles to a sheet of 2-D knowledge.