Integrating Regular and Irregular Forms
PIs | Nora Presson, Brian MacWhinney, Nuria Sagarra |
Faculty | MacWhinney |
Postdocs | n/a |
Others with > 160 hours | n/a |
Study Start Date | 09/10 |
Study End Date | 12/10 |
Learnlab | n/a |
Number of participants (total) | |
Number of participants (treatment) | |
Total Participant Hours | |
Datashop? |
Following the initial study of Spanish students practicing with irregular verbs (Rules_vs._Analogy_in_Spanish_Irregular_Verbs), we use a similar practice activity that adds regular verbs (in addition to those inflectional forms of irregular verbs that follow the regular pattern).
Research question
There are two major methodological changes from the first study. First, we implement as between- instead of within-subjects the instructional manipulation, whether incorrect feedback is presented as a rule for when stem transformations are appropriate or presented as the correct answer with a correct and analogous high-frequency exemplar to model.
Second, we are interested in how regular forms of verbs that sometimes require transformations on the stem (i.e., regular forms of "irregular" verbs) differ from forms where the verb is regular (i.e., no forms require a transformation). It is possible that the structure of the first experiment, presenting only verbs that do require a transformation, led to an expectation of irregularity, which would explain how some groups declined in accuracy on the regular forms of those irregular verbs (although not by much) after training.