Understanding encoding inhibition, retrieval inhibition and destructive interference effects of errors during practice

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Revision as of 14:19, 29 March 2007 by PhilPavlik (talk | contribs) (Abstract)
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PIs Pavlik, Koedinger
Faculty Koedinger
Postdocs Pavlik
Others with > 160 hours n/a
Learnlab None (stimuli from Chinese learnlab)
Number of participants 10
Total Participant Hours 15
Datashop? Expected date 7/15


This experiment has recently begun. The hypothesis is that errors during learning reduce performance through causing some sort of interference effect. Essentially the question is if you get item A wrong at time t, does that effect the chance of getting B wrong at time t+1. If such effects occur then the model of practice used for optimized scheduling will need to be revised to be more accurate. Such an improvement in accuracy should then translate to increased gains for students that have practice controlled by the model.


Research question

Background and significance

Dependent variables

Independent variables





Optimizing the practice schedule

Annotated bibliography
